IGCSE Psychology Topics by Exam Board: Full List

Raj Bonsor

Written by: Raj Bonsor

Reviewed by: Claire Neeson


Last updated

Two people discussing on a sofa, with text reading "IGCSE Psychology Topics" on an orange background.

As an IGCSE psychology student, finding the information you need about the exam board you are studying can be challenging. This article provides a detailed breakdown of the IGCSE psychology topics covered by Oxford AQA and Cambridge. This way, you will know exactly what to learn and where to look for the best exam board specific revision materials.

Cambridge IGCSE Psychology Topics

Cambridge IGCSE Psychology is divided into 7 topics:

  1. Memory and forgetting 

  2. Sleep and dreams

  3. Prosocial behaviour

  4. Visual perception

  5. Motivation and needs

  6. Language development

  7. Research methods

1. Memory and Forgetting

This topic explores information processing of memories and the characteristics of short- and long-term memory. You will learn key studies and theories about the specific brain areas involved in memory formation and memory loss, along with real-world applications like understanding memory disorders and improving learning strategies. 

Topics include:

  • Processes, features and types of memory

  • Models of memory

  • Motivated forgetting

  • Role of the brain in memory and forgetting

2. Sleep and Dreams

This topic covers the features of sleep as well as the biological structures involved in sleep and dreaming. You will learn key research studies and theories that explain why we sleep and dream, along with practical applications including managing sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep paralysis and sleepwalking. 

Topics include:

  • Circadian and ultradian rhythms

  • The restoration theory of sleep

  • The theories of dreaming

  • The characteristics of sleep disorders

3. Prosocial Behaviour

This topic examines how individual factors, such as personality, and situational factors, such as location and environment, influence pro-social behaviour. You will learn some key studies and theories featuring the biological and social explanations of prosocial behaviour. 

Topics include:

  • Factors affecting prosocial behaviour

  • Biological explanations for prosocial behaviour

  • Social identity theory of prosocial behaviour

  • Social learning theory of prosocial behaviour

4. Visual Perception

This topic covers depth perception and theories that explore whether we are born with an innate ability to perceive depth and distance or whether it is learnt from past experience. You will learn a range of visual illusions and how our experience of them is affected by culture.

Topics include:

  • Sensation and perception

  • Visual cues and constancies

  • Visual illusions and culture

  • Theories of perception

5. Motivation and Needs

This topic explores how individuals are motivated to achieve their goals. Along with practical applications in marketing, education, and exercise, you will learn several key studies and theories that explain motivation from a biological and psychodynamic standpoint. 

Topics include:

  • Drive reduction theory of motivation

  • Positive reinforcement in education

  • Psychodynamic motivation and marketing

  • Motivation to exercise

6. Language Development

This topic examines how language develops through stages. Along with practical applications that include understanding aphasia and interventions to enhance language development, you will learn several key studies and theories that explain language development from a biological, behavioural and cognitive perspective. 

Topics include:

  • Stages of language acquisition

  • Biological explanation of language acquisition

  • Learning theory of language development

  • Piaget’s cognitive theory of language development

7. Research Methods

A major component of this course is research methods; you must be able to plan and carry out investigations using both experimental and non-experimental techniques. You will learn how to conduct rigorous, ethical research as well as how to analyse and interpret data gathered from studies to draw conclusions. 

To better understand the various research methods psychologists use, it is strongly advised that you engage in practical research activities.

Topics include:

  • Experimental methods

  • Non-experimental methods

  • Sampling and ethical issues

  • Validity and reliability

  • Role of the researcher, materials and procedure

  • Dealing with data

What is Covered in Cambridge IGCSE Psychology Papers 1 & 2?

Cambridge IGCSE Psychology

Paper 1

53% of your final mark

Paper 2

47% of your final mark

Topics 1-3; Topic 7

  • Memory and forgetting

  • Sleep and dreams

  • Prosocial behaviour

  • Research methods: Experimental methods

Topics 4-6; Topic 7

  • Visual perception

  • Motivation and needs

  • Language development

  • Research methods: Non-experimental methods

  • You will learn 3 named studies for each of the topics 1-6

  • You will be asked research methods questions across both Paper 1 and Paper 2

OxfordAQA International GCSE Psychology Topics

OxfordAQA International IGCSE Psychology is divided into 7 topics:

  1. Memory

  2. Perception

  3. Biopsychology

  4. Communication

  5. Social influences

  6. Mental health

  7. Research methods

1. Memory

This topic explores how memories are stored and the different types of memories that are processed in the brain. You will learn several key research studies and theories that explain why our memories are not always accurate and the implications that this has in real life. 

Topics include:

  • Processes and types of memory

  • Models of memory

  • Memory as an active process

  • Factors affecting the accuracy of memory

2. Perception

This topic covers depth perception and whether we are born with an innate ability to perceive depth and distance or whether it is learnt from past experience. You will learn a range of visual illusions and the reasons why our brain can be tricked by them. 

The perception topic includes several key research studies and theories that delve into a range of factors that can affect our perception.

Topics include:

  • Sensation and Perception

  • Visual Cues and Constancies

  • Visual Illusions

  • Theories of Perception

  • Factors Affecting Perception

3. Biopsychology

This topic examines the structure and function of the nervous system, including the fight or flight response. You will also learn about the different types of neurons in the body and brain, including synaptic transmission and the release of neurotransmitters. 

There are several key research studies and theories on this topic that show how different areas of the brain are responsible for distinct functions discovered through the use of various scanning techniques.

Topics include:

  • The divisions of the nervous system

  • Neuron structure and function

  • Structure and function of the brain

  • Cognitive neuroscience

4. Communication 

This topic delves into the relationship between language and thought and whether our ability to use language depends on the development of thought and understanding first or the other way around.

You will learn about the differences between human and animal communication as well as the functions of eye contact, what your body language reveals, and how there are cultural differences in personal space. 

Topics include:

  • Language and thought

  • Human and animal communication

  • Non-verbal communication

  • Explanations of non-verbal behaviour

5. Social Influence

This topic explores how social and personality factors affect the likelihood of conforming to group pressure and the likelihood of obeying an authority figure. You will learn about Asch’s line study and Milgram’s study of obedience. 

You will also learn how social and personality factors affect our willingness to help someone who is in an emergency in public, as well as the reasons for pro-social and anti-social behaviour in crowds. 

Topics include:

  • Conformity

  • Obedience

  • Prosocial behaviour

  • Antisocial behaviour

6. Mental Health

This topic examines the characteristics of good mental health and the social and individual effects of mental health problems. You will learn about obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder, including the clinical characteristics of each disorder, the theories behind why the disorders develop, and the different therapies available. 

Topics include:

  • Characteristics of mental health

  • Effects of mental health on individuals and society

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

7. Research Methods

A major component of this course is research methods; you must be able to plan and carry out investigations using both experimental and non-experimental techniques. You will learn how to conduct rigorous, ethical research as well as how to analyse and interpret data gathered from studies to draw conclusions. 

To better understand the various research methods psychologists use, it is strongly advised that you engage in practical research activities.

Topics include:

  • Hypotheses and variables

  • Designing research 

  • Experimental methods

  • Non-experimental methods

  • Sampling and ethical issues

  • Reliability and validity

  • Handling data

What is Covered in OxfordAQA International GCSE Psychology Papers 1 & 2?

OxfordAQA International GCSE Psychology

Paper 1

50% of your final mark

Paper 2

50% of your final mark

Topics 1-3; Topic 7

  • Memory

  • Perception

  • Biopsychology

  • Research methods

Topics 4-7

  • Communication

  • Social influences

  • Mental health

  • Research methods

  • You will be asked questions on research methods and data handling on both Paper 1 and Paper 2

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Cambridge University Press & Assessment (2024) Cambridge IGCSE™ Psychology 0266, Version 2: https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/Images/718092-2027-2029-syllabus.pdf Accessed 14 January 2025

Oxford International AQA Examinations (2023) Oxford AQA International GCSE Psychology (9218), Version 1.1: https://www.oxfordaqa.com/qualifications/international-gcse-psychology/ Accessed 14 January 2025

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Raj Bonsor

Author: Raj Bonsor

Expertise: Psychology & Sociology Content Creator

Raj joined Save My Exams in 2024 as a Senior Content Creator for Psychology & Sociology. Prior to this, she spent fifteen years in the classroom, teaching hundreds of GCSE and A Level students. She has experience as Subject Leader for Psychology and Sociology, and her favourite topics to teach are research methods (especially inferential statistics!) and attachment. She has also successfully taught a number of Level 3 subjects, including criminology, health & social care, and citizenship.

Claire Neeson

Reviewer: Claire Neeson

Expertise: Psychology Content Creator

Claire has been teaching for 34 years, in the UK and overseas. She has taught GCSE, A-level and IB Psychology which has been a lot of fun and extremely exhausting! Claire is now a freelance Psychology teacher and content creator, producing textbooks, revision notes and (hopefully) exciting and interactive teaching materials for use in the classroom and for exam prep. Her passion (apart from Psychology of course) is roller skating and when she is not working (or watching 'Coronation Street') she can be found busting some impressive moves on her local roller rink.

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