Text, Sound & Images (Cambridge (CIE) O Level Computer Science)

Exam Questions

21 mins7 questions
11 mark

The Unicode character set is used to represent text that is typed into a computer.

One disadvantage of using the Unicode character set, instead of the ASCII character set, is that the text stored takes up more storage space.

Give one reason why it takes up more storage space.

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21 mark

Jack has an MP3 file stored on his computer

Tick () to show which type of data is stored in an MP3 file.





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32 marks

A student has a sound file that is too large to be stored on their external secondary storage device. The student compresses the sound file to make the file size smaller.

The compression method used reduces the sample rate and the sample resolution of the sound file.

State what is meant by the sample rate and sample resolution.

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41 mark

A logo is stored as a bitmap image.

Each square in the image represents one pixel, with three different colours being used in the image.

State what is meant by the term image resolution.

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12 marks

The Unicode character set is used to represent text that is typed into a computer.

Describe what is meant by a character set.

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1a3 marks

A student is creating a range of documents for a school project.

The student records a podcast about computer science.

Describe how an analogue sound wave is converted into digital form.

1b3 marks

Tick (✓) one or more boxes on each row to identify the effect(s) that each change will have on the sound file.


File size increases

File size decreases

Accuracy increases

Accuracy decreases

Duration changes from 10 minutes to 20 minutes

Sample rate changes from 44 kilohertz to 8 kilohertz

Bit depth changes from 8 bits to 16 bits

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28 marks

Discuss the trade-offs between image quality and file size when choosing a bitmap image's resolution and colour depth.

Provide examples to illustrate your answer.

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