Right-Angled Triangles: Pythagoras & Trigonometry (Cambridge O Level Maths)

Exam Questions

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5 marks

Here is a rectangle.


The 8-sided shape below is made from 4 of these rectangles and 4 congruent right-angled triangles.


Work out the perimeter of the 8-sided shape.
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4 marks

Trianglespace A B C spacehas perimeter 20 cm.

A B space= 7 cm.
B C space= 4 cm.

By calculation, deduce whether triangle space A B C spaceis a right-angled triangle.

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3 marks

The length of one side of a rectangle is 12cm.
The length of the diagonal of the rectangle is 13cm.

Calculate the area of the rectangle.

.......................................... cm2

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Calculate the area of this trapezium.

cie-igcse-q17-area-trapeziumGive your answer as an exact value.

......................................... cm2

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A B C D is a rectangle.
C D E is a straight line.

A B = 12 cm
Angle A C B= 60°
Angle E A C = 90°

Calculate the length of C E.
You must show all your working.

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