About 4000 years ago the Bronze Age started in Britain. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.
i) Suggest a reason why a bronze axe was better than a copper axe.
ii) Brass is another copper alloy. Name the other metal in brass.
The diagram below shows the arrangement of particles in a pure metal.

i) What is the name given to a regular arrangement of particles in a crystalline solid?
ii) Draw a diagram which shows the arrangement of particles in an alloy.
iii) Explain the term malleable.
iv) Why are metals malleable?
The common ore of tin is tin(IV) oxide and an ore of copper is malachite, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2.
i) Write a word equation for the reduction of tin(IV) oxide by carbon.
ii) Give one use of copper, other than making alloys.
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