What are the OCR GCSE Grade Boundaries in 2022 and Why They Matter

Grade boundaries set by OCR are the minimum number of marks you need to score in your GCSE exam to achieve a certain grade. The grade boundaries change for every exam series, so they will be different in 2022 than they were in previous years. Grade boundaries are set after your OCR GCSE exams have been marked, so you won’t know the exact grade boundaries for the 2022 exams before you take them.

This article will provide you with the grade boundaries for OCR GCSE 2022, help you interpret them, and provide tools to help you succeed in your exams.

SubjectYearMonthMaximum MarkGrade 9Grade 8Grade 7Grade 6Grade 5Grade 4Grade 3Grade 2Grade 1
Ancient History2022Jun165132118105917763503725
Biology A (Gateway Science) Foundation Tier: 01+022022Jun180----10278604326
Biology A (Gateway Science) H Higher Tier: 03+042022Jun18013111610283654738--
Biology B (Twenty First Century Science) Foundation Tier: 01+022022Jun180----9881614223
Biology B (Twenty First Century Science) Higher Tier: 03+042022Jun1801251109578614537--
Chemistry A (Gateway Science) Foundation Tier: 01+022022Jun180----9673553719
Chemistry A (Gateway Science) Higher Tier: 03+042022Jun18014212210383634333--
Chemistry B (Twenty First Century Science) Foundation Tier: 01+022022Jun180----9985623916
Chemistry B (Twenty First Century Science) H Higher Tier: 03+042022Jun1801251099375584132--
Citizenship Studies2022Jun200138125112968166503520
Classical Civilisation Option A: 11+212022Jun180128115103897460453015
Classical Civilisation Option B: 11+222022Jun180133119106927763473115
Classical Civilisation Option C: 11+232022Jun180129116104907561453015
Classical Civilisation Option D: 12+212022Jun180128115102887460453015
Classical Civilisation Option E: 12+222022Jun180133119105917763473115
Classical Civilisation Option F: 12+232022Jun180129116103897561453015
Classical Greek Option A: 01+02+032022Jun20016514412311210191725334
Classical Greek Option B: 01+02+042022Jun2001641431221109988695032
Classical Greek Option C: 01+02+052022Jun2001631411201089786685032
Classical Greek Option D: 01+02+062022Jun20016514512611510493735333
Classical Greek Option E: 01+03+042022Jun2001641421201099989705132
Classical Greek Option F: 01+03+052022Jun2001631401181079787685032
Classical Greek Option G: 01+03+062022Jun20016514412411410494735333
Classical Greek Option H: 01+04+052022Jun2001621391171069584664830
Classical Greek Option J: 01+04+062022Jun20016414312311210191715131
Classical Greek Option K: 01+05+062022Jun2001631421211109989695031
Computer Science2022Jun160132119106907560453016
Design and Technology2022Jun2001541381221048668503214
English Language2022Jun160126114102907867533925
English Language Foundation Tier: 01+02+032022November160123111100887665513724
English Literature2022Jun120100897865523928188
Food Preparation and Nutrition2022Jun3002362161961731511291037751
Geography A (Geographical Themes)2022Jun16712411210087746143269
Geography B (Geography for Enquiring Minds)2022Jun159123112102907867482911
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option KA: 01+08+142022Jun160127115103897561442812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option LA: 02+08+142022Jun160125113101877360442812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option LB: 02+09+142022Jun160125113101877360442812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option LC: 02+10+142022Jun160130118106917662452812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option LD: 02+11+142022Jun160130118106927864462912
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option LE: 02+12+142022Jun160130118106917763462912
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option LF: 02+13+142022Jun160130118106927864462912
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option MA: 05+08+142022Jun160126114102887461442812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option NA: 06+08+142022Jun160128116104907662452812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option NB: 06+09+142022Jun160128116104907662452812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option ND: 06+11+142022Jun160133121109948066483012
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option NE: 06+12+142022Jun160133121109947965472912
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option NF: 06+13+142022Jun160133121109948066483012
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OA: 07+08+142022Jun160128116104907662452812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OB: 07+09+142022Jun160128116104907662452812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OC: 07+10+142022Jun160133121109947964462912
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OD: 07+11+142022Jun160133121109948066483012
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OE: 07+12+142022Jun160133121109947965472912
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OF: 07+13+142022Jun160133121109948066483012
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OG: 08+11+142022Jun160128116104907663462912
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OH: 09+12+142022Jun160128116104907662452812
History A (Explaining the Modern World) Option OI: 10+13+142022Jun160133121109947965472912
History B (Schools History Project) Option LC: 41+51+61+732022Jun170134120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option LE: 41+51+71+832022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option LI: 41+51+73+832022Jun170132118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option LK: 41+51+61+832022Jun170135122109968370523518
History B (Schools History Project) Option MC: 41+52+61+732022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option ME: 41+52+71+832022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option MI: 41+52+73+832022Jun170131118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option MK: 41+52+61+832022Jun170135122109968370523518
History B (Schools History Project) Option NC: 41+53+61+732022Jun170131118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option NE: 41+53+71+832022Jun170131118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option NI: 41+53+73+832022Jun170129116103907764483318
History B (Schools History Project) Option NK: 41+53+61+832022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option OC: 42+51+61+732022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option OE: 42+51+71+832022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option OH: 42+51+73+812022Jun170131118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option OI: 42+51+73+832022Jun170132118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option OK: 42+51+61+832022Jun170135122109968370523518
History B (Schools History Project) Option PA: 42+52+61+712022Jun170135122109968370523518
History B (Schools History Project) Option PC: 42+52+61+732022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option PD: 42+52+71+812022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option PE: 42+52+71+832022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option PH: 42+52+73+812022Jun170131118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option PI: 42+52+73+832022Jun170132118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option PK: 42+52+61+832022Jun170135122109968370523518
History B (Schools History Project) Option QB: 42+53+61+722022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option QE: 42+53+71+832022Jun170131118105927966503418
History B (Schools History Project) Option QI: 42+53+73+832022Jun170129116103907764483318
History B (Schools History Project) Option QK: 42+53+61+832022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option RC: 43+51+61+732022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option RK: 43+51+61+822022Jun170134121108958269523518
History B (Schools History Project) Option SA: 43+52+61+712022Jun170135122109968370523518
History B (Schools History Project) Option SD: 43+52+71+812022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option TE: 43+53+71+822022Jun170130117104917865493318
History B (Schools History Project) Option UB: 41+61+71+832022Jun170135122109968370523518
History B (Schools History Project) Option UF: 41+61+73+832022Jun170133120107948168513418
History B (Schools History Project) Option VF: 42+61+73+832022Jun170133120107948168513418
Latin Option A: 01+02+032022Jun2001681491311129476553413
Latin Option B: 01+02+042022Jun2001661481301119274533313
Latin Option C: 01+02+052022Jun2001661481301119274533313
Latin Option D: 01+02+062022Jun2001681491311129476553413
Latin Option E: 01+03+042022Jun2001681491311129476553413
Latin Option F: 01+03+052022Jun2001681491311129476553413
Latin Option G: 01+03+062022Jun2001701511321149678563413
Latin Option H: 01+04+052022Jun2001661481301119274533313
Latin Option K: 01+05+062022Jun2001681491311129476553413
Mathematics Foundation Tier: 01+02+032022Jun300----170119855219
Mathematics Higher Tier: 04+05+062022Jun300242200158120824526--
Mathematics Foundation Tier: 01+02+032022November300----168117845119
Mathematics Higher Tier: 04+05+062022November300244202160123864930--
Media Studies2022Jun20016014813712010386654423
Physical Education2022Jun200159149140126113100755026
Physics A (Gateway Science) Foundation Tier: 01+022022Jun180----10289654219
Physics A (Gateway Science) Higher Tier: 03+042022Jun18014212811597796152--
Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) Foundation Tier: 01+022022Jun180----9177563515
Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) Higher Tier: 03+042022Jun1801191028669523526--
Religious Studies2022Jun25218716815012910989664422
Source: OCR

Examiner-written GCSE revision resources that improve your grades 2x

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  • Everything you need to know, and nothing you don’t

What is the best way to prepare for your GCSE OCR exam?

The best way to prepare for your OCR GCSE exam is to start your revision early. Begin with a list of topics for all your GCSE courses and highlight the ones you are the most unsure about. Create a revision timetable with short periods of focus, giving the most time to these topics.

Ideally, you will want to revise all the topics for each subject, but often there just isn’t time. Prioritising topics will help you make the best use of the time you do have, and will give you the biggest increase in marks for your GCSE exams.

Use revision notes to revise OCR GCSE content. Flashcards are a great tool to practice recall, reinforce key concepts and boost memory retention. Then use exam questions to test your understanding and identify any areas that you are still unsure of.

It is also super helpful to use 2022 OCR GCSE past exam papers to practice your exam technique. Set a timer for the amount of time allowed for your OCR GCSE exam, and sit the paper under exam conditions. This will help you to manage your time more effectively. It will also help increase your exam stamina! It is difficult to concentrate and to write for extended periods, so you need to practice this before the big day.

How to interpret 2022 grade boundaries for OCR GCSE exams

Grade boundaries are established by exam boards such as OCR to reflect student performance in any given year. It is important to understand that the GCSE grade boundaries are set after the GCSE exams have been marked.

A variety of methods are used to ensure the grade boundaries are set fairly. Statistical analysis and examiner judgement are used to ensure the grade boundaries are fair and consistent with previous years.

Each GCSE exam paper is different, so the level of difficulty of the paper as a whole can fluctuate slightly from year to year. For example, if an entire cohort of students finds an exam paper particularly difficult, the grade boundary is lowered slightly so that students are not unfairly penalised.

Looking at the OCR GCSE grade boundaries for previous years can help you get an idea of the marks you need in 2022 to achieve the grade you want. With this information and your OCR GCSE past paper scores, you can get an idea of the grade you are currently working at. You will be able to see how many marks you would have needed to get the higher grade. Armed with this information and an effective revision process, you can successfully work to increase your grade.

A word of caution. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the OCR GCSE grade boundaries were lowered to minimise the disadvantage faced by students who missed school due to lockdowns. Therefore, the grade boundaries for the OCR GCSE years 2020 to 2022 will not be representative of other years.

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