Time, Currency & Conversions (Cambridge O Level Maths)

Exam Questions

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Aimee changes 250 euros into dollars.
The exchange rate is 1 euro = $1.10 .

Calculate the number of dollars Aimee receives.


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A train journey takes 5 hours 54 minutes.

The journey starts at 09 15.
Find the time that the journey ends.

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A train leaves Zurich at 22 40 and arrives in Vienna at 07 32 the next day.

Work out the time the train takes.

 ................. h ................... min

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Jodi swims 22 lengths of a swimming pool to raise money for charity.
She receives $15 for each length she swims.
Calculate how much money Jodi raises for charity.

$ ..................................................

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Insert the correct symbol =, > or < to make each statement correct.

0.6kg .................. 60g

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Insert the correct symbol =, > or < to make each statement correct.

15 km .................. 15000 m

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Insert the correct symbol =, > or < to make each statement correct.

4 m2 .................. 400 cm2

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Bernard bought a game in the USA for $15.
Alice bought the same game in Zambia and paid the equivalent price in Zambian kwacha (ZK).

Exchange Rate
1ZK = $0.075

Calculate the price that Alice paid.


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Two villages, Foxby and Glanton, are joined by a footpath and a road.

Abdul walks along the footpath from Foxby to Glanton.
He walks for 2 hours 14 minutes and arrives at Glanton at 1510.

Calculate the time Abdul left Foxby.

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The times of buses from Aytown to Deetown are shown.

Aytown 07 04 08 04 08 56  09 00 09 32 10 56
Beetown - - 09 05 - 09 41 11 05
Ceetown 07 18 08 18 09 14 - - 11 14
Deetown 07 35 08 35 09 31 09 28 10 05 11 31

Maryam lives in Ceetown and has to be in Deetown by 09 30.
What time is the latest bus from Ceetown that she can catch?

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Aadil catches the 09 32 from Aytown to Deetown.
How long does his journey take?


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Carlos starts work at 21 20 and finishes at 06 15 the next day.

Calculate how long Carlos is at work.

..................... h ..................... min

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Linda is going on holiday to the Czech Republic.
She needs to change some money into koruna.

She can only change her money into 100 koruna notes.

Linda only wants to change up to £200 into koruna.
She wants as many 100 koruna notes as possible.

The exchange rate is £1 = 25.82 koruna.

How many 100 koruna notes should she get?

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One morning, Marcia works from 08 20 to 11 15.
Find how long she works for.

Give your answer in hours and minutes.

.................... h .................... min

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Convert 0.17m2 into cm2.

......................................... cm2

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Here is part of a train timetable for a journey from London to Marseille.
All times given are in local time.
The local time in Marseille is 1 hour ahead of the local time in London.

London 07 19
Ashford 07 55
Lyon 13 00
Avignon 14 08
Marseille 14 46

Work out the total journey time from London to Marseille.
Give your answer in hours and minutes.

.................. h ...................... min

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The sign shows the fees charged at a campsite.
Today there are 54 tents and 18 caravans on the site.
Calculate the fees charged today.

$ .................................................

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