
Maths Mock Exams

Focus solely on what matters for your Maths exams. Our mock exam papers are fully aligned to your exam board, giving you the practice you need on the most relevant questions. Created by expert teachers and tutors, they're regularly updated to cover the latest syllabus. Work through realistic exam scenarios and submit your paper to review your answers using AI, mark schemes or solutions. Start now with our Maths mock exams to boost your confidence and exam readiness.

Articles and resources for Maths students


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Francesca, Head of Science
Jenna, Head of Humanities & Social Sciences
Lucy, Head of STEM
Stewart, Chemistry Lead
Dan, Maths
Jamie, Maths
Katie, Physics
Richard, Chemistry
Amber, Maths
Astrid, VP of Content
Lara, Biology Lead
Phil, Biology Project Lead
Ruth, Biology
Leander, Physics
Naomi C, Maths
Naomi H, Biology
Mark, Maths
Ali, Biology & Environmental Systems and Societies
Paul, Maths
Ashika, Physics Project Lead