Mathematical Symbols
What mathematical symbols do I need to know?
- Starting with the basic four operations
Addition, plus, sum, total
Subtraction, minus, difference, take away
Multiplication, product, times
Division, quotient, divide, share
- Equals signs
Equal to e.g.
Not equal to e.g.
Approximately equal to e.g.
Identical to e.g.
- Inequality signs
Greater than e.g.
Less than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
- Other helpful symbols
Brackets: used to group symbols e.g.
Powers (also called indices, order or exponents): repeated multiplication of the base number
Square root: opposite of squaring e.g.
Plus Minus: Used to allow for two distinct answers, often in quadratics
is shorthand for
e.g. leading to
Pi: the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter