What are the OCR A Level Grade Boundaries in 2024 and Why They Matter

Grade boundaries set by OCR are the minimum number of marks you need to score in your A Level exam to achieve a certain grade. The grade boundaries change for every exam series, so they will be different in 2024 than they were in previous years. Grade boundaries are set after your OCR A Level exams have been marked, so you won’t know the exact grade boundaries for the 2024 exams before you take them.

This article will provide you with the grade boundaries for OCR A Level 2024, help you interpret them, and provide tools to help you succeed in your exams.

SubjectYearMaximum MarkA*ABCDE
Ancient History Option A : 11 + 212024196168141114876135
Ancient History Option B : 11 + 222024196170145117906336
Ancient History Option C : 11 + 232024196169143116896236
Ancient History Option D : 12 + 212024196165139113876136
Ancient History Option E : 12 + 222024196169143116896337
Ancient History Option F : 12 + 232024196167141115896337
Ancient History Option G : 13 + 212024196165139113876136
Ancient History Option H : 13 + 222024196169143116896337
Ancient History Option J : 13 + 232024196167141115896337
Art and Design202420019218115613110682
Biology A20242701871601361128966
Biology B (Advancing Biology)20242701711511311119172
Chemistry A Practical Endorsement in chemistry20242702432121731349658
Chemistry B (Salters)20242702211861561279869
Classical Civilisation Option A: 11+21+3120242502121851531219059
Classical Civilisation Option B: 11+21+3220242502121861541229160
Classical Civilisation Option C: 11+21+3320242502121851531218958
Classical Civilisation Option D: 11+21+3420242502101831521219059
Classical Civilisation Option E: 11+22+3120242502121841531229160
Classical Civilisation Option F: 11+22+3220242502121851541239261
Classical Civilisation Option G: 11+22+3320242502121841521219059
Classical Civilisation Option H: 11+22+3420242502101821511209060
Classical Civilisation Option J: 11+23+3120242502111851541239262
Classical Civilisation Option K: 11+23+3220242502111861551249363
Classical Civilisation Option L: 11+23+3320242502111851541239261
Classical Civilisation Option M: 11+23+3420242502091831521229262
Classical Civilisation Option N: 11+24+3120242502101831521219059
Classical Civilisation Option O: 11+24+3220242502101841531229160
Classical Civilisation Option P: 11+24+3320242502101831511208958
Classical Civilisation Option Q: 11+24+3420242502081811501198959
Classical Greek202430025120617714812092
Computer Science202435029225621517413393
Design and Technology202430024321918615312088
Design and Technology2024300254233204175147119
Design and Technology2024300254233204175147119
Drama and Theatre2024300266252217182147112
English Language20242001691501261027956
English Language and Literature (EMC)20242001681551351159576
English Literature202420018717615313110987
Film Studies202430025323019616212894
Further Mathematics A (H245) Option Y540+Y541+Y542+Y543 Overall202430023019316313410576
Further Mathematics A (H245) Option Y540+Y541+Y542+Y544202430022619016113310577
Further Mathematics A (H245) Option Y540+Y541+Y542+Y54520243002141781501239669
Further Mathematics A (H245) Option Y540+Y541+Y543+Y544202430022819216313410577
Further Mathematics A (H245) Option Y540+Y541+Y543+Y54520243002161801521249669
Further Mathematics A (H245) Option Y540+Y541+Y544+Y54520243002121771501239670
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route A: Option Y420+Y421+Y432202436028525020716412280
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route A: Option Y420+Y421+Y433202436028424720516312180
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route A: Option Y420+Y421+Y434202436028924920716512381
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route A: Option Y420+Y421+Y435202436028524720315911673
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route A: Option Y420+Y421+Y436202436028524520316112079
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route B: Option Y420+Y422+Y431202436030526622217813490
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route B: Option Y420+Y422+Y433202436030927222818414097
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route B: Option Y420+Y422+Y434202436031427423018614298
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route B: Option Y420+Y422+Y435202436031027222618013590
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route B: Option Y420+Y422+Y4362024360N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y432+Y433202436030126021717513391
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y432+Y434202436030626221917613492
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y432+Y435202436030226021617212884
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y432+Y436202436030225821617413290
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y433+Y434202436030525921717513392
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y433+Y435202436030125721317012784
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y433+Y436202436030125521317213190
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y434+Y435202436030625921517112885
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y434+Y4362024360N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y431+Y435+Y436202436030225521216912683
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y432+Y433+Y434202436031026822518314199
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y432+Y433+Y435202436030626622217813491
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y432+Y433+Y436202436030626422218013897
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y432+Y434+Y435202436031126822418013692
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y432+Y434+Y4362024360N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y432+Y435+Y436202436030726422017613390
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y433+Y434+Y435202436031026522117813592
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y433+Y434+Y4362024360N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y433+Y435+Y436202436030626121817513290
Further Mathematics B (MEI) (H645) Route C: Option Y420+Y434+Y435+Y4362024360N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y101 to Y112, except Y102) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200153135114937353
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y101 to Y112, except Y102) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y318)2024200152134113927252
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y101 to Y112, except Y102) + (Y213, Y215) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200153135114937252
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y101 to Y112, except Y102) + (Y213, Y215) + (Y318)2024200152134113927151
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y101 to Y112, except Y102) + (Y206) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200149131111917151
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y101 to Y112, except Y102) + (Y206) + (Y318)2024200148130110907050
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y101 to Y112, except Y102) + (Y223) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200154136115947353
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y101 to Y112, except Y102) + (Y223) + (Y318)2024200153135114937252
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y102) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200153135114937252
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y102) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y318)2024200152134113927151
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y102) + (Y213, Y215) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200153135114937251
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y102) + (Y223) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200154136115947352
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y102) + (Y223) + (Y318)2024200153135114937251
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200154136115947353
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y318)2024200153135114937252
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y213, Y215) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200154136115947352
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y213, Y215) + (Y318)2024200153135114937251
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y206) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200150132111917151
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y223) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200155137116957453
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y102) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200153135114937252
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200154136115947353
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y201 to Y224, except Y206 , Y213, Y215, Y223) + (Y318)2024200153135114937252
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y213,Y215) + (Y301 to Y321, except Y318)2024200154136115947352
History A (H505) Y100 + (Y113) + (Y213,Y215) + (Y318)2024200153135114937251
Law Option 01+02+032024240184158128986940
Law Option 01+02+042024240187161130996939
Mathematics A20243002161681371067544
Mathematics B (MEI)20242752311901561228956
Media Studies2024200152132109876543
Physical Education202430021419216714211792.5
Physics A20242702071751461178859
Physics B (Advancing Physics)20242701941581341108764
Religious Studies All other options202436029525120716311976
Source: OCR

Examiner-written A Level revision resources that improve your grades 2x

  • Written by expert teachers and examiners
  • Aligned to exam specifications
  • Everything you need to know, and nothing you don’t

What is the best way to prepare for your A Level OCR exam?

The best way to prepare for your OCR A Level exam is to start your revision early. Begin with a list of topics for all your A Level courses and highlight the ones you are the most unsure about. Create a revision timetable with short periods of focus, giving the most time to these topics.

Ideally, you will want to revise all the topics for each subject, but often there just isn’t time. Prioritising topics will help you make the best use of the time you do have, and will give you the biggest increase in marks for your A Level exams.

Use revision notes to revise OCR A Level content. Flashcards are a great tool to practice recall, reinforce key concepts and boost memory retention. Then use exam questions to test your understanding and identify any areas that you are still unsure of.

It is also super helpful to use 2024 OCR A Level past exam papers to practice your exam technique. Set a timer for the amount of time allowed for your OCR A Level exam, and sit the paper under exam conditions. This will help you to manage your time more effectively. It will also help increase your exam stamina! It is difficult to concentrate and to write for extended periods, so you need to practice this before the big day.

How to interpret 2024 grade boundaries for OCR A Level exams

Grade boundaries are established by exam boards such as OCR to reflect student performance in any given year. It is important to understand that the A Level grade boundaries are set after the A Level exams have been marked.

A variety of methods are used to ensure the grade boundaries are set fairly. Statistical analysis and examiner judgement are used to ensure the grade boundaries are fair and consistent with previous years.

Each A Level exam paper is different, so the level of difficulty of the paper as a whole can fluctuate slightly from year to year. For example, if an entire cohort of students finds an exam paper particularly difficult, the grade boundary is lowered slightly so that students are not unfairly penalised.

Looking at the OCR A Level grade boundaries for previous years can help you get an idea of the marks you need in 2024 to achieve the grade you want. With this information and your OCR A Level past paper scores, you can get an idea of the grade you are currently working at. You will be able to see how many marks you would have needed to get the higher grade. Armed with this information and an effective revision process, you can successfully work to increase your grade.

A word of caution. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the OCR A Level grade boundaries were lowered to minimise the disadvantage faced by students who missed school due to lockdowns. Therefore, the grade boundaries for the OCR A Level years 2020 to 2022 will not be representative of other years.

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