Which two elements are the most commonly found in the Sun?
Hydrogen and oxygen
Helium and carbon
Hydrogen and helium
Nitrogen and oxygen
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6.2 Stars & The Universe
Which two elements are the most commonly found in the Sun?
Hydrogen and oxygen
Helium and carbon
Hydrogen and helium
Nitrogen and oxygen
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Light from distant galaxies appears red-shifted to observers on Earth.
Which of the following ideas does this provide evidence for?
The Big Bang Theory
The Universe is expanding
Distant galaxies are moving both towards us and away from us
1 only
1 and 2
2 only
1, 2 and 3
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Which is the correct value of one light year?
9.5 × 1015 km
9.5 × 1015 m
9.5 × 1015 s
9.5 × 1015 days
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Which of the four possible shapes of galaxies shown could be the Milky Way?
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Which of the following is the best description of redshift?
Distant galaxies only emit light from the red end of the spectrum.
Only red light can reach Earth from very distant stars.
Stars in the Milky Way mostly emit light at the red end of the spectrum,
The light received from distant galaxies is moved towards the red end of the spectrum.
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How many years would it take light to travel from the centre of the Milky Way to the outer edge?
500 years
50 000 years
100 000 years
100 000 light years
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What is the process which makes stable stars such as the Sun shine, and which element produced in the reaction?
| Process | Element |
A | fusion | oxygen |
B | fission | hydrogen |
C | fusion | helium |
D | fission | hydrogen |
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Which of the following describes the lifecycle of a star about the size of the Sun?
interstellar hydrogen clouds → protostar → main sequence star → red supergiant → black hole
interstellar hydrogen clouds → planetary nebula → main sequence star → red giant → protostar→ white dwarf
interstellar hydrogen clouds → protostar → main sequence star → red giant → planetary nebula → white dwarf
interstellar hydrogen clouds → protostar → main sequence star → red supergiant → neutron star
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In the Sun, energy is transferred from an energy store.
Which energy is being released and what is the name of the reaction that releases this energy inside the Sun?
| Energy | Reaction |
A | chemical | burning |
B | chemical | radiation |
C | nuclear | fission |
D | nuclear | fusion |
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The light emitted from a galaxy is redshifted when detected on Earth.
How does the frequency of the light when detected on Earth compare with its frequency when emitted and in what direction is the galaxy moving?
| Frequency of light when detected on Earth | Direction of movement of galaxy |
A | less than frequency of emission | away from Earth |
B | less than frequency of emission | towards Earth |
C | greater than frequency of emission | away from Earth |
D | greater than frequency of emission | towards Earth |
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Which particles are found inside the nucleus of an atom?
neutrons and electrons
electrons and protons
neutrons only
neutrons and protons
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