This question is about the reactions of metals with oxygen.
Complete the sentences.
In terms of oxygen, ____________________ is the loss of oxygen.
In terms of oxygen, ____________________ is the gain of oxygen.
Iron can react with oxygen to form iron(II) oxide.
2Fe + O2 → 2FeO
Iron can also react with oxygen to form iron(III) oxide
4Fe + 3O2 → 2Fe2O3
Nickel can react with oxygen to form nickel(II) oxide or nickel(III) oxide.
Write two balanced symbol equations to show both reactions of nickel with oxygen.
Nickel is below carbon in the reactivity series.
This means that carbon can be used to extract nickel from nickel(II) oxide.
nickel(II) oxide + carbon → nickel + carbon dioxide
The reaction of nickel(II) oxide with carbon is a redox reaction.
Is carbon oxidised or reduced? Explain your answer.
Carbon is ____________________
Reason: ____________________
Nickel can also be extracted from nickel(III) oxide using carbon.
Nickel(III) gains electrons to form nickel.
Balance the half-equation to show how nickel gains electrons:
Ni3+ + .... e– → .........
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