TikTokers Reveal The Biggest Viral Study Trends Right Now
In the run-up to exam season, many students are crazily trying to fit in the last minute revision that will bring success on results day when they open the envelopes.
It’s not just the traditional revision methods that many teenagers are using - they’re heading to Tiktok to find tips - with #Studywithme and #Studytips having a staggering number of 8.5 and 89 billion views.
We've teamed up with TikTok creators: A-level Help, Tahmid, Studyplate and Patricia to uncover just what these viral studying trends are.
Written by: Katie Walker
Last updated

The blurting revision technique was first made popular by the successful YouTube ‘study sphere’ content creator, Unjaded Jade and is now one of the most popular revision techniques to grace TikTok. Blurting, also known as a memory dump, involves quickly reading a section of a textbook or study guide then closing the book and jotting down as much information as you can remember. - a way to test what you know about a certain topic.
According to A-level help (632.6k followers), blurting is a trending, highly effective and an active recall technique much more enjoyable than other typical revision techniques. Despite being highly popular on the social media platform, Tahmid (227.5k followers) mentioned that “many students fail to understand what it actually is and mock the method itself”.
Studying until the candle goes out
Also known as “Candle Study”, this sees the student lighting candles before study sessions, using the candle as a timer for how long they plan to study for and wraps up when the candle has burnt out.
Studyplate (41.1k followers) and A-level help both agree that this is an aesthetically pleasing and motivational trend - people tend to be more productive when they’re pressed for time, but despite its popularity, Patricia (45.9k followers) thinks the method hasn’t actually provided any results as people would actually complain about not being able to focus for such a long period of time.
Scribble with the non-dominant hand while studying with dominant
Scribbling, or doodling, with your non-dominant hand while studying is another latest trend circulating the TikTok. According to Harvard University, doodling helps improve memory, relieves stress and increases retention. A-level help and Patricia find this method to be profoundly helpful to keep focused and alert.
Transparent sticky notes
Who would have thought sticky notes could be trendy? Colourful sticky notes have long been used for revision. However, TikTokers are going crazy over transparent sticky notes. These translucent, aesthetic post-its are very helpful for science subjects when it comes to tracing charts and sketching diagrams. They’re also great for studying and making notes without damaging the reading materials. Patricia thinks it’s a great idea for charts and can be helpful for long-term studying but doesn’t really work for last-minute revision as it takes time to trace and sketch diagrams.
But do these techniques actually work?
Find out what Save My Exams’ expert teachers had to say about these TikTok study trends:
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