Chromatography (Cambridge (CIE) O Level Chemistry): Exam Questions

2 hours24 questions
16 marks

The label on a bottle of orange drink stated ‘contains no artificial colours’. A scientist thought that the orange colour in the drink was a mixture of two artificial colours:

  • Sunset Yellow E110

  • Allura Red E129

Plan an investigation to show that the orange colour in the drink did not contain these two artificial colours. You are provided with samples of E110, E129 and the orange colouring from the drink. You are also provided with common laboratory apparatus. You may draw a diagram to help answer the question.

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2a2 marks

A student investigated the colours present in a fruit drink. The fruit drink was tested to check that no artificial colours had been added. The apparatus below was used.



Name the method used.



Why is there a glass cover on the beaker?


2b1 mark

When should the paper be removed from the beaker?

2c3 marks

The diagram shows the results of the experiment.




How many different coloured compounds were present in the fruit drink?



Are there any of the artificial colours present in the fruit drink? Explain your answer.


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3a1 mark

A mixture of coloured dyes, M, was separated by chromatography. The dyes were insoluble in water.

The chromatogram below shows the result of separating the mixture and the chromatography of three known dyes 1, 2 and 3.


On the diagram, label the base line (origin).

3b1 mark

Name a solvent that could be used in this separation.

3c1 mark

How many dyes were there in the mixture, M?

3d3 marks

What are your conclusions about the identity of the dyes in the mixture, M?

3e1 mark

How could the reliability of the results be checked?

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4a1 mark

The colours present in some fruit sweets can be separated using the apparatus below. The colours are water-soluble dyes. 


Name the process used to separate the colours.

4b1 mark

Name the solvent used.

4c1 mark

The results obtained for the colours in two different sweets, C and D, are shown below.


What is the name for the line at position B?

4d1 mark

What conclusions can you draw about the colours present in sweets C and D?

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5a1 mark

The diagram shows the results of an experiment to separate and identify the colours present in two coloured mixtures, A and B.

Substances C, D, E and F are single colours.


Name this method of separation.

5b1 mark

Draw a line on the diagram to show the level of the solvent at the beginning of the experiment.

5c1 mark

Why should a pencil be used instead of a pen to draw the origin line?

5d2 marks

State one difference and one similarity between the coloured mixtures, A and B.

difference ....................................................................................................

similarity ....................................................................................................

5e1 mark

Which substances are present in mixture A?

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6a3 marks

The colours present in some blackcurrant sweets can be separated by chromatography.

The colours are water-soluble dyes.

The diagrams show how the colours can be extracted from the sweets. 



Complete the empty boxes to name the pieces of apparatus.

6b2 marks

The apparatus below was used to carry out the chromatography.




Name the solvent used.




Label, with an arrow, the origin on the diagram.



6c1 mark

Sketch, in the box, the chromatogram you would expect if two different colours were present in the sweets.



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7a1 mark

Chromatography can be used to identify amino acids from a sample of protein.

The diagram shows the chromatogram obtained when four samples of amino acids were analysed. The paper was sprayed with ninhydrin. 



Why is the origin line drawn in pencil?

7b1 mark

Which amino acids could possibly be the same?

7c2 marks

Which amino acid sample contains more than one amino acid? Explain your answer.

sample ....................................................................................................

explanation ....................................................................................................

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8a2 marks

The green pigment chlorophyll can be obtained from grass.


Step 1: The grass is crushed with sand.

Step 2: The grass is ground with ethanol until the solution is saturated.

Step 3: The solution is separated from the rest of the mixture.

Step 4: The colours in the solution are separated.

What apparatus is used in Step 1?

8b1 mark

Suggest why the grass is ground with ethanol rather than water in Step 2.

8c1 mark

Name the separation method in Step 3.

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4 marks

Describe how Step 4 is carried out.

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9a2 marks

A student extracted and investigated the orange colour in some sweets. The student followed these instructions: 1. Collect sweets, a watch glass, a beaker, eye protection and 100 cm3 of ethanol. 2. Crush the sweets. 3. Place the crushed sweets in the beaker containing 100 cm3 of ethanol. 4. Boil the mixture with the watch glass covering the beaker. 5. Decant the liquid and concentrate it by evaporation until the colour is dark orange. 6. Investigate which colours are present in the orange solution.

Why should the sweets be crushed?

9b1 mark

Why should the experiment be carried out in a well-ventilated laboratory?

9c1 mark

State one safety precaution that the student should have taken, other than carrying out the experiment in a well-ventilated laboratory and using eye protection.

9d1 mark

State the purpose of the watch glass.

9e1 mark

Explain the term decant.

9f5 marks

Describe how the student could carry out instruction 6. You may draw a diagram in the space below to help you answer the question.

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106 marks

A fake banknote can be investigated by dissolving the ink off the paper. You are provided with four different inks from four different criminals.

Describe an experiment to show which one of these inks is the same as the ink from the banknote. You can use a labelled diagram to help you answer the question.

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11a2 marks

E numbers identify chemicals which are added to foods.

E210 is benzoic acid. How could you show that a solution of benzoic acid is a weak acid? test .............................................................................................................................. result ........................................................................................................................... 

11b1 mark

E211 is sodium benzoate. Name a suitable substance that would react with a solution of benzoic acid to form sodium benzoate.

11c4 marks

E110 is Sunset yellow. Outline a method you could use to show the presence of E110 in a food colouring. A space has been left if you want to draw a diagram to help you answer the question.

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12a3 marks

Leaves from trees contain a mixture of coloured pigments which are not soluble in water. A student was given these two instructions to investigate the pigments in the leaves. 1.   Crush some leaves to extract the coloured pigments. 2.   Use the liquid extract to find the number of coloured pigments in the leaves.

What would the student need in order to effectively carry out instruction 1?

12b4 marks

Describe an experiment to carry out instruction 2. A space has been left below if you want to draw a diagram to help answer the question.

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13a1 mark

A sample of orange fruit jam was investigated to check the three colourings present. Step 1: The jam was boiled with water. Step 2: The mixture was filtered. Step 3: The filtrate was concentrated. Step 4: The concentrate was analysed by chromatography.

What was the purpose of Step 1?

13b1 mark

Why was the mixture filtered?

13c1 mark

How was Step 3 carried out?

13d2 marks

Draw a diagram to show the possible paper chromatogram obtained in Step 4.

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