Diet (Cambridge (CIE) O Level Biology): Exam Questions

34 mins7 questions
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1 mark

Which of the following best describes the function of vitamin D in a human?

  • Vitamin D forms an essential part of collagen protein which is the main component of skin, hair and nails.

  • Vitamin D is needed for strong bones and teeth and a deficiency may lead to osteoporosis later in life.

  • Vitamin D assists with the absorption of calcium and is therefore needed to build strong bones and teeth.

  • Vitamin D is an important component of haemoglobin which is needed for the transport of oxygen to the cells.

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21 mark

Which foods can be eaten to prevent scurvy, anaemia and rickets?


prevent scurvy

prevent anaemia

prevent rickets


cheese and milk 

oranges and lemons

red meat


cheese and milk 

red meat

oranges and lemons


oranges and lemons

cheese and milk 

red meat


oranges and lemons

red meat

cheese and milk 

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    1 mark

    Which of the following is a correct cause and effect?







    diet deficient in red meat, leafy green vegetables and liver

    brittle bones (rickets)



    lack of sunlight, fish and eggs

    anaemia - tiredness and weakness due to not enough oxygen being delivered to tissues


    vitamin D

    lack of sunlight

    brittle bones (rickets)


    vitamin D

    diet deficient in red meat, leafy green vegetables and liver

    anaemia - tiredness and weakness due to not enough oxygen being delivered to tissues

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      21 mark

      Which statement about diets is correct? 

      • A diet providing all the needs of an average man aged 70 can lead to malnutrition in an active boy aged 14.

      • Malnutrition can only occur if the body receives less of a nutrient than it requires.

      • Protein requirements in the diet increase throughout a person’s life.

      • Very young children require a greater total energy intake than active adults. 

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