Top 10 Hardest IB Subjects Ranked 2025

Holly Barrow

Written by: Holly Barrow

Reviewed by: Liam Taft


Last updated

Wondering which IB Diploma Programme (DP) subjects are the hardest to study in 2025?

The IB programme is known for being challenging, but this should by no means discourage you from studying certain subjects. 

A subject that one student finds easy, another will find tough. It all depends on your unique strengths and weaknesses. 

The difficulty of a subject also shouldn’t be the only factor that you take into account when making your IB choices.  

That being said, if you want to discover some of the hardest IB subjects, here’s our roundup. 

What IB Subjects Have The Lowest Pass Rates?

The IB subjects with the lowest pass rates include Marine Science SL, Danish Literature SL, Visual Arts SL, Spanish Literature SL and Russian Literature HL. 

With IB, subjects are split into six different groups. 

Students must choose one subject from each of the first five groups. Your sixth choice can either be an Arts subject from group 6, or another subject from groups 1-5.

The goal is to give you a well-rounded education, building a mix of skills along the way. You might not get to pick all of your subjects freely, but it ensures you develop a diverse skill set instead of focusing on just one area.

The IB DP subject groups are: 

  • Studies in Language and Literature

  • Language Acquisition

  • Individuals and Societies

  • Sciences

  • Mathematics

  • The Arts

Each group offers a range of subjects that focus on different skills and areas of knowledge. 

Based on the IB DP Final Statistical Bulletin 2024, here are the top 10 subjects with the fewest students earning a passing grade. With IB, a ‘pass’ is typically a grade 4 or above: 


Pass Rate (%)

Marine Science SL


Danish A Literature SL


Visual Arts SL


Spanish A Literature SL


Russian A Literature HL


Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation SL


English A Literature HL


Design Technology SL


French A Literature HL


Swedish A Literature SL


The lowest IB grade is a grade 1, which is roughly equivalent to an E at A Level. 

What Are The Hardest IB DP Subjects?

Some of the hardest IB subjects to study in 2025 include Danish Literature SL, Latin SL, History HL, Chemistry HL and Mathematics HL.

So far, we’ve focused purely on pass rates to highlight some of the hardest IB subjects you can study. But what other factors should be considered?

Pass rates don’t give us the full story. To get a better understanding of how difficult a subject is, you should also look at the exam format, the workload and how complex the course material is.  

We’ve picked the hardest IB subject from each subject group based on a mix of these factors. 

Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature 

Danish A: Literature SL 

Pass Rate: 54.7%

Many students struggle to achieve a pass (a grade 4 or above)  in Danish A: Literature SL. There could be a number of reasons for this, but some of the key challenges are: 

  • Danish literature includes older texts, regional dialects and intricate poetic structures

  • The subject has a heavy workload, covering a broad range of Danish literary texts

  • The IB assessments include oral commentaries, essays and unseen text analysis. These test both written and spoken communication skills under timed conditions

That being said, you might want to choose to study Danish A: Literature SL if: 

  • You want to develop your analytical skills and your ability to form strong arguments. You’ll learn how to justify your interpretations with evidence 

  • You want to study a range of Danish authors, from classic to contemporary

  • You have high-level reading and writing skills

Group 2: Language Acquisition

Latin SL 

Pass Rate: 85%

With the lowest mean grade (4.3) of Group 2, Latin SL can also be considered one of the hardest IB subjects. This classical language is difficult for a number of reasons, including: 

  • No spoken practice: Unlike modern languages, students can’t learn through conversation

  • Latin is more grammatically complex than other languages

  • Students must analyse and interpret classical literature instead of solely focusing on language learning

You may want to choose IB Latin SL if: 

  • This course is designed for students who have already been introduced to Latin or Classical Greek language and culture

  • You have a deep interest in Roman history, mythology or philosophy

  • You want to study a degree or enter a career in a field that uses Latin terminology, such as Law, Theology or Linguistics  

Group 3: Individuals and Societies

History HL

Pass Rate: 90.9%

Although History HL is one of the most popular IB subjects with a strong pass rate, it is also widely regarded as one of the most challenging.

This is why it’s important to consider not only mean grades and pass rate percentages, but other factors too. 

So why is History HL one of the hardest IB subjects?

  • This subject has a high workload, covering multiple time periods and themes. It requires students to learn a vast amount of material 

  • History HL isn’t just about memorisation – it’s about understanding the causes and effects of events

  • It includes challenging essay-based assignments. These require well-supported arguments, evaluation of evidence and critical analysis

You may want to choose IB History HL if: 

  • You’re interested in studying key events and historical moments that have shaped the world 

  • You want to develop your critical thinking, essay-writing and analytical skills 

  • You’re considering further study in History, Law, Politics, International Relations, Economics, Journalism or Teaching

Group 4: Sciences

Chemistry HL 

Pass Rate: 91.5%

With a super impressive pass rate, you’d be forgiven for thinking that IB Chemistry HL might be a relatively easy course. 

However, this isn’t the case. IB Chemistry HL is one of the more challenging IB subjects for many reasons, including: 

  • Chemistry HL covers complex topics that some students may struggle with, such as complex rate equations, entropy and spontaneity, and electrochemical cells

  • It requires students to learn a lot of material and apply multiple concepts at once to solve problems

  • Students must explain reactions in-depth

You may want to choose IB Chemistry HL if:

  • You want to develop your problem-solving abilities 

  • You enjoy practical activities - You’ll spend around 60 hours on lab work, including experiments, data collection and analysis

  • You want to study a STEM subject at university or college (studying Chemistry may be a prerequisite)

Check out our Chemistry Lead Stewart Hird’s top tips on how to revise for IB Chemistry

Group 5: Mathematics

Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (AA) HL 

Pass Rate: 81.5%

In Group 5, the hardest IB Maths subject is generally considered to be Maths AA HL, despite this being the subject with the highest pass rate percentage in the group. 

Our Maths Lead, Dan Finlay, explains that Maths AA HL has the highest pass rate because only the strongest students choose to take it.

But what makes this one of the hardest IB subjects?

It tackles difficult topics, including: 

  • Proof by contradiction/induction

  • De Moivre's theorem for complex numbers

  • Equations of vector planes

  • Harder trigonometry such as proof/identities and equations

  • Integration by parts

  • Solving differential equations analytically

 You may want to choose IB Maths AA HL if:

  • You want to gain a deeper understanding of mathematical theories rather than just applications

  • You want to study a STEM subject at university (studying Maths may be a prerequisite)

  • You enjoy complex problem-solving

Group 6: The Arts

Visual Arts SL

Pass Rate: 55.3%

With the lowest average grade among all Arts subjects (3.9), Visual Arts SL is commonly cited as one of the hardest IB subjects. 

This may be because:

  • Visual Arts SL requires a mix of artistic skills, critical thinking and the ability to turn creative ideas into visual art

  • Unlike subjects that focus on either creative expression or critical analysis, Visual Arts SL requires both

  • The assessment focuses on technical skill, creative ideas and written reflections, making it more complex than other Arts subjects

Despite this, you might want to study IB Visual Arts SL if:

  • You excel when being assessed through coursework - there are no written exams in Visual Arts SL 

  • You have skills in range of artistic mediums, such as painting, sculpture and digital art

Factors Influencing How ‘Hard’ An IB Subject Is

The IB Diploma Programme is known for being challenging, but some subjects are harder than others. With complex content, a heavy workload and tough assessments, these subjects help students to develop resilience and valuable skills. 

But what actually makes an IB subject ‘hard’? Let’s explore the key factors that contribute to how difficult a subject is. 

Personal Interests and Strengths

One of the biggest mistakes students make when choosing IB subjects is selecting a course based on difficulty rather than interest.

Even if a subject is statistically difficult, students who enjoy and excel in it will likely find it more manageable. On the other hand, forcing yourself into a subject that doesn’t align with your strengths can make IB even more stressful. 

Within each subject group, you should choose the course that best suits your skills and interests.

For example, if you struggle with advanced maths, you might find Maths AA HL extremely difficult, but Maths AI SL more manageable.

Learning Style 

Your learning style will also play a significant role in how hard you find an IB subject.

Which IB Subjects Are The Hardest For Visual Learners?

Visual learners prefer charts, diagrams and other visual tools to understand concepts. However, some IB subjects rely heavily on abstract thinking and theories, making them harder for visual learners.

Generally speaking, the IB subjects that visual learners may find the hardest include:

  • Maths AA 

  • Philosophy 

  • History 

Which IB Subjects Are The Hardest For Kinaesthetic Learners?

Kinaesthetic learners learn best through practical activities. However, some IB subjects have little hands-on learning, making them more difficult for these students.

The IB subjects that kinaesthetic learners may find the hardest include: 

  • Economics

  • English A: Literature

  • Maths

  • History

  • Philosophy 

Which IB Subjects Are The Hardest For Reading/Writing Learners?

Reading/writing learners thrive with text-based content, such as essays and note-taking. Subjects that require data analysis, problem-solving or practical experiments can be more difficult for them.

The IB subjects that reading/writing learners may find the hardest include: 

  • Physics

  • Chemistry

  • Visual Arts

Exam Format

The way IB subjects are assessed plays a crucial role in how hard they might feel.

If you perform well in written exams, subjects like Mathematics HL, History HL or Economics HL may be easier for you. On the other hand, if you prefer coursework and creative projects, subjects like Visual Arts HL or Design Technology HL might be a better fit.


Every IB subject requires effort, but some have a much heavier workload than others.

Some subjects are challenging because they require:

  • Large amounts of content to learn and remember

  • Frequent practice and revision 

  • Extensive coursework and projects 

Frequently Asked Questions

The IB DP Final Statistical Bulletin 2024 shows that the IB subjects with the fewest number of student entries for each subject group were:

Subject Group

Subject (Fewest Entries)

Number of Entries

Studies in Language and Literature

Armenian A: Literature HL


Language Acquisition

Classical Greek HL


Individuals and Societies

Modern History of Kazakhstan SL



Food Science and Technology SL



Mathematics AI HL


The Arts

Dance HL


Will Choosing Harder IB Subjects Impact My Further Study?

Choosing difficult IB subjects can have an impact on your university applications and career options to an extent. While harder subjects may challenge you, they can also provide advantages if chosen wisely. 

Here are some things to take into account: 

  • Many universities have specific entry requirements for certain degrees, particularly in STEM. You should check this before choosing your IB subjects

  • IB subjects that frequently have lower average grades are harder to score well in. Taking too many challenging subjects without considering your strengths could result in a lower total IB score

Improve Your Grades with Save My Exams

Feeling overwhelmed by revision? You’re not alone. Join 1.5 million students who trust Save My Exams, the number one online revision platform.

What you’ll get: 

  • Comprehensive revision notes and past papers

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Created by teachers and examiners who know exactly what you need to revise to achieve the best grades, our resources help students to save time and get straight to the content you need. 

Explore Our IB Revision Resources. 


The IB Diploma Programme Final Statistical Bulletin 2024

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Holly Barrow

Author: Holly Barrow

Expertise: Content Executive

Holly graduated from the University of Leeds with a BA in English Literature and has published articles with Attitude magazine, Tribune, Big Issue and Political Quarterly.

Liam Taft

Author: Liam Taft

Expertise: Content Manager

Liam is a graduate of the University of Birmingham and has worked with many EdTech brands, including Twinkl, Natterhub, Learning Ladders, Twig and the Dukes Education Group. Their journalism has been published in The Guardian, BBC and HuffPost.

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