What are the AQA GCSE Grade Boundaries in 2021 and Why They Matter

Grade boundaries set by AQA are the minimum number of marks you need to score in your GCSE exam to achieve a certain grade. The grade boundaries change for every exam series, so they will be different in 2021 than they were in previous years. Grade boundaries are set after your AQA GCSE exams have been marked, so you won’t know the exact grade boundaries for the 2021 exams before you take them.

This article will provide you with the grade boundaries for AQA GCSE 2021, help you interpret them, and provide tools to help you succeed in your exams.

SubjectYearMonthMaximum MarkGrade 9Grade 8Grade 7Grade 6Grade 5Grade 4Grade 3Grade 2Grade 1
Art & Design (Art,Craft & Des)2021Nov9681746757473827166
Art & Design (Fine Art)2021Nov9681746757473827166
Art & Design (Photography)2021Nov9681746757473827166
Bengali Tier F2021Nov180---------
Bengali Tier H2021Nov18014112410885624029--
Biology Tier F2021Nov200----119102744618
Biology Tier H2021Nov2001301149881644840--
Chemistry Tier F2021Nov200----121100724518
Chemistry Tier H2021Nov2001381179677583929--
Chinese (Spoken Mand) Tier F2021Nov180----7764483216
Chinese (Spoken Mand) Tier H2021Nov1801401097866544236--
Citizenship Studies2021Nov160125113102887460442813
Computer Science2021Nov160135119104877155412815
Design And Technology2021Nov10075676051423424156
English Language2021Nov160121111101907968503214
English Literature Option NM2021Nov13011310189766452382512
English Literature Option PM2021Nov13011410290776452382411
English Literature Option PN2021Nov13011310189766452382512
Food Preparation And Nutrition2021Nov100797061524335271911
French Tier F2021Nov180----114100714213
French Tier H2021Nov18013812010289766356--
German Tier F2021Nov180----11498694011
German Tier H2021Nov1801351179984705649--
History A012021Nov12482726353433425167
History A082021Nov12483746555463727177
History A122021Nov12483736455463727177
History A272021Nov12482716151413123157
History B012021Nov12483746555453626166
History B082021Nov12484756757483928176
History B092021Nov12482736555453525156
History B102021Nov12485776958483827166
History B132021Nov12484756656463726166
History B222021Nov12483736454443525156
History B252021Nov12480706050413223146
History B272021Nov12483736353433324156
History B292021Nov12478685949403122146
History B312021Nov12481716252423223146
History C082021Nov12487787060504028176
History C102021Nov12488807261503928176
History C162021Nov12483746554433223146
History C212021Nov12485756655453525156
History C222021Nov12486766756463626166
History C272021Nov12486766655443424156
History C292021Nov12481716252423223146
History C312021Nov12484746554433324156
History C362021Nov12482726352413022146
History D082021Nov12487787060514230187
History D102021Nov12488807261514129187
History D112021Nov12484756657483928177
History D132021Nov12487786959494029187
History D222021Nov12486766757473827177
History D252021Nov12483736353443525167
History D352021Nov12482726352413123157
History D372021Nov12482736453433324157
Italian Tier F2021Nov180----9582583410
Italian Tier H2021Nov1801411169177635043--
Mathematics (Foundation)2021Nov240----145108795123
Mathematics (Higher)2021Nov24019215511990623420--
Media Studies2021Nov1681231099680644834218
Modern Hebrew Tier F2021Nov180---------
Modern Hebrew Tier H2021Nov1801411179381705953--
Panjabi Tier F2021Nov180---------
Panjabi Tier H2021Nov180152137123103836454--
Physical Education2021Nov1561089990786654392511
Physics Tier F2021Nov200----122100724416
Physics Tier H2021Nov20014212210282624333--
Polish Tier F2021Nov180----125115814815
Polish Tier H2021Nov1801511381261151049489--
Religious Studies (Sc) Option D2021Nov102888174645546342210
Religious Studies (Sc) Option F2021Nov102847770625446342210
Religious Studies A Option BA2021Nov20417616214913211598734823
Religious Studies A Option DA2021Nov204179165152134117100744823
Religious Studies A Option LA2021Nov20417015514112410790674523
Religious Studies A Option MA2021Nov20417616315013311699734823
Religious Studies A Option NA2021Nov20417215814512710992694623
Religious Studies A Option NB2021Nov20416615213911910081614223
Religious Studies A Option OA2021Nov20417716114612811194704623
Religious Studies A Option TA2021Nov20417616214913111396714723
Religious Studies B Option YA2021Nov20417816214612710889654117
Religious Studies B Option YB2021Nov20417716114512510586634017
Spanish Tier F2021Nov180----10387623712
Spanish Tier H2021Nov18014012110285695345--
Statistics Tier F2021Nov160----8471533619
Statistics Tier H2021Nov1601291149980614232--
Urdu Tier F2021Nov180---------
Urdu Tier H2021Nov180158145133111896857--
Source: AQA

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What is the best way to prepare for your GCSE AQA exam?

The best way to prepare for your AQA GCSE exam is to start your revision early. Begin with a list of topics for all your GCSE courses and highlight the ones you are the most unsure about. Create a revision timetable with short periods of focus, giving the most time to these topics.

Ideally, you will want to revise all the topics for each subject, but often there just isn’t time. Prioritising topics will help you make the best use of the time you do have, and will give you the biggest increase in marks for your GCSE exams.

Use revision notes to revise AQA GCSE content. Flashcards are a great tool to practice recall, reinforce key concepts and boost memory retention. Then use exam questions to test your understanding and identify any areas that you are still unsure of.

It is also super helpful to use 2021 AQA GCSE past exam papers to practice your exam technique. Set a timer for the amount of time allowed for your AQA GCSE exam, and sit the paper under exam conditions. This will help you to manage your time more effectively. It will also help increase your exam stamina! It is difficult to concentrate and to write for extended periods, so you need to practice this before the big day.

How to interpret 2021 grade boundaries for AQA GCSE exams

Grade boundaries are established by exam boards such as AQA to reflect student performance in any given year. It is important to understand that the GCSE grade boundaries are set after the GCSE exams have been marked.

A variety of methods are used to ensure the grade boundaries are set fairly. Statistical analysis and examiner judgement are used to ensure the grade boundaries are fair and consistent with previous years.

Each GCSE exam paper is different, so the level of difficulty of the paper as a whole can fluctuate slightly from year to year. For example, if an entire cohort of students finds an exam paper particularly difficult, the grade boundary is lowered slightly so that students are not unfairly penalised.

Looking at the AQA GCSE grade boundaries for previous years can help you get an idea of the marks you need in 2021 to achieve the grade you want. With this information and your AQA GCSE past paper scores, you can get an idea of the grade you are currently working at. You will be able to see how many marks you would have needed to get the higher grade. Armed with this information and an effective revision process, you can successfully work to increase your grade.

A word of caution. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the AQA GCSE grade boundaries were lowered to minimise the disadvantage faced by students who missed school due to lockdowns. Therefore, the grade boundaries for the AQA GCSE years 2020 to 2022 will not be representative of other years.

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