Ozone is a form of oxygen. Ozone is present in the upper atmosphere and it prevents dangerous solar radiation from reaching the Earth’s surface. Some of the chemicals that diffuse into the upper atmosphere decompose ozone. Chemicals that have this effect are methane (CH4), chloromethane (CH3Cl) and an oxide of nitrogen (NO2).
i) Which of these three chemicals diffuses the most slowly? Give a reason for your choice.
ii) Chloromethane is formed when seaweed decomposes. Name the compounds in the environment from which seaweed might have obtained the following elements:
carbon; ..........................................................................................................
hydrogen; ..........................................................................................................
chlorine. ..........................................................................................................
iii) How can chloromethane be made from methane?
reagent ..........................................................................................................
condition ..........................................................................................................
iv) The oxides of nitrogen are atmospheric pollutants. Describe how they are formed.