A Level Geography Topics by Exam Board: Full List

Bridgette Barrett

Written by: Bridgette Barrett

Reviewed by: Angela Yates


Last updated

Are you finding it a struggle to find a complete and exam-board-specific list of A Level Geography topics? This can make your revision inefficient and overwhelming. With multiple exam boards (AQA, Edexcel, and OCR) each having their own specifications, it's easy to overlook key topics or focus on irrelevant content, leading to gaps in knowledge and underperformance in exams.

This article provides a structured, board-specific breakdown of all A Level Geography topics, ensuring that you can tailor your revision to your exam board's requirements. By following this guide, you can effectively focus on the right topics, streamline your revision, and ultimately boost your exam performance.

AQA A Level Geography Topics

AQA divides its specification into physical and human geography, alongside geographical skills and fieldwork investigation.

Physical Geography 

Students are required to study three of the six topics listed below. 

Water and Carbon Cycles is compulsory. Students then study one topic from either Hot Desert Systems and Landscapes or Coastal Systems and Landscapes or Glacial Systems and Landscapes and one topic from Hazards or Ecosystems under Stress

  1. Water and Carbon Cycles – Understanding the movement of water and carbon within natural systems, their impact on climate, and how human activities influence these cycles.

  2. Hot Desert Systems and Landscapes – Examining arid environments, their landforms, and the challenges associated with their management.

  3. Coastal Systems and Landscapes – Studying coastal processes, landforms, and management strategies in response to erosion and climate change.

  4. Glacial Systems and Landscapes – Exploring glacial processes, landforms, and their historical significance.

  5. Hazards – Investigating natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, wildfires and hurricanes, alongside human responses to these hazards.

  6. Ecosystems Under Stress – Analysing how ecosystems respond to human and natural pressures, including conservation and management strategies.

Human Geography 

Students are required to study three of the five topics listed below. Global Systems and Global Governance and Changing Places are compulsory. Students then study one topic from Contemporary Urban Environments or Population and the Environment or Resource Security.

  1. Global Systems and Global Governance – Understanding globalisation, trade, and international organisations that influence the modern world.

  2. Changing Places – Examining the social and economic changes that impact different locations and communities.

  3. Contemporary Urban Environments – Investigating urbanisation trends, sustainable cities, and challenges such as pollution and housing shortages.

  4. Population and the Environment – Analysing how population growth and distribution affect resources, health, and sustainability.

  5. Resource Security – Exploring the availability, management, and sustainability of key resources such as water, energy, and food.


  6. Independent Geographical Investigation (20% of the final grade) – A student-led inquiry on any relevant geographical issue, using fieldwork data collection and analysis.

What is Covered in AQA A Level Geography Paper 1?

  • Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

  • Weighting: 40%

  • Topics Covered: You will answer questions on three of six physical geography topics, including the compulsory Water and Carbon Cycles.

What is Covered in AQA A Level Geography Paper 2?

  • Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

  • Weighting: 40%

  • Topics Covered: You will answer questions on three of five human geography topics, including the compulsory Global Systems and Global Governance and Changing Places.

Revision Resources for AQA A Level Geography 

Visit our revision resources for AQA A Level Geography

Edexcel A Level Geography Topics

Edexcel covers four areas of study: dynamic landscapes, dynamic places, physical systems and sustainability, and human systems and geopolitics.

Physical Geography

Students must study all four topics listed below. All topics are compulsory with students choosing either coastal or glacial landscapes within topic 2.

  1. Tectonic Processes and Hazards – Understanding earthquake, volcanic, and tsunami processes and their impacts on society.

  2. Landscape Systems, Processes, and Change – Focusing on either coastal or glacial landscapes and their long-term development and management.

  3. The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity – Exploring how water moves through the environment, its importance, and threats to water security.

  4. The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security – Analysing carbon flows and how they relate to global energy demands and climate change.

Human Geography 

Students must study all four topics listed below:

  1. Globalisation – Examining how interconnected the world has become through trade, migration, and communication.

  2. Shaping Places – Studying urban and rural areas, regeneration projects, their management and successes as well as population structure and demographics, students choose from either  Regenerating Places or Diverse Places.

  3. Superpowers – Investigating the global influence of powerful nations and their geopolitical strategies.

  4. Global developments and connections  – Understanding issues related to development, globalisation, migration and human rights. Students will study one topic from  Health, Human Rights and Intervention or Migration, Identity and Sovereignty.

Independent Investigation

      9. A self-led research project covering any aspect of the Edexcel specification. The           investigation is 20% of the final mark.

What is Covered in Edexcel A Level Geography Paper 1?

Physical Geography

  • Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes

  • Weighting: 30%

  • Topics Covered: All four physical geography topics with a choice between coastal landscapes or glacial landscapes.

What is Covered in Edexcel A Level Geography Paper 2?

Human Geography

  • Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes

  • Weighting: 30%

  • Topics Covered: All four human geography topics with a choice of one from two in Shaping Places: Regenerating Places or Diverse Places, and a choice of one from two in Global Developments and Connections: Health, Human Rights and Intervention or Migration, Identity and Sovereignty.

What is Covered in Edexcel A Level Geography Paper 3?

Synoptic Investigation

  • Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes

  • Weighting: 20%

  • Focus: The ability to link different topics across physical and human geography to real-world issues.

Revision Resources for Edexcel A Level Geography 

Visit our revision resources for Edexcel A Level Geography

OCR A Level Geography Topics

OCR divides its content into physical systems, human interactions, geographical debates, and an independent investigation.

Physical Systems 

  1. Landscape Systems – Focusing on landscapes, their geomorphological processes and how they are affected by human activity. Students study one option from:

    1. Coastal Landscapes

    2. Glaciated Landscapes

    3. Dryland Landscapes

  2. Earth’s Life Support Systems – Examining the water and carbon cycles and their significance for sustaining life on Earth.

Human Interactions 

  1. Changing Spaces; Making Places – Exploring what is meant by ‘place’ and how places are shaped by social, economic, and environmental factors.

  2. Global Connections – Analysing international trade, migration, human rights, and governance. Students study two of four options in this topic,

Students study one option in Global Systems from:

  1. Trade in the Contemporary World

  2. Global Migration

Students study one option in Global Governance from:

  1. Human Rights

  2. Power and Borders

Geographical Debates 

Students must study two of the five contemporary issues listed below. No topics are compulsory.

5. Climate Change – Causes, consequences, and mitigation strategies. 

6. Disease Dilemmas – Examining the spread and management of diseases. 

7. Exploring Oceans – Investigating the role of oceans in global systems and their environmental challenges. 

8. Future of Food – Understanding global food production, sustainability, and food security. 

9. Hazardous Earth – Analysing geophysical and atmospheric hazards and their impacts on societies.

Independent Investigation 

  • A student-led inquiry into a chosen geographical issue with fieldwork and research components. This is 20% of the final grade.

Revision Resources for OCR A Level Geography 

Visit our revision resources for OCR A Level Geography

Improve Your Grades with Save My Exams

Achieve your best possible grade with Save My Exams. Find expert-written GCSE Geography revision resources, specifically tailored to your exam board. This includes:

  • Detailed revision notes

  • Exam questions with sample answers and examiner tips

  • Past papers with mark schemes

  • Flashcards

Visit the Save My Exams A Level Geography


AQA A Level Geography Specification

Edexcel A Level Geography Specification

OCR A Level Geography Specification

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Bridgette Barrett

Author: Bridgette Barrett

Expertise: Geography Lead

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.

Angela Yates

Reviewer: Angela Yates

Expertise: Religious Studies Content Creator

Angela graduated with a first-class degree in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Manchester. After completing a PGCE and CCRS, she taught RE for around fifteen years before becoming a full-time writer and educational content creator. Angela is passionate about creating Religious Education resources to enable students to achieve their full potential.

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