Area & Perimeter (Cambridge O Level Maths)

Exam Questions

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2 marks

Rectangle A measures 3 cm by 8 cm.


Five rectangles congruent to A are joined to make a shape.


Work out the perimeter of this shape.

........................................... cm

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3 marks


Find the area of triangle ABC.

............................................. m2

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4 marks

The diagram shows the plan of a small field.


Kevin is going to keep some pigs in the field.
Each pig needs an area of 36 square metres.

Work out the greatest number of pigs Kevin can keep in the field.

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4 marks

The diagram shows a path around a pond.

The pond is in the shape of a rectangle with length 7m and width 4m.
The path is 3m wide.

Ali is going to cover the path with gravel.
One bag of gravel will cover 10 m2 of the path.

How many bags of gravel does Ali need to buy?
You must show your working.

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2 marks


The diagram shows a container in the shape of a prism with an open top.
The cross-section of the prism, A B C D, is a trapezium.
A B space equals space 14 space cm, C D space equals space 26 space cm and B F space equals space 30 space cm.
The height of the container is 8 space cm.

Calculate the area of trapezium A B C D.

......................................... cm2

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2 marks


The diagram shows trapezium A B C D.
A B space equals space 7 cm and D C space equals space 10 cm..
The area of A B C D is 85 space cm squared
The perpendicular height of the trapezium is h cm.

Find the value of h.


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2 marks


The area of triangle A B C is 27 space cm squared and A B space equals space 6 cm.
Calculate the value of h.

h space equals space................................................

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1 mark

An equilateral triangle has sides of length 15 cm, correct to the nearest centimetre.
Calculate the upper bound of the perimeter of this triangle.

....................................... cm

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2 marks

An equilateral triangle has side length 12 cm, correct to the nearest centimetre.

Find the lower bound and the upper bound of the perimeter of the triangle.

Lower bound = ......................................... cm     
Upper bound = ......................................... cm     

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2 marks

The length of the side of a square is 12 cm, correct to the nearest centimetre.

Calculate the upper bound for the perimeter of the square.

........................................... cm

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2 marks


The vertices of a square ABCD lie on the circumference of a circle, radius 8 cm.
Calculate the area of the square.

 ......................................... cm2

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4 marks


A B C D is a square with a side length of 4 x
M is the midpoint of D C.
N is the point on A D where N D space equals space x

B M N is a right-angled triangle.

Find an expression, in terms of x, for the area of triangle B M N.
Give your expression in its simplest form.

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7 marks

ABCD is a trapezium.


The perimeter of the trapezium is 56 cm.
The ratio AD : AB : DC : BC = 5 : 12 : 6 : 5.

Calculate the area of the trapezium.
Show your working.


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6 marks

Here is the floor plan of a rectangular room.


Tim buys carpet tiles for this room.

Each tile is a square measuring 50cm by 50cm.
The tiles are only sold in packs of ten.
Each pack costs £20.
Tim pays for fitting at a rate of £7.50 per square metre, with any fraction of a square metre rounded up.

Work out the total cost of the tiles and fitting.

£ .......................... 

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3 marks

The lengths of the sides of two squares are integers, when measured in cm.
The difference between the areas of the two squares is 36cm2.

Find the lengths of the sides of the two squares.

.............................. cm
.............................. cm

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