Selection (Cambridge O Level Biology)

Topic Questions

39 mins9 questions
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Selective breeding of animals is very important to farmers.

Many different breeds of sheep have been produced by selective breeding.

Fig. 1 shows a flock of Merino sheep. This breed of sheep was produced by selective breeding.


Fig. 1

Sheep are important animals in many parts of the world as they produce meat, wool and milk.

Table 1 describes some characteristics of five different breeds of sheep.

Table 1

breed of sheep wool yield wool quality meat yield milk yield
Arapawa average good poor average
Awassi average poor average very good
Blackbelly poor poor very good average
Merino good very good good poor
Tsurcana average good average average

A farmer wants to sell both meat and wool.

Suggest which breed of sheep in Table 1 is the most suitable for this farmer. 

Give a reason for your choice. 

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Another farmer wants to produce a new breed of sheep with both a very good milk yield and a very good quality of wool.

The farmer is able to buy any of the breeds of sheep shown in Table 1.

Describe the process this farmer would use to produce the new breed of sheep on her farm. 

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All commercial breeds of sheep belong to the species Ovis aries.

Define the term species.

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The Merino is a breed of sheep that is farmed mainly for its wool. The wool is very thick and is made of lots of very thin hairs.

Fig. 1 shows a female Merino sheep with her newborn lamb.


Fig. 1

The presence of hair is a feature that is only found in mammals.

State two other features that distinguish mammals from all other vertebrates.

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Merino sheep in South Africa have high quality wool with very thin hairs.

Breeders in New Zealand have used selective breeding programmes to improve the wool of their sheep to match the quality of South African wool.

Describe the steps that breeders would take to breed sheep that have wool with very thin hairs.

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Explain how natural selection differs from selective breeding.

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Compare natural selection with artificial selection.

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Selective breeding is an example of artificial selection. 

The Wild Mustard plant has undergone extensive selective breeding for hundreds of years.

Fig. 1 shows the outcome of this selective breeding and the traits that have been selected for. 


Fig. 1 

Outline how selective breeding of the Wild Mustard plant has led to the development of the Kale plant. 

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Streptomycin is an antibiotic. 

Table 1 shows results scientists collected from a study examining the effect of streptomycin on a bacterial population over fifteen generations.

The bacterial population consisted of organisms of two variants (X and Y).

Table 1

generation frequency of variant X in the population frequency of variant Y in the population
1 52 51
2 55 49
3 64 44
4 66 41
5 73 38
6 76 32
7 81 26
8 85 21
9 89 16
10 94 12
11 98 8
12 99 5
13 99 2
14 99 1
15 99 1

Describe and explain the data shown in Table 1. 

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Explain the process that has led to the results shown by variant X in Table 1. 

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