Using Liquidity Ratios to Analyse Performance (Cambridge (CIE) O Level Business Studies)

Revision Note

Lisa Eades


Business Content Creator

The Current Ratio

  • Liquidity refers to the cash and other current assets businesses have available to quickly pay bills and meet short-term financial obligations

  • The liquidity of a business can be measured using two ratios

    • Current ratio

    • Acid test ratio

The current ratio

  • The Current Ratio is a quick way to measure liquidity

    • The outcome is expressed as a ratio

    • All types of current asset are included in calculating this ratio

    • The result indicates how many £s (or other currency units) of current assets are available to cover each £1 (or other currency unit) of short-term debt

    • It is calculated using the formula

Current space ratio space equals space fraction numerator Current space Assets over denominator Current space Liabilities end fraction space space

equals space ? space colon 1

Worked Example

Packer Sports Ltd has current assets of $15,545, current liabilities of $5,060 and an inventory (stock) figure of $8,250.

Calculate Packer Sports Ltd.’s current ratio. [2]


Step 1: Substitute the values into the equation

$ 15 comma 545 space divided by space $ 5 comma 060

equals space 3.07       [1 mark]


Step 2: Express the outcome as a ratio

equals space 3.07 space colon space 1    [1 mark]

In this example, Packer Sports Ltd has $3.07 of current assets to cover each $1 of short-term debt

The acid test ratio

  • The acid test ratio is a precise and realistic way to measure liquidity, especially for businesses that hold large amounts of stock

    • It is expressed as a ratio

    • It is also known as the liquid capital ratio

    • The least liquid form of current assets (stock) is deducted so the acid test ratio provides a more realistic measure of the businesses ability to meet short-term debts quickly

      • It often takes time to sell stock so it is excluded

    • The Acid Test is calculated using the formula

Acid space Test space Ratio space equals space fraction numerator space Current space Assets space minus space Stock over denominator Current space Liabilities end fraction

equals space space space space space ? space space space space space space colon space space space space space 1

Worked Example

Packer Sports Ltd has current assets of $15,545, current liabilities of $5,060 and a stock figure of $8,250.

Calculate Packer Sports Ltd’s acid test ratio. [3]


Step 1: Subtract stock from current assets 

$ 15 comma 545 space minus space $ 8 comma 250

equals space $ 7 comma 295     [1 mark]

Step 1: Substitute the values into the equation

Acid space Test space Ratio space equals space fraction numerator space Current space Assets space minus space Stock over denominator Current space Liabilities end fraction

equals space fraction numerator space $ 7 comma 295 over denominator $ 5 comma 060 end fraction

equals space 1.44     [1 mark]

Step 2: Express the outcome as a ratio

begin mathsize 16px style equals space 1.44 space colon space 1 end style      [1 mark]

In this example, Packer Sports Ltd has $1.44 of the most liquid current assets to cover each $1 of short-term debt

Improving Liquidity Ratios

  • The best way to improve liquidity is to manage the business better

    • Use cash flow forecasts to identify potential cash flow issues before they arise and take appropriate action

    • Budget effectively and consider adopting zero budgeting to carefully control spending

    • Set clear financial objectives and look for ways to reduce costs and increase income wherever possible

Methods to Improve Liquidity



Reduce the credit period offered to customers

  • Collecting money owed from customers more quickly will increase the level of current assets in the business

  • Customers may move to competing businesses that offer better credit terms

Ask suppliers for an extended repayment period, e.g an extension from 60 to 90 days

  • Current liabilities will not be reduced

  • The business can use cash it would have paid to suppliers for other purposes

  • Suppliers may be unwilling to extend credit terms

Make use of Overdraft facilities or short-term loans

  • Current liabilities will increase

  • The business can spend more money than it has in its bank account

  • Banks may be reluctant to lend to businesses with cash-flow problems

Sell off excess stock

  • Less liquid current assets will be reduced and converted into more liquid forms of current asset (e.g. cash)

  • Storage and security costs may also be reduced

  • Stock may need to be sold at a low price to attract sales

Sell assets and lease fixed assets instead (e.g. sale and leaseback)

  • Both current assets and current liabilities will increase

  • The business will continue to have the use of assets but must make regular payments to the leasing company

Introduce new capital and reduce drawings out of the business

  • Current assets will be increased

  • New capital may be introduced by the owner or from additional investors

    • This may result in the dilution of control of the business

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Lisa Eades

Author: Lisa Eades

Lisa has taught A Level, GCSE, BTEC and IBDP Business for over 20 years and is a senior Examiner for Edexcel. Lisa has been a successful Head of Department in Kent and has offered private Business tuition to students across the UK. Lisa loves to create imaginative and accessible resources which engage learners and build their passion for the subject.