Islay is an island off the west coast of Scotland. The main industry on the island is making ethanol from barley.
Barley contains the complex carbohydrate, starch. Enzymes catalyse the hydrolysis of starch to a solution of glucose.
Yeast cells are added to the aqueous glucose. Fermentation produces a solution containing up to 10% of ethanol.
i) Complete the word equation for the fermentation of glucose.
glucose → .......................... + ..........................
ii) Explain why is it necessary to add yeast and suggest why the amount of yeast in the mixture increases.
iii) Fermentation is carried out at 35°C. For many reactions a higher temperature would give a faster reaction. Why is a higher temperature not used in this process?
The organic waste, the residue of the barley and yeast, is disposed of through a pipeline into the sea. In the future this waste will be converted into biogas by the anaerobic respiration of bacteria. Biogas, which is mainly methane, will supply most of the island’s energy.
i) Anaerobic means in the absence of oxygen. Suggest an explanation why oxygen must be absent.
ii) The obvious advantage of converting the waste into methane is economic.
Suggest two other advantages.
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