Top 10 Easiest IB Subjects To Study In 2025

Holly Barrow

Written by: Holly Barrow

Reviewed by: Liam Taft


Last updated

Looking for the easiest IB Diploma Programme (DP) subjects you can study in 2025? 

Choosing the right IB subjects is crucial, and you may be weighing up factors such as workload and exam format to help inform your decision. 

The IB programme is renowned for being academically rigorous, with some considering it to be more difficult than A Levels

Here are some IB subjects that may be considered easier than others.  

What IB Subjects Have The Highest Pass Rates?

The IB subjects with the highest pass rates include English HL, Spanish SL, Classical Greek SL and Chinese SL. 

The IB Diploma Programme splits subjects into six different groups. The aim is to give students a well-rounded education and helps you to develop a variety of skills. 

You’ll choose one subject from each of the first five groups. Your sixth choice can either be an Arts subject from the sixth group, or another subject from groups 1-5.

These groups are: 

  • Studies in Language and Literature

  • Language Acquisition

  • Individuals and Societies

  • Sciences

  • Mathematics

  • The Arts

Each group offers a range of subjects that focus on different skills and areas of knowledge. 

Based on the IB DP Final Statistical Bulletin 2024, here are the top 10 subjects with the highest number of students earning a passing grade. With IB, a ‘pass’ is typically a grade 4 or above: 

IB Subject

Pass Rate Percentage (Grades 4–7)

English B HL


Spanish AB SL


Classical Greek SL


Chinese A: Language and Literature SL


French AB SL


Mandarin AB SL


Geography HL


Physics HL


Design Technology HL


English A: Language and Literature SL


The highest possible IB grade that can be achieved is a grade 7, which is the equivalent to an A* at A Level. 

What Are The Easiest IB DP Subjects?

The easiest IB subjects to study include English SL, Spanish SL, Geography HL, Sports, Exercise and Health Science HL, and Maths SL. 

Pass rate isn’t the only factor to take into account when looking at how ‘easy’ an IB subject may be. 

Another way to figure out how tough a subject might be is by looking at how complex the topics are and how you're tested on them.

To give a balanced view, we’ve picked the ‘easiest’ IB subjects from each subject group. 

Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature 

English A: Language and Literature SL

Pass Rate: 91.8%

This IB subject is sometimes viewed as one of the ‘easier’ IB subjects, especially by native English speakers. With a consistently high pass rate, this course involves analysing well-known literary texts from the likes of George Orwell, Toni Morrison and F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

A key reason it may be seen as one of the easiest IB subjects is its assessment setup. Instead of just one final exam, it mixes in-class projects with external tests, so you get regular teacher support and feedback along the way.

You may want to choose IB English A: Language and Literature SL if: 

  • You love essay-based subjects and analysing literary works 

  • You’re keen to develop your written and communication skills

  • You want to study a subject with great transferable skills that will benefit a range of careers

Group 2: Language Acquisition

Spanish AB SL 

Pass Rate: 96.8%

Spanish AB SL can be seen as one of the easiest IB subjects - not only from Group 2 but across all subject groups. As an ‘ab initio’ course, it's made for beginners. It focuses on the basics of speaking, reading and writing in Spanish.

However, keep in mind that how easy you find this subject depends on your previous language experience and how you learn best.

You may want to choose IB Spanish AB SL if:

  • You want to build a solid foundation in Spanish by developing your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills

  • You’d like to improve your communication skills and cultural awareness

  • You want to continue with further language study 

Group 3: Individuals and Societies

Geography HL

Pass Rate: 93.8%

Geography HL can be seen as one of the easier IB subjects, with students typically scoring around 5.5 at Higher Level (HL) and 5.1 at Standard Level (SL). 

It covers everything from human geography to environmental issues, offering a hands-on, engaging way for students to tackle real-world challenges.

You may want to choose IB Geography HL if: 

  • You want to learn about how nature and human activity shape everything from mountains to cities

  • You have great critical thinking skills 

  • You’re thinking of studying Geography at university/college or are interested in careers like urban planning or environmental science 

For some top tips on how to revise for IB Geography, check out our article from Geography expert, Bridgette Barrett.  

Group 4: Sciences

Sports, Exercise and Health Science HL

Pass Rate: 92% 

Sports, Exercise and Health Science HL is one of the easier IB subjects in Group 4 thanks to its practical nature and how it connects to everyday life. 

You’ll explore topics such as how the body moves and recovers after exercise, sport psychology and nutrition. 

It combines science with real-life examples, making it both fun and relatively easy to understand.

You may want to choose IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science HL if:

  • You’re keen to learn about how the body works during and after exercise and how to boost athletic performance

  • You enjoy practical activities - 20% of your final grade comes from internal assessments which involve hands-on investigations and practical experiments

  • You’re passionate about sports and fitness 

Group 5: Mathematics

Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL (Maths AI SL)

Pass Rate: 57.7%

Remember, what’s easy for one student might be tough for another. It's completely subjective and depends on your own strengths and weaknesses. 

However, when looking at Group 5, the easiest IB subject is considered to be Maths AI SL

Our Maths Lead Dan Finlay explains that students find this IB course easier than the alternatives for two key reasons: 

  • The course is all calculator based

  • It’s less algebra heavy and focuses more on using maths to model real-life situations

You may want to choose Maths AI SL if:

  • You prefer calculator-based exams

  • You enjoy logical puzzles and problem-solving 

Group 6: The Arts

Theatre HL 

Pass Rate: 83.3%

Theatre HL is the top scorer among the Arts subjects, with an impressive average of 4.96. Remember, the highest grade you can get at IB is 7. 

This shows that most students do well in this course, so it could be a great choice if you’re passionate about all things theatre. 

You may want to choose IB Theatre HL if:

  • You love everything from acting and directing to stage design and production

  • You’re happy to step into the spotlight 

  • You like working collaboratively with other students 

  • You thrive when being creative and practical and also have great critical thinking skills

Factors Influencing How ‘Easy’ An IB Subject Is

It’s impossible to say that any IB subject is objectively ‘easy’. This completely depends on each student’s own unique strengths and weaknesses. 

While pass rates provide a snapshot of overall performance, they don't capture the whole picture of how difficult a subject is. It's also about how complex the material is, the amount of content to be covered and the ways you're assessed.

Personal Interests and Strengths

Most importantly, you should choose IB subjects that align with your interests. 

It’s no good choosing subjects that you struggle to engage with – this will only make your IB studies harder. 

If you’re looking for a way to keep your studies enjoyable and manageable, choose subjects you feel the most enthusiastic about and excel in. 

With IB, students have a little less freedom when it comes to choosing subjects. You have to choose one subject from each of the subject groups outlined above. 

That being said, you can carefully assess each subject group and consider which courses are most suited to your interests and skills. 

Learning Style 

Your learning style can also influence how easy you find an IB subject. 

Which IB Subjects Are The Easiest For Visual Learners?

Visual learners find it easiest to learn through diagrams, maps, charts, and images. This is because they’re better able to ‘picture’ the concept. 

Generally speaking, the IB subjects that visual learners may find the easiest include:

  • Visual Arts 

  • Geography 

  • Biology 

Which IB Subjects Are The Easiest For Kinaesthetic Learners?

If you learn by doing–not just by reading or listening–you'll find that subjects packed with hands-on activities are much easier. You’ll also find them more fun to study.

The IB subjects that kinaesthetic learners may find the easiest include: 

  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 

  • Design Technology 

  • Dance 

  • Biology/Chemistry (lab work)

  • Music 

Which IB Subjects Are The Easiest For Reading/Writing Learners?

If you're a reading/writing learner, the chances are that note-taking, essay writing and reading over textbooks are your go-to strategies for learning. 

The IB subjects that reading/writing learners may find the easiest include: 

  • English A: Language and Literature 

  • History  

  • Philosophy

  • World Religions

You’ll likely also enjoy the ‘Extended Essay’ part of the IB Diploma. This is a 4,000 word research paper that lets you dive deep into a topic you’re passionate about. 

Exam Format

How you're assessed in IB subjects can really shape how easy or challenging you find them. If you excel in exams, you'll likely enjoy subjects like Mathematics, Sciences, History, Geography or Economics. 

But if you shine in project work and coursework, then subjects like Visual Arts, Design Technology, Theatre or certain language courses might be a better fit for you. 

Ultimately, matching your learning style with the right assessment type can make your IB experience smoother. 


Every IB subject demands effort and hard work, but some pack a heavier workload than others. This might be because they cover more material, require you to dive deep into complex concepts, or involve lots of coursework. 

Subjects like Mathematics Applications HL or the Sciences tend to demand a lot of time for deep conceptual understanding and revision. 

On the other hand, subjects like History or English may require lots of reading and essay writing. 

Understanding the workload of each subject can help you plan how to balance your studies and stay on top of everything. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The IB DP Final Statistical Bulletin 2024 shows that the IB subjects with the highest number of student entries for each subject group were:

Subject Group

Subject with Most Entries

Number of Entries

Studies in Language and Literature

English A: Language and Literature HL


Language Acquisition

Spanish AB SL


Individuals and Societies

History HL



Biology HL



Mathematics Applications SL


The Arts

Visual Arts HL


Will Choosing Easier IB Subjects Impact My Further Study?

Choosing subjects that seem easier won't hold you back in your future studies. The IB is designed to push you to think critically and develop solid skills, no matter what subjects you take. 

That being said, some universities require you to have achieved a minimum grade in specific IB subjects if you want to study some degree courses. It’s worth looking into university admission requirements early so you can tailor your IB subject choices to meet the criteria if needed.

Improve Your Grades with Save My Exams

Feeling stressed ahead of your exams? Join over 1.5 million students who use Save My Exams, the leading online revision platform. 

On average, students who use Save My Exams improve by two grades thanks to our comprehensive resources. From past papers and revision notes to exam-style questions tailored to your specific course, our revision tools help you to study smarter, not harder. 

Created by teachers and examiners who know exactly what you need to revise to achieve the best grades, our resources help students to save time and get straight to the content you need. 

Explore Our IB Revision Resources. 


The IB Diploma Programme Final Statistical Bulletin 2024 

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Holly Barrow

Author: Holly Barrow

Expertise: Content Executive

Holly graduated from the University of Leeds with a BA in English Literature and has published articles with Attitude magazine, Tribune, Big Issue and Political Quarterly.

Liam Taft

Author: Liam Taft

Expertise: Content Manager

Liam is a graduate of the University of Birmingham and has worked with many EdTech brands, including Twinkl, Natterhub, Learning Ladders, Twig and the Dukes Education Group. Their journalism has been published in The Guardian, BBC and HuffPost.

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