What are the Edexcel GCSE Grade Boundaries in 2024 and Why They Matter

Grade boundaries set by Edexcel are the minimum number of marks you need to score in your GCSE exam to achieve a certain grade. The grade boundaries change for every exam series, so they will be different in 2024 than they were in previous years. Grade boundaries are set after your Edexcel GCSE exams have been marked, so you won’t know the exact grade boundaries for the 2024 exams before you take them.

This article will provide you with the grade boundaries for Edexcel GCSE 2024, help you interpret them, and provide tools to help you succeed in your exams.

SubjectYearMonthMaximum MarkGrade 9Grade 8Grade 7Grade 6Grade 5Grade 4Grade 3Grade 2Grade 1
Arabic (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----1581361098255
Arabic (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun28022519616814612410392--
Arabic (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun28022519616814612410392--
Art, Craft & Design Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1801471341221058973523110
Art & Design: Fine Art Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1801471341221058973523110
Art & Design: Graphic Communication Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1801471341221058973523110
Art & Design: Photography Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1801471341221058973523110
Art & Design: Photography Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1801471341221058973523110
Art & Design: 3D Design Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1801471341221058973523110
Art & Design: Textile Design Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1801471341221058973523110
Astronomy Paper(s) 01 022024Jun2001561401241099480604122
Biblical Hebrew Paper(s) 01 022024Jun200162150138126114102856851
Biology (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F2024Jun200----130111815122
Biology (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H2024Jun200166152139116937160--
Business Paper(s) 01 022024Jun18014713712811410086623916
Chemistry (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F2024Jun200----11999755128
Chemistry (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H2024Jun20014812810987664534--
Chinese (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----1991571157331
Chinese (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun2802111841571301037764--
Citizenship Studies Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1601341241151008571513213
Computer Science Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1501191059176614734218
Design and Technology Paper(s) 02 1A2024Jun2001441311181038975543312
Design and Technology Paper(s) 02 1B2024Jun2001411291171038976543312
Design and Technology Paper(s) 02 1C2024Jun2001441311181038975533211
Design and Technology Paper(s) 02 1D2024Jun2001441311181038975533211
Design and Technology Paper(s) 02 1E2024Jun2001411291171038976553413
Design and Technology Paper(s) 02 1F2024Jun200140126113998571523314
Design and Technology Paper(s) 02T 1B2024Jun2001411291171038976543312
Design and Technology Paper(s) 02T 1F2024Jun200140126113998571523314
Drama Paper(s) 01 02 032024Jun240200188176160144128966432
Drama Paper(s) 01T 02T 032024Jun240200188176160144128966432
English Language Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1601321231141049484644526
English Language 2.0 Paper(s) 01 022024Jun1601421321231109784644424
English Language Paper(s) 01 022024November1601321231141049484644526
English Language 2.0 Paper(s) 01 022024November1601421321231099582624324
English Literature Paper(s) 01 022024Jun160133122112988470513315
French (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----1921681309356
French (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun28022619917214912610391--
French (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2FT 3F 4F2024Jun280----1921681309356
French (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2HT 3H 4H2024Jun28022619917214912610391--
Geography A Paper(s) 01 02 032024Jun256209193177157138119845016
Geography B Paper(s) 01 02 032024Jun256210193177158139120865219
German (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----1901611218141
German (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun2802201971741481239885NANA
German (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2HT 3H 4H2024Jun2802201971741481239885NANA
Greek (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----25920815710655
Greek (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun280254236218200183166157NANA
Greek (Foundation Paper(s) 1F 2FT 3F 4F2024Jun280----25920815710655
Greek (Higher Paper(s) 1H 2HT 3H 4H2024Jun280254236218200183166157--
Gujarati (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----152122926233
Gujarati (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun28024721919116313610995--
History Paper(s) 10 2A 302024Jun1681451331211089582614019
History Paper(s) 10 2B 302024Jun1681461341221098463434221
History Paper(s) 10 2C 302024Jun1681451331211089684624018
History Paper(s) 10 2E 302024Jun1681451331211089582614019
History Paper(s) 10 2G 302024Jun1681451331211089684624018
History Paper(s) 10 2K 302024Jun1681471351231109886644322
History Paper(s) 10 2M 302024Jun1681461341221099785634119
History Paper(s) 10 2N 302024Jun1681451331211089582614019
History Paper(s) 10 2P 302024Jun1681461341221099684634221
History Paper(s) 10 2Q 302024Jun1681451331211089684624018
History Paper(s) 10 2R 302024Jun1681451331211089583613918
History Paper(s) 10 2A 312024Jun1681441321201069279583717
History Paper(s) 10 2B 312024Jun1681451331211079481603919
History Paper(s) 10 2C 312024Jun1681441321201079481593716
History Paper(s) 10 2D 312024Jun1681441321201069380583716
History Paper(s) 10 2E 312024Jun1681441321261069279583717
History Paper(s) 10 2F 312024Jun1681451331211079481603919
History Paper(s) 10 2G 312024Jun1681441321201079481593716
History Paper(s) 10 2H 312024Jun1681441321201069380583716
History Paper(s) 10 2J 312024Jun1681431321211079481603918
History Paper(s) 10 2K 312024Jun1681461341221099683624120
History Paper(s) 10 2L 312024Jun1681431321211089583613917
History Paper(s) 10 2M 312024Jun1681451331211089582603817
History Paper(s) 10 2N 312024Jun1681451331201069279583717
HIstory Paper(s) 10 2P 312024Jun1681451331211079481603919
History Paper(s) 10 2Q 312024Jun1681491341201079481593716
History Paper(s) 10 2R 312024Jun1681451321201069380583716
History Paper(s) 10 2T 312024Jun1681441321201069380593818
History Paper(s) 10 2U 312024Jun1681451331211089582614020
History Paper(s) 10 2W 312024Jun1681441321201079481593817
History Paper(s) 10 2K 322024Jun1681461341221089582624222
History Paper(s) 10 2P 322024Jun1681451331211079380604021
History Paper(s) 10 2R 322024Jun1681441321201069279583818
History Paper(s) 10 2H 332024Jun1681441321201069279583818
History Paper(s) 10 2J 332024Jun1681401301211079380604020
History Paper(s) 10 2K 332024Jun1681461341221089582624222
History Paper(s) 10 2L 332024Jun1681451331211089582614019
History Paper(s) 10 2M 332024Jun1681451331211079481603919
History Paper(s) 10 2N 332024Jun1681441321201069278583819
History Paper(s) 10 2P 332024Jun1681521361211079380604021
History Paper(s) 10 2Q 332024Jun1681481341201069380593818
History Paper(s) 10 2R 332024Jun1681441321201069279583818
History Paper(s) 10 2U 332024Jun1681451331211079481614122
History Paper(s) 11 2J 302024Jun1681481361241119885634120
History Paper(s) 11 2M 302024Jun1681481361241119886634119
History Paper(s) 11 2N 302024Jun1681471351231099683614019
History Paper(s) 11 2P 302024Jun1681481361241119885634221
History Paper(s) 11 2Q 302024Jun1681471351231109785624018
History Paper(s) 11 2R 302024Jun1681451341231109484624018
History Paper(s) 11 2T 302024Jun1681471351231109784624120
History Paper(s) 11 2W 302024Jun1681471351231109785634119
History Paper(s) 11 2A 312024Jun1681461341221089480593817
History Paper(s) 11 2B 312024Jun1681471351231099582614019
History Paper(s) 11 2C 312024Jun1681461341221089582603816
History Paper(s) 11 2D 312024Jun1681461361221089481593716
History Paper(s) 11 2E 312024Jun1681461341221089480593817
History Paper(s) 11 2F 312024Jun1681471351231099582614019
History Paper(s) 11 2G 312024Jun1681461341221089582603816
History Paper(s) 11 2H 312024Jun1681471341221089481593716
History Paper(s) 11 2J 312024Jun1681461341231099582603918
History Paper(s) 11 2K 312024Jun1681471351241109784624120
History Paper(s) 11 2L 312024Jun1681471351231109784613917
History Paper(s) 11 2M 312024Jun1681451341231099683613916
History Paper(s) 11 2N 312024Jun1681461341221089480593817
History Paper(s) 11 2P 312024Jun1681491361231099582614019
History Paper(s) 11 2Q 312024Jun1681471341221089582603816
History Paper(s) 11 2R 312024Jun1681461341221089481593716
History Paper(s) 11 2T 312024Jun1681461341221089481603918
History Paper(s) 11 2U 312024Jun1681471351231099683624120
History Paper(s) 11 2V 312024Jun1681461341221099683613917
History Paper(s) 11 2W 312024Jun1681461341221089582603817
History Paper(s) 11 2J 322024Jun1681471351231099581604020
History Paper(s) 11 2M 322024Jun1681471351231099582614019
History Paper(s) 11 2N 322024Jun1681461341221079379593919
History Paper(s) 11 2P 322024Jun1681471351231099581614121
History Paper(s) 11 2R 322024Jun1681461341221089480593818
History Paper(s) 11 2T 322024Jun1681461341221089480604020
History Paper(s) 11 2D 332024Jun1681461341221089480593818
History Paper(s) 11 2G 332024Jun1681461341221089481603918
History Paper(s) 11 2H 332024Jun1681461341221089480593818
History Paper(s) 11 2J 332024Jun1681431331231099581604020
History Paper(s) 11 2K 332024Jun1681481361241109683624222
History Paper(s) 11 2L 332024Jun1681471351231099683614019
History Paper(s) 11 2M 332024Jun1681451341231099582614019
History Paper(s) 11 2N 332024Jun1681451331221079379593919
History Paper(s) 11 2P 332024Jun1681471351231099581614121
History Paper(s) 11 2Q 332024Jun1681461341221089481603918
History Paper(s) 11 2R 332024Jun1681451331221089480593818
History Paper(s) 11 2V 332024Jun1681461341221089582614019
History Paper(s) 11 2W 332024Jun1681461341221089481603919
History Paper(s) 12 2D 302024Jun1681461341221089582603817
History Paper(s) 12 2E 302024Jun1681461341221089481603918
History Paper(s) 12 2H 302024Jun1681461341221089582603817
History Paper(s) 12 2N 302024Jun1681461341221089481603918
History Paper(s) 12 2P 302024Jun1681471351231099683624120
History Paper(s) 12 2R 302024Jun1681461341221089582603817
History Paper(s) 12 2W 302024Jun1681461341221099683613918
History Paper(s) 12 2A 312024Jun1681451331211069278573616
History Paper(s) 12 2B 312024Jun1681461341221089480593818
History Paper(s) 12 2D 312024Jun1681451331211079379573615
History Paper(s) 12 2G 312024Jun1681451331211079380583615
History Paper(s) 12 2H 312024Jun1681451331211079379573715
History Paper(s) 12 2J 312024Jun1681461341221089480593817
History Paper(s) 12 2K 312024Jun1681471351231099582614019
History Paper(s) 12 2L 312024Jun1681461341221089582603816
History Paper(s) 12 2M 312024Jun1681461341221089481593716
History Paper(s) 12 2N 312024Jun1681461331211069278573616
History Paper(s) 12 2P 312024Jun1681461341221089480593818
History Paper(s) 12 2Q 312024Jun1681451331211079380583615
History Paper(s) 12 2R 312024Jun1681471341211079379573615
History Paper(s) 12 2T 312024Jun1681451331211079379583717
History Paper(s) 12 2U 312024Jun1681451341221089481603919
History Paper(s) 12 2V 312024Jun1681451331211079481593716
History Paper(s) 12 2W 312024Jun1681451331211079380583716
History Paper(s) 12 2J 322024Jun1681461341221079379593919
History Paper(s) 12 2A 332024Jun1681451331211069177573718
History Paper(s) 12 2D 332024Jun1681451331211069278573717
History Paper(s) 12 2N 332024Jun1681451331211069177573718
History Paper(s) 12 2Q 332024Jun1681451331211079379583717
History Paper(s) 12 2R 332024Jun1681451331211069278573717
History Paper(s) 13 2N 302024Jun1681471351231099683614019
History Paper(s) 13 2Q 302024Jun1681471351231109785624018
History Paper(s) 13 2R 302024Jun1681471351231109784624018
History Paper(s) 13 2D 312024Jun1681461341221089481593716
History Paper(s) 13 2H 312024Jun1681461341221089481593716
History Paper(s) 13 2J 312024Jun1681471351231099582603918
History Paper(s) 13 2K 312024Jun1681481361241109784624120
History Paper(s) 13 2L 312024Jun1681471351231109784613917
History Paper(s) 13 2M 312024Jun1681471351231099683613917
History Paper(s) 13 2N 312024Jun1681491351221089480593817
History Paper(s) 13 2P 312024Jun1681471351231099582614019
History Paper(s) 13 2Q 312024Jun1681541381221089582603816
History Paper(s) 13 2R 312024Jun1681501361221089481593716
History Paper(s) 13 2P 322024Jun1681471351231099581614121
History Paper(s) 13 2R 322024Jun1681461341221089480593818
History Paper(s) 13 2D 332024Jun1681461341221089480593818
History Paper(s) 13 2M 332024Jun1681471351231099582614019
History Paper(s) 13 2N 332024Jun1681461341221079379593919
History Paper(s) 13 2R 332024Jun1681471341221089480593818
History Paper(s) 13 2T 332024Jun1681461341221089480604020
History Paper(s) 13 2W 332024Jun1681461341221089481603919
Italian (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----2031631238343
Italian (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun280225231207179151123109--
Italian (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2HT 3H 4H2024Jun280225231207179151123109--
Japanese (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----1941561188144
Japanese (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun2802191941691441199481--
Mathematics (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F2024Jun240----1751421036527
Mathematics (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H2024Jun240197167137105734226--
Mathematics (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F2024November-----1741411036629
Mathematics (Foundation) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H2024November240200170140107754327--
Music Paper(s) 01 02 032024Jun200170160150137124111886543
Music Paper(s) 01 02T 032024Jun200170160150137124111886543
Music Paper(s) 01T 02T 032024Jun200170160150137124111886543
Persian (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----2091661238139
Persian (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun280243223203183163143133--
Physical Education Paper(s) 01 02 03 042024Jun3502782612452232011801389655
Physical Education Paper(s) 01 02 03T 042024Jun3502782612452232011801389655
Physical Education Paper(s) 01 02 03 04T2024Jun3502782612452232011801389655
Physical Education Paper(s) 01 02 03T 04T2024Jun3502782612452232011801389655
Physics (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F2024Jun200----135119906234
Physics (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H2024Jun200161146131109876655--
Portuguese (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----2051631217938
Portuguese (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun280254236219189159130115--
Portuguese (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2HT 3H 4H2024Jun280254236219189159130115--
Psychology Paper(s) 01 022024Jun18012110997837057422712
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1A 2C 3A2024Jun2041461331211079380573411
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1A 2C 4A2024Jun2041491361211119885603511
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1A 2F 3A2024Jun20413912611499847049288
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1A 2F 4A2024Jun204142129117103897552308
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1B 2C 3B2024Jun2041471341221079277553413
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1B 2C 4A2024Jun2041501371251119784603613
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1B 2D 3B2024Jun204147134122103856747299
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1B 2E 4A2024Jun2041491361241099480573411
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1B 2F 3B2024Jun204140127115998367482910
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1B 2F 4A2024Jun2041431301181038874523110
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1C 2A 3C2024Jun20415714413211910693694623
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1C 2B 3C2024Jun204164151139126113100755127
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1C 2B 4B2024Jun204165152140126113100734620
Religious Studies A Paper(s) 1C 2F 3C2024Jun20415614313111710390674523
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1A 2C2024Jun2041471361261119681583513
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1A 2F2024Jun204131120110978471513112
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1B 2C2024Jun20415214113111610288633813
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1B 2D2024Jun2041451341241099480573513
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1B 2E2024Jun2041441331231109784613816
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1B 2F2024Jun2041401271151029078563412
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1B 2G2024Jun2041441331231089480573411
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1B 3C2024Jun20414813712711510392653812
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1B 3D2024Jun20414913812811410188633813
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1B 3G2024Jun20414913812811610564674013
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1C 2B2024Jun20415314213211710389633813
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1C 3B2024Jun204154145136125114103744618
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1D 2B2024Jun20415614513511810184613815
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1D 3B2024Jun20416014913912511198724620
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1E 2B2024Jun20415314213211710288644017
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1E 3G2024Jun20415214113111910897704418
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1F 2B2024Jun2041491381281139883603715
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1F 3B2024Jun20415314213212010897714520
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1G 2B2024Jun20415114013011610288633814
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1G 3B2024Jun204155144134123112102744619
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 1G 3C2024Jun20414913812811710695684114
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 2B 3C2024Jun2041471361261129885603612
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 2C 3B2024Jun20415514413412110895694318
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 2D 3B2024Jun20414813712711310087644118
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 2F 3B2024Jun2041391281181079685623917
Religious Studies B Paper(s) 2G 3B2024Jun20414713612611310087633916
Russian (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----155124936231
Russian (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun2802281911541341149484--
Russian (Higher Paper(s) 1H 2HT 3H 4H2024Jun2802281911541341149484--
Spanish (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----1921661309458
Spanish (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun28023920817815212710289NANA
Statistics (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F2024Jun160----9270503112
Statistics (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H2024Jun1601251068767472818--
Statistics (Higher Paper(s) 1H 2H2024Jun1601251068767472818--
Turkish (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F2024Jun160----9270503112
Turkish (Foundation Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----146118906234
Turkish (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun2802442181921581259225--
Urdu (Foundation) Paper(s) 1F 2F 3F 4F2024Jun280----1961681217427
Urdu (Higher) Paper(s) 1H 2H 3H 4H2024Jun280267225224213182151135--

Examiner-written GCSE revision resources that improve your grades 2x

  • Written by expert teachers and examiners
  • Aligned to exam specifications
  • Everything you need to know, and nothing you don’t

What is the best way to prepare for your GCSE Edexcel exam?

The best way to prepare for your Edexcel GCSE exam is to start your revision early. Begin with a list of topics for all your GCSE courses and highlight the ones you are the most unsure about. Create a revision timetable with short periods of focus, giving the most time to these topics.

Ideally, you will want to revise all the topics for each subject, but often there just isn’t time. Prioritising topics will help you make the best use of the time you do have, and will give you the biggest increase in marks for your GCSE exams.

Use revision notes to revise Edexcel GCSE content. Flashcards are a great tool to practice recall, reinforce key concepts and boost memory retention. Then use exam questions to test your understanding and identify any areas that you are still unsure of.

It is also super helpful to use 2024 Edexcel GCSE past exam papers to practice your exam technique. Set a timer for the amount of time allowed for your Edexcel GCSE exam, and sit the paper under exam conditions. This will help you to manage your time more effectively. It will also help increase your exam stamina! It is difficult to concentrate and to write for extended periods, so you need to practice this before the big day.

How to interpret 2024 grade boundaries for Edexcel GCSE exams

Grade boundaries are established by exam boards such as Edexcel to reflect student performance in any given year. It is important to understand that the GCSE grade boundaries are set after the GCSE exams have been marked.

A variety of methods are used to ensure the grade boundaries are set fairly. Statistical analysis and examiner judgement are used to ensure the grade boundaries are fair and consistent with previous years.

Each GCSE exam paper is different, so the level of difficulty of the paper as a whole can fluctuate slightly from year to year. For example, if an entire cohort of students finds an exam paper particularly difficult, the grade boundary is lowered slightly so that students are not unfairly penalised.

Looking at the Edexcel GCSE grade boundaries for previous years can help you get an idea of the marks you need in 2024 to achieve the grade you want. With this information and your Edexcel GCSE past paper scores, you can get an idea of the grade you are currently working at. You will be able to see how many marks you would have needed to get the higher grade. Armed with this information and an effective revision process, you can successfully work to increase your grade.

A word of caution. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Edexcel GCSE grade boundaries were lowered to minimise the disadvantage faced by students who missed school due to lockdowns. Therefore, the grade boundaries for the Edexcel GCSE years 2020 to 2022 will not be representative of other years.

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