Woodlice were used to investigate sensitivity of an animal to different conditions. A choice chamber was set up with four different compartments: light and dry, light and moist, dark and dry, dark and moist.
A student placed 15 woodlice into the choice chamber and then recorded the number of woodlice in each compartment after a period of 10 minutes. They then removed all the woodlice and repeated the experiment twice more.
Fig. 1 shows the set up of the choice chamber.

Fig. 1
(i) Explain why the student left the woodlice in the choice chamber for 10 minutes before counting the woodlice in each chamber.
(ii) State two variables that should be kept constant throughout the investigation.
(iii) For one of the variables stated in part (ii), describe how to keep this constant.
(i) Identify one possible hazard associated with carrying out the experiment.
(ii) Describe the safety precautions associated with the hazard identified in part (i).
(iii) Describe the ethical considerations when using living organisms such as woodlice.
Create a table in which the student could record their results
Describe how you could adapt this experiment to investigate the sensitivity of woodlice to temperature change.
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