IB Psychology Topics by Exam Board: Full List
Written by: Claire Neeson
Reviewed by: Raj Bonsor
Last updated

As an IB Psychology student, locating the information you require about the exam board you are studying can be challenging. This article provides a detailed breakdown of the IB psychology topics for HL and for SL. This way, you will know exactly what to learn and where to look for the best exam board-specific revision materials.
IB Psychology Topics
Core Topics: SL & Hl | Option Topics: HL only |
| 2. The Cognitive Approach HL topics |
| 3. The Sociocultural Approach HL topics (the effects of globalisation on the individual) |
| |
Both HL & Sl students will undertake an Internal Assessment which your teacher will supervise: this is not an exam but a continuous piece of coursework |
If you are taking HL you will study two of the following topics; if you are taking SL you will study one of the following topics:
Abnormal Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Health Psychology
Psychology of Human Relationships
The Core Approaches
1. The Biological Approach to understanding behaviour
This topic explores the relationship between biological and psychological processes with its emphasis on internal, physiological causes of behaviour, e.g., the role of neurotransmitters in behaviour; how brain structure can provide insight into specific behaviours such as emotion or language.
Topics include (both SL and HL):
The Brain & Behaviour:
Neural Networks and Neural Pruning
Localisation of Function
Agonists and antagonists
Excitatory/inhibitory Neurotransmitters
Techniques used to study the brain
Hormones & Pheromones
The role of specific hormones in behaviour e.g., oxytocin
Pheromones in humans
Genetics & Behaviour
One gene e.g. the 5-HTT gene and its effect on behaviour
Genetic Similarity
twin and kinship studies
Evolutionary Explanations for Behaviour
Biological Approach HL topics include (you will not study these if you are SL):
The Role of Animal Research in Understanding Human Behaviour
The Value of Animal Models to Provide Insight into Human Behaviour
Ethical Considerations in Animal Research
2. The Cognitive Approach to understanding behaviour
This topic explores the idea that the human mind works much in the same way as a computer: encoding, processing and storing information. This approach focuses on areas of research such as memory, schema theory, thinking, and how cognition may influence behaviour and the extent to which such processes are reliable, for example, in thinking and memory.
Topics include (both SL and HL):
Cognitive Processing
Models of Memory
Multi Store Model
Working Memory Model
Schema Theory
Cognitive Schema
Thinking & Decision-Making
Rational Thinking
Intuitive Thinking
Reliability of Cognitive Processes
Reconstructive memory e.g. confabulation, information after the event
Biases in Thinking & Decision-Making e.g. illusory correlation, just-world hypothesis
Emotion & Cognition
The influence of emotion on cognitive processes e.g. flashbulb memory
Cognitive Approach HL topics include (you will not study these if you are SL):
Cognitive processing in a technological (digital/modern) world
The Influence (positive & negative) of Technologies (digital/modern) on Cognitive Processes
Methods used to Study the Interaction between Technologies & Cognitive Processes
3. The Sociocultural Approach to understanding behaviour
This topic explores the role played by social and cultural influences in shaping thinking and human behaviour. The topic considers the influence of others on the individual and places an emphasis on the role of culture, both from a cross-cultural perspective and a culturally relative perspective.
Topics include (both SL and HL):
The Individual & the Group
Social Identity Theory
Social Groups
Social Cognitive Theory e.g. self-efficacy, reciprocal determinism
Formation of Stereotypes e.g. illusory correlation
The Effects of Stereotyping e.g. stereotype threat
Cultural Origins of Behaviour & Cognition
Culture and its Influence on Behaviour & Cognition
Cultural Groups
Cultural Dimensions e.g., individualism vs. collectivism
Cultural Influences on Individual Behaviour
Sociocultural Approach HL topics include (you will not study these if you are SL):
The Influence of Globalisation on Individual Behaviour
The Effect of the Interaction of Local & Global Influences on Behaviour
Research Methods used to Study the Influence of Globalisation on Behaviour
What is covered in IB Psychology Paper 1?
Paper 1: Core Topics 1-3 | SL | HL |
The Biological Approach | No HL extension topics | HL extension topics |
The Cognitive Approach | No HL extension topics | HL extension topics |
The Sociocultural Approach | No HL extension topics | HL extension topics |
% of final mark | 50% | 40% |
Duration | 2 hours | 2 hours |
Marks | 3 x 9-mark SAQs for Section A = 27 marks 1 x 22-mark ERQ for Section B = 22 marks Total: 49 marks | 3 x 9-mark SAQs for Section A = 27 marks 1 x 22-mark ERQ for Section B = 22 marks Total: 49 marks |
Questions | Answer all 3 questions on Section A Choose 1 question from a choice of 3 on Section B | Answer all 3 questions on Section A Choose 1 question from a choice of 3 on Section B 1 or more questions on Section B may be on the HL extension topic(s) |
1. Approaches to Researching Behaviour (HL only)
This topic analyses two categories of research - experimental and non-experimental methods, essentially quantitative and qualitative methods.
Topics include:
Research methods
Quantitative methods
Lab experiments
Field experiments
Quasi experiments
Natural experiments
Correlational research
Qualitative methods:
Case study
Interviews (unstructured; semi-structured; focus groups)
Research designs
Independent groups/measures
Repeated measures
Matched pairs
Alternative hypothesis
Null hypothesis
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Sampling Technique
Random sampling
Opportunity/Convenience sampling
Volunteer sampling
Purposive sampling
Snowball sampling
Ethical Considerations
Analysing Data
Evaluation of research data for:
validity (internal/external)
Researcher bias
Participant bias
Sampling bias
Drawing Conclusions:
Correlation and causation
Generalisation for quantitative research
Transferability for qualitative research
What is covered in IB Psychology Paper 3 (HL only)?
Paper 3: Approaches to Research, | HL only |
Quantitative & Qualitative Methods | Research scenario supplied in the exam |
% of final mark | 20% |
Duration | 1 hour |
Question 1 is 3 x 3-mark question = 9 marks Question 2 is 1 x 6-mark question = 6 marks Question 3 is 1 x 9-mark question = 9 marks Total = 24 marks | |
Questions | Answer 3 SAQs from a list of 6 questions Question 1 is divided into 3 parts and will be on a research method and sampling method Question 2 will be on ethics Question 3 will be on either generalisability or credibility or bias |
1. Abnormal Psychology (Option Topic)
This topic explores the diagnosis, explanation, and treatment of abnormal behaviour e.g. depression, phobias. Abnormal psychology considers the extent to which behaviour can be labelled normal/abnormal, how a diagnosis is reached, how different approaches explain specific disorders and the range of treatments used e.g. drugs, CBT.
Topics include:
Factors Influencing Diagnosis
Normality vs Abnormality
Classification Systems
The Role of Clinical Biases in Diagnosis
Validity & Reliability of Diagnosis
Etiology of Abnormal Psychology
Explanations for Disorder(s)
Prevalence Rates & Disorder(s)
Treatment of Disorder(s)
Biological Treatment
Psychological Treatment
The Role of Culture in Treatment
Assessing the Effectiveness of Treatment(s)
You will be expected to integrate the biological, cognitive and sociocultural approaches into your exam answers.
You may also be asked questions on research methods and/or ethics linked to the content of this option.
2. Developmental Psychology (Option Topic)
This topic is the study of how and why people’s behaviour and thinking changes over time, usually linked to their age and developmental milestones. Developmental psychology focuses on how development may thrive or founder depending on specific internal and external factors. There is a strong link to the nature-nurture debate when considering development.
Topics include:
Influence on Cognitive & Social Development
Role of Peers & Play
Childhood Trauma & Resilience
Poverty/Socioeconomic Status
Developing an Identity
Gender Identity & Social Roles
Development of Empathy & Theory of Mind
Developing as a Learner
Cognitive Development
Brain Development
You will be expected to integrate the biological, cognitive and sociocultural approaches into your exam answers.
You may also be asked questions on research methods and/or ethics linked to the content of this option.
3. Health Psychology (Option Topic)
This topic explores the differences in attitudes towards health-related behaviour, variations in the incidence of health problems as well as ways to promote healthy living. You may study a single health issue or explore more than one e.g. stress, smoking.
Topics include:
Determinants of Health
Biopsychosocial Model of Health & Well-being
Dispositional Factors & Health Beliefs
Risk & Protective Factors
Health Problems
Explanations of Health Problem(s)
Prevalence Rates of Health Problem(s)
Promoting Health
Health Promotion
Effectiveness of Health Promotion Programme(s)
You will be expected to integrate the biological, cognitive and sociocultural approaches into your exam answers.
You may also be asked questions on research methods and/or ethics linked to the content of this option.
4. Psychology of Human Relationships (Option Topic)
This topic explores the ways in which humans form bonds, both romantic and non-romantic. A range of theories of attraction are considered along with questions such as ‘why do some people receive help in an emergency while others do not?’ Ways of promoting prosocial behaviour are also explored.
Topics include:
Personal Relationships
Formation of Personal Relationships
Role of Communication
Explanations for why Relationships Change or End
Group Dynamics
Co-operation & Competition
Prejudice & Discrimination
Origins of Conflict & Conflict Resolution
Social Responsibility
Prosocial Behaviour
Promoting Prosocial Behaviour
You will be expected to integrate the biological, cognitive and sociocultural approaches into your exam answers.
You may also be asked questions on research methods and/or ethics linked to the content of this option.
What is covered in IB Psychology Paper 2?
Paper 2: Options, | SL | HL |
Abnormal Psychology | ||
Developmental Psychology | ||
Health Psychology | ||
Psychology of Human Relationships | ||
% of final mark | 25% | 20% |
Duration | 1 hour | 2 hours |
Marks | 1 x 22-mark ERQ Total = 22 marks | 2 x 22-mark ERQs Total = 44 marks |
Questions | Choose 1 question from 1 option topic 3 questions will be provided per option topic (choose 1 of these) | Choose 2 questions from 2 option topic 3 questions will be provided per option topic (choose 1 of these) |
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