GCSE Religious Studies Topics by Exam Board: Full List
Written by: Angela Yates
Reviewed by: Alistair Marjot
Last updated
As a GCSE Religious Studies student, you may find it tricky to find the exact course information for the exam board you’re studying. You need to know precisely what you’ll be examined on, so you don’t waste a moment of your valuable revision time.
In this article, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of the GCSE Religious Studies topics of the most popular courses offered by the AQA and Edexcel exam boards. Use it to check exactly what you need to study and where you can get the best revision resources to help you with your course.
AQA A GCSE Religious Studies Topics
Studying AQA A GCSE Religious Studies will give you a knowledge and understanding of the main beliefs and practices of some of the major world faiths, and how these beliefs influence religious believers’ responses to some of the main ethical issues faced in the modern world.
The AQA A GCSE course is split into two components. These are:
The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices
Thematic studies
1. The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices
In this component, you will learn about the key beliefs, teachings and practices of two different major world religions from this list:
Catholic Christianity
The key areas covered in each topic are:
Buddhism: Key Beliefs and Practices
The Dhamma
The Buddha and the Four Noble Truths
Worship and festivals
Buddhist ethics
Christianity: Key Beliefs and Practices
The nature of God
Jesus Christ and salvation
Worship and festivals
The role of the Church in the local and worldwide community
Catholic Christianity: Key Beliefs and Practices (you cannot study this alongside Christianity)
Key beliefs including the Trinity, creation, incarnation and redemption
The seven sacraments
Worship and festivals
The role of the Church in the local and worldwide community
Hinduism: Key Beliefs and Practices
Ideas about the nature of God and existence
Beliefs about the nature of human life
Worship and festivals
Islam: Key Beliefs and Practices
Key beliefs including the nature of God, angels, predestination and life after death
Authority including Risalah, holy books and the Imamate
Duties and festivals
Judaism: Key Beliefs and Practices
Key beliefs including the nature of God, the Messiah and Shekhinah
The covenant and the mitzvot
The synagogue and worship
Family life and festivals
Sikhism: Key Beliefs and Practices
Key beliefs including the nature of God, karma and rebirth and being gurmukh
Beliefs about the nature of human life
Worship and service
Festivals and lifestyle
2. Thematic studies
For component two, you will cover four themes from a range relating to issues in today’s world. You will study religious teachings and philosophical and ethical arguments in response to each issue.
For each theme, you will need to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the main religious tradition of Great Britain, which is Christianity, and at least one other religious tradition, along with non-religious beliefs such as atheism and humanism.
The key areas covered in each theme are:
Relationships and families
This topic explores issues relating to human sexuality including marriage and divorce, contraception and family planning, and same-sex marriage and cohabitation.
You will also study the nature and purpose of families and gender equality, prejudice and discrimination
Religion and life
This popular theme covers some of the biggest questions humans can ask about existence. You’ll explore the origins and value of the universe, the duty of human beings to protect our planet, and the use and abuse of its resources, including animal experimentation.
You’ll also consider the origins and value of human life, including arguments relating to abortion and euthanasia.
The existence of God and revelation
In this theme, you’ll consider and evaluate philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God. You’ll also study the nature of revelation and enlightenment, and the value of experiences such as visions for an understanding of the divine.
Less commonly selected for study, this theme is a perfect introduction to the topics covered by A Level Philosophy of Religion.
Religion, peace and conflict
This theme explores the meaning of peace, justice, reconciliation and forgiveness in a world where violence, terrorism and war are far too evident. You’ll study concepts such as holy war and just war, and examine the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction.
A popular theme among students, this is a perfect complement to GCSE History courses.
Religion, crime and punishment
In this theme you’ll explore the causes of crime and explore religious responses to different types of crime and punishment, including prison, corporal punishment, and the death penalty.
Religion, human rights and social justice
This far-ranging theme covers religious responses to the vital issues of prejudice and discrimination, human rights, and social justice. You’ll also consider attitudes towards wealth and poverty, and examine responses to the exploitation of the poor.
This theme is just as relevant today as it was when I studied for my own GCSEs, and was instrumental in my journey to becoming a Religious Studies teacher.
St Mark’s gospel: the life of Jesus
The first of the textual studies themes covers the importance and influence of St Mark’s Gospel as a source of knowledge and understanding of Jesus.
You’ll study several of the key events in the life and ministry of Jesus and consider what Christians can learn from these events.
St Mark’s Gospel as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths
This textual studies theme accompanies the previous theme and covers further details of the life and teaching of Jesus.
The focus is on how the Kingdom of God might be understood, the attitudes of Jesus to those disregarded by society, and the significance and importance of Jesus’ attitudes and teachings for Christians today.
Note: The last two textual themes must be studied together, along with two other themes from the list, only by students who have opted for Christianity or Catholic Christianity in Area of Study 1.
What is Covered in AQA A GCSE Religious Studies Paper 1?
For AQA A GCSE Religious Studies Paper 1, you’ll receive two booklets, one for each of the religions you have studied. There will be two questions in each booklet, one on Beliefs and one on Practice.
Each question is broken down into 5 parts. You will need to answer all questions in each booklet.
Each question is worth 51 marks (48 + 3 spelling punctuation and grammar marks)
The total for Paper 1 is 102 marks
You will have 1 hour 45 minutes to complete Paper 1
Paper 1 is worth 50% of your total marks
What is Covered in AQA A GCSE Religious Studies Paper 2?
For AQA A GCSE Religious Studies Paper 2, you’ll receive one booklet. You must answer questions on the four themes you have studied. There will be one question for each theme, and each question is broken down into 5 parts. You must answer all parts of each question.
Each question is worth 24 marks
The total for Paper 2 is 99 marks (99 + 3 SPaG marks)
You will have 1 hour 45 minutes to complete Paper 2
Paper 2 is worth 50% of your total marks
Revision Resources for AQA A GCSE Religious Studies
There are plenty of revision resources available to help you max out your grades for AQA A GCSE Religious Studies. You’ll find revision notes, exam questions with model answers and past papers, all designed specifically for this course to help you study exactly what you need for success
AQA A GCSE Religious Studies: Revision Notes
AQA A GCSE Religious Studies: Exam Questions
AQA A GCSE Religious Studies: Past Papers
Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies Topics
Studying Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies will give you a knowledge and understanding of the main religious beliefs and ethical ideas of some of the major world faiths, and how these beliefs and ideas apply to some of the biggest issues faced in the modern world.
The Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies course is split into three areas of study. You will study two of them. The areas of study are:
Religion and Ethics
Religion, Peace and Conflict
Religion, Philosophy and Social Justice
1: Religion and Ethics
In this section, you will study one major world religion from a choice of seven:
Catholic Christianity
Within the chosen religion, the following topics are covered:
Beliefs: Core beliefs, teachings, and the nature of the divine.
Marriage and the Family: Religious perspectives on marriage, family life, and relationships.
Living the Religious Life: Practices, rituals, and ways of living out the faith.
Matters of Life and Death: Religious views on issues such as the sanctity of life, euthanasia, and the afterlife.
2: Religion, Peace and Conflict
In this area of study, you will study a different religion from the same list. The Beliefs and Living the Religious Life topics remain the same. The full life list of topics you will cover are:
Beliefs: Core beliefs, teachings, and the nature of the divine.
Crime and Punishment: Religious attitudes towards crime, justice, and punishment.
Living the Religious Life: Practices, rituals, and ways of living out the faith.
Peace and Conflict: Religious perspectives on peace, conflict, and reconciliation.
3: Religion, Philosophy and Social Justice
The third area explores philosophical and ethical issues within the context of the beliefs of one of the religions from the list. The Beliefs and Living the Religious Life topics remain the same. The full list of topics you will cover are:
Beliefs: Core beliefs, teachings, and the nature of the divine.
Philosophy of Religion: Arguments for and against the existence of God, the problem of evil, and the nature of faith.
Living the Religious Life: Practices, rituals, and ways of living out the faith.
Equality: Religious teachings on social justice, gender equality, and human rights.
What is Covered in Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies Paper 1?
Paper 1 assesses your knowledge of Area of Study 1: Religion and Ethics.
You must answer four questions, one on each of the four topics you have studied. Each question is broken down into 4 parts. You must answer all parts of each question.
Each question is worth 24 marks, except those marked clearly with an asterisk (*) to show that 3 extra marks are offered for spelling, punctuation and grammar and correct use of subject specialist terminology in these questions.
The total for Paper 1 is 102 marks (5% of the marks will be awarded for spelling, punctuation and grammar).
You will have 1 hour 45 minutes to complete Paper 1.
Paper 1 is worth 50% of your total marks.
What is Covered in Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies Paper 2?
Paper 2 assesses your knowledge of either Area of Study 2, Religion, Peace and Conflict, or Area of Study 3, Religion, Philosophy and Social Justice, depending on which area of study you followed.
The structure and format is exactly the same as Paper 1. There are four questions, one on each of the four topics in the area of study. Each question is broken down into 4 parts, and you must answer all parts of each question.
Each question is worth 24 marks, except those marked clearly with an asterisk (*) to show that 3 extra marks are offered for spelling, punctuation and grammar and correct use of subject specialist terminology.
The total for Paper 2 is 102 marks (5% of the marks will be awarded for spelling, punctuation and grammar).
You will have 1 hour 45 minutes to complete Paper 2.
Paper 2 is worth 50% of your total marks.
Revision Resources for Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies
There are plenty of revision resources available to help you prepare fully for your exams in Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies. You’ll find detailed revision notes with worked examples of exam questions and past papers. Everything is designed specifically for this course to help you revise with confidence.
Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies: Revision Notes
Edexcel B GCSE Religious Studies: Past Papers
Improve Your Grades with Save My Exams
You’ll find all the help you need to achieve the best possible grade with Save My Exams. Find GCSE Religious Studies resources written by experienced experts, tailored to your specific course. These include:
Detailed revision notes
Exam questions with sample answers and examiner tips
Past papers and mark schemes
Religious Studies GCSE Resources
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