IGCSE English Literature Topics by Exam Board: Full List
Written by: Angela Yates
Reviewed by: Nick Redgrove
Last updated

As an International GCSE English Literature student, you’ll be set up for success if you understand the course structure and assessment components. This article provides a detailed breakdown of the IGCSE English Literature topics for the major exam boards, Cambridge CIE and Edexcel. You can check exactly which texts you’ll be studying and how you’ll be assessed on your learning, to help you focus on your studies with confidence.
Cambridge CIE IGCSE English Literature topics
Studying Cambridge IGCSE Literature in English will help you develop your ability to read, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a range of literary texts. You will engage with poetry, prose, and drama from different periods and cultures. Along the way, you’ll gain an appreciation of the ways in which writers use language to create meaning.
The course is divided into the following key components:
Poetry and Prose
Unseen Texts (optional)
Coursework (optional)
1. Poetry and Prose
This unit focuses on close reading and analysis of literary texts. You’ll be exploring themes, characters, and literary techniques across a range of poetry and prose texts.
The set texts change each year. The titles listed here are for the examinations in 2027.
The key areas covered in this part of the course are:
Poetry: You will study one set text from an anthology. The anthologies selected are:
Songs of Ourselves Volume 1 (Cambridge University Press)
Songs of Ourselves Volume 2, Part 3 (Cambridge University Press)
Kumukanda by Kayo Chingonyi (Chatto & Windus)
Prose: You will answer questions on one set text from this list:
Author | Title |
Chinua Achebe | Things Fall Apart |
Lesley Nneka Arimah | What it Means When a Man Falls from the Sky |
Jane Austen | Pride and Prejudice |
Anita Desai | Fire on the Mountain |
Kiran Desai | Hullaballoo in the Guava Orchard |
Susan Hill | I’m the King of the Castle |
Harper Lee | To Kill a Mockingbird |
Various | Stories of Ourselves Volume 2: A selection of 10 short stories from the anthology |
2. Drama
This unit involves studying dramatic texts, including a Shakespeare play and a modern drama. You’ll look at dramatic techniques and character development in your selected works.
You will study two texts from this list (the titles listed here are for the examinations in 2027):
Author | Title |
Pearl Cleage | Blues for an Alabama Sky |
Shelagh Delaney | A Taste of Honey |
Chinonyerem Odimba | Princess & the Hustler |
William Shakespeare | A Midsummer Night’s Dream |
William Shakespeare | Antony and Cleopatra |
3. Unseen Texts (optional)
You may opt for a final assessment which involves analysis of texts that you will see for the first time on your paper (see Paper 4 below).
If you undertake this optional unit of study as part of your course, you will prepare by reading widely and analysing a range of poetry and prose texts chosen by your teacher.
4. Coursework (optional)
The coursework component provides an opportunity for you to undertake some independent literary analysis.
You will submit a portfolio containing two written assignments, each on a different literary text. One of the assignments may be on a set text for the other units of this course; the other text should be different. Your teachers will guide you in your selections to ensure that you choose suitable texts and assignment titles to meet the assessment objectives for this course.
Note: You will not study all four elements of this course. All students will be examined via two or three assessments as outlined below.
What is covered in Cambridge CIE IGCSE English Literature Paper 1?
The Cambridge IGCSE Literature in English course is assessed through a combination of written exams and, optionally, coursework. All students must undertake Paper 1.
Cambridge IGCSE English Literature Paper 1 is called Poetry and Prose.
This written paper tests what you have learned in the Poetry and Prose part of your course.
You will answer two questions, one on a poetry text from the anthology you have studied, and the other on the prose text you have covered.
You will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete Paper 1.
This paper is worth 50 marks in total.
Paper 1 is worth 50% of your total marks.
What is covered in Cambridge CIE IGCSE English Literature Paper 2?
Cambridge IGCSE Literature in English Paper 2 is called Drama.
This written paper tests your study of the Drama texts on the course.
You will answer two questions, one on a Shakespeare play and the other on a modern drama.
You will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete Paper 2.
This paper is worth 50 marks in total.
Paper 2 is worth 50% of your total marks.
Paper 2 is optional — you may take Papers 3 and 4 as an alternative form of assessment.
What is covered in Cambridge CIE IGCSE English Literature Paper 3?
Cambridge IGCSE Literature in English Paper 3 is called Drama (Open Text).
This written paper tests your study of the Drama texts on the course.
You will answer one question on a set drama text. You may bring a clean copy of the text into the exam.
You will have 45 minutes to complete Paper 3.
This paper is worth 25 marks in total.
Paper 3 is worth 25% of your total marks.
Paper 3 is optional and is taken with either Paper 4 or the coursework component of the course. You may take Paper 2 as an alternative form of assessment.
What is covered in Cambridge CIE IGCSE English Literature Paper 4?
Cambridge IGCSE Literature in English Paper 4 is called Unseen Texts.
You will answer one question on an unseen poem or prose extract.
You will have 1 hour 15 minutes to complete Paper 4.
This paper is worth 25 marks in total.
Paper 4 is worth 25% of your total marks.
Paper 4 is optional and is taken with either Paper 3 or the coursework component of the course. You may take Paper 2 as an alternative form of assessment.
Revision resources for Cambridge CIE IGCSE English Literature
If the assessment structure of the Cambridge CIE IGCSE Literature in English sounds complicated, don’t worry! Help is at hand. Your teachers will ensure that you are studying the correct elements of the course. And there’s plenty of help available from the team of experts at Save My Exams. Explore our revision notes and past papers to help you prepare for success in the different course components.
Cambridge IGCSE English Literature: Revision Notes
Cambridge IGCSE English Literature: Past Papers
Edexcel IGCSE English Literature topics
As with Cambridge CIE IGCSE English Literature, studying on the Edexcel IGCSE English Literature course involves studying poetry, prose and drama from different literary periods and cultures. You’ll read, interpret and analyse a wide range of texts. It’s a great grounding for further studies in English or any subjects that require you to look at topics from a range of perspectives, such as History or Psychology.
The course is divided into the following key components:
Poetry and Modern Prose
Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts
1. Poetry and Modern Prose
This unit focuses on close reading and analysis of literary techniques and themes within a range of poetry and modern prose.
The key areas covered in this part of the course are:
Poetry: You’ll read and analyse a range of poetry from Part 3 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology. You will also develop your skills in analysing unseen poetry, as this will form part of your assessment.
Modern prose: You will read and study one text from this list:
Author | Title |
Harper Lee | To Kill a Mockingbird |
John Steinbeck | Of Mice and Men |
Witi Ihimaera | The Whale Rider |
Amy Tan | The Joy Luck Club |
Chinua Achebe | Things Fall Apart |
Kazuo Ishiguro | Klara and the Sun |
Chetna Maroo | Western Lane |
2. Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts
In this unit, you’ll have the opportunity to examine the themes, language, structure, and context of both dramatic texts and significant works from the literary canon.
The key areas covered in this part of the course are:
Modern drama: You will study one modern drama text from this list:
Author | Title |
Arthur Miller | A View from the Bridge |
J.B. Priestley | An Inspector Calls |
Mark Haddon (adapted by Simon Stephens) | The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time |
Diane Samuels | Kindertransport |
Wole Soyinka | Death and the King’s Horseman |
Literary heritage: You will study one literary heritage text from this selection:
Author | Title |
William Shakespeare | Romeo and Juliet |
William Shakespeare | Macbeth |
William Shakespeare | The Merchant of Venice |
Jane Austen | Pride and Prejudice |
Charles Dickens | Great Expectations |
Nathaniel Hawthorne | The Scarlet Letter |
What is covered in Edexcel IGCSE English Literature Paper 1?
The Edexcel IGCSE English Literature course is assessed through a combination of written exams and an optional coursework component.
Edexcel IGCSE English Literature Paper 1 is called Poetry and Modern Prose.
This written paper tests what you have learned in the Poetry and Modern Prose part of your course.
The paper is divided into three sections:
Section A — Unseen Poetry: One essay question analysing an unseen poem, worth 20 marks.
Section B — Anthology Poetry: One essay question from a choice of two, comparing two anthology poems. This is worth 30 marks.
Section C — Modern Prose: One 40-mark essay question from a choice of two on your selected prose text.
You will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete Paper 1.
This paper is worth 90 marks in total.
Paper 1 is worth 60% of your total marks.
All students must undertake Paper 1.
Paper 1 is a closed-book examination — you cannot take texts into the exam. You will be provided with the anthology poems.
What is covered in Edexcel IGCSE English Literature Paper 2?
Edexcel IGCSE English Literature Paper 2 is called Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts (Examined Option).
This written paper tests what you have learned in the Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts part of your course.
The paper is divided into two sections:
Section A — Modern Drama: You will answer one 30-mark essay question from a choice of two on your chosen set text.
Section B — Literary Heritage Texts: You will complete one 30-mark essay question from a choice of two on your chosen set text.
You will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete Paper 2.
This paper is worth 60 marks in total.
Paper 2 is worth 40% of your total marks.
Paper 2 is an open-book examination — you may take set texts into the exam, although they must be completely unmarked.
Note: Paper 2 is an optional method of assessment. You may instead undertake a coursework component, also worth 40% of your total marks, as an alternative method of assessment for the Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts element of your course. Choosing this route will involve completing two assignments, one on modern drama and one on literary heritage texts.
Revision resources for Edexcel IGCSE English Literature
Start revising early for your Edexcel IGCSE English Literature exams with the exam-board aligned resources on offer from the English team at Save My Exams. Explore our revision notes and past papers to help you with your preparation.
Edexcel IGCSE English Literature: Revision Notes
Edexcel IGCSE English Literature: Past Papers
Improve your grades with Save My Exams
The sooner you start your revision, the better prepared you’ll be for your final exams. Give yourself the best opportunity to succeed with the fantastic range of resources at Save My Exams, all designed to ensure you maximise your revision time and minimise your stress.
English Literature IGCSE Resources
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