IB Results Day 2024

Jenna Quinn

Written by: Jenna Quinn


Last updated

IB Results Day - Women celebrating after getting their IB results

To those of you who have made it through the IB, congratulations! You've completed two very tough years of work. Here is some information about IB results day and what to do once you receive your results.

When is IB Results Day 2024? 

Results will be officially out on the 5th of July 2024, but they'll become accessible to you online on the next day, the 6th of July 2024. It is up to your school whether they opt to distribute the results in print before making them available online.

How to retrieve your IB results

To view your IB results, you need to log in directly on the IBO online platform.

You'll need your personal identifier and your PIN to log in, which should have been given to you by your IB Coordinator at the start of the year. If you think you may have misplaced this, talk to your IB Coordinator or school and they should be able to give these to you again.

When does UCAS update on IB results day?

Typically, your results will become available between 12pm and 2pm, but this depends on your timezone. Don't worry if your results don't show up immediately.

IB Results Day - man at computer

IB results 2022 statistics  


Source: IBO 

The IB (International Baccalaureate) grading system explained

For the 2022 exams, grade boundaries were adjusted slightly to reflect the disruption caused by covid-19. May 2023 will be the first exam session since the full recovery of the covid-19 pandemic which is most likely to be similar to that of pre-covid in May 2019.

Grade boundaries for all subjects are published annually by the IB in subject reports, after the exams have taken place and once grades have been released. Examiners evaluate the exam papers and determine the difficulty of the exam. Depending on the subject, grade boundaries may remain consistent over time, or change year on year, with grade boundaries being different for each subject and for each level within. 

Your final diploma result score is made up of the combined scores for each subject using the appropriate weightings. The diploma is awarded to those who gain at least 24 points, subject to certain minimum levels of performance including successful completion of the three essential elements of the DP core. 

Overall grade boundaries are applied to give an overall achievement grade on the 1 (lowest) to 7(highest) scale (A-E for Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay).

What to do if you don’t get the grades you wanted? 

Not everyone will get the results they had hoped for, however, there are always options – so don't panic. 

Your university offer may be conditional upon your IB results. If you didn’t get the grades you wanted and would still like to go to your first-choice university, it is possible to take a year out and retake the IB in November. It is important to note, however, that the deadline for registering for this session is soon - the 28th July, and this does cost money. You may also re-take exams in the following May provided you have not already been registered for three exam sessions.

If you were close to the upper boundary for a particular subject, you can apply for a re-mark. We recommend not to apply for a remark if you were nearer the lower boundary, as marks can also go down. It is important you apply straight away so that it is likely that the outcome of the re-mark will be published before A Level results are released. If your grade goes up, you will get your money back. It is also important you let your university know you are doing this. If you only very slightly miss the grade for your university, you will have to wait until A Level results day on August 13 before you find out whether the university has rejected or accepted your offer. Your IB coordinator will be the person who can apply for the remark from 5th July until 15th September, so let them know as soon as possible. The results will be sent to the IBDP Coordinator who will pass them on to you.

If you don’t get the grades you need for your original university or didn’t get any conditional offers, clearing gives you the chance to get a place on another course at either the same or a different university. You can also apply for a university place directly through clearing, even if you haven't already made an application this year or if you get higher grades than expected and want to find a place of a ‘better’ course. You can apply for a place through cleaning until 17th October, provided you are not already holding an offer from a university or college, and the course you're applying to still has space. If you decide that you don’t want to take your firm offer choice, you will need to ask the university to withdraw the offer in order to enable you to go through clearing.

It is also important to remember, there are also options other than university, which may be right for you. Exam results are not the be all and end all! You can still have a successful future. Keep an eye out for a blog post on options other than university coming soon.

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Jenna Quinn

Author: Jenna Quinn

Expertise: Head of Humanities & Social Science

Jenna studied at Cardiff University before training to become a science teacher at the University of Bath specialising in Biology (although she loves teaching all three sciences at GCSE level!). Teaching is her passion, and with 10 years experience teaching across a wide range of specifications – from GCSE and A Level Biology in the UK to IGCSE and IB Biology internationally – she knows what is required to pass those Biology exams.

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