What are the AQA A Level Grade Boundaries in 2020 and Why They Matter

Grade boundaries set by AQA are the minimum number of marks you need to score in your A Level exam to achieve a certain grade. The grade boundaries change for every exam series, so they will be different in 2020 than they were in previous years. Grade boundaries are set after your AQA A Level exams have been marked, so you won’t know the exact grade boundaries for the 2020 exams before you take them.

This article will provide you with the grade boundaries for AQA A Level 2020, help you interpret them, and provide tools to help you succeed in your exams.

SubjectYearMaximum MarkA*ABCDE
Accounting Adv2020240153132113947557
Art & Design Adv (3D Design)202096777057443220
Art & Design Adv (Art Craft & Des)202096777057443220
Art & Design Adv (Fine Art)202096777057443220
Art & Design Adv (Graphic Comm)202096777057443220
Art & Design Adv (Photography)202096807462503826
Art & Design Adv (Textile Design)202096777057443220
Bengali Adv2020400300240210180150120
Biblical Hebrew Adv2020300------
Biology Adv2020260170138114906744
Business Adv20203002081831551279971
Chemistry Adv20203002351921571238955
Computer Science Adv (C#)20203002241831491158147
Computer Science Adv (Java)20203002241831491158147
Computer Science Adv (Pascal/Delphi)20203002241831491158147
Computer Science Adv (Python)20203002241831491158147
Computer Science Adv (Vb.Net)20203002241831491158147
Dance Adv2020100605243342618
D&T Product Design Adv202020012610584634222
D&T: Fashion And Textiles Adv20202001128671564228
Drama And Theatre Adv202080544436282012
Economics Adv20202401841561321088562
English Language Adv2020400336298255212169126
English Language And Literature Adv2020200154136115947352
English Literature A Adv Option A20203002251901541188246
English Literature A Adv Option B20203002311941571208448
English Literature B Adv Option AA20203002221861521188552
English Literature B Adv Option AB20203002241861551249362
English Literature B Adv Option BA20203002412041681329660
English Literature B Adv Option BB202030024120417013610370
Environmental Science Adv2020240162140117947250
French Adv Teacher Cond Option20202802321941611289563
Further Mathematics Adv Option DS2020300198152124966942
Further Mathematics Adv Option MD2020300195149122956842
Further Mathematics Adv Option SM2020300193147120936741
Geography Adv2020240169145121977451
German Adv Teacher Cond Option2020280208157125946332
History Adv Opt AA20201601088769523518
History Adv Opt AB20201601108972553923
History Adv Opt AD2020160------
History Adv Opt AE2020160------
History Adv Opt AM2020160------
History Adv Opt AS20201601088769523518
History Adv Opt BA2020160------
History Adv Opt BB20201601149377614530
History Adv Opt BD20201601159476594225
History Adv Opt BE2020160------
History Adv Opt BM2020160------
History Adv Opt BS20201601129174574125
History Adv Opt CF20201601098871543720
History Adv Opt CG20201601108972553822
History Adv Opt CH20201601007963483318
History Adv Opt CJ20201601078669523518
History Adv Opt CK20201601048367513520
History Adv Opt CL20201601068568523620
History Adv Opt CN20201601068467503418
History Adv Opt CO20201601088769523518
History Adv Opt CP2020160------
History Adv Opt CQ20201601099172543618
History Adv Opt CR20201601078669523518
History Adv Opt CT2020160------
History Adv Opt DC2020160------
History Adv Opt DG2020160------
History Adv Opt DH20201601129173553719
History Adv Opt DJ20201601199878583819
History Adv Opt DK2020160------
History Adv Opt DL20201601189778594021
History Adv Opt DN20201601179676573819
History Adv Opt DO20201601209979593919
History Adv Opt DP2020160------
History Adv Opt DQ2020160------
History Adv Opt DR20201601199878583819
History Adv Opt DT2020160------
History Adv Opt EA20201601098871543721
History Adv Opt EB2020160------
History Adv Opt ED2020160------
History Adv Opt EE2020160------
History Adv Opt EM2020160------
History Adv Opt ES20201601098871543721
History Adv Opt FC2020160------
History Adv Opt FF2020160------
History Adv Opt FG2020160------
History Adv Opt FH20201601028165493318
History Adv Opt FJ2020160------
History Adv Opt FK2020160------
History Adv Opt FL20201601088770533620
History Adv Opt FN20201601078669523518
History Adv Opt FO20201601108971533518
History Adv Opt FP20201601068569533721
History Adv Opt FQ20201601149374553618
History Adv Opt FR20201601098870523518
History Adv Opt FT2020160------
History Adv Opt GC2020160------
History Adv Opt GF20201601108972553821
History Adv Opt GG20201601119073563923
History Adv Opt GH20201601018064493419
History Adv Opt GJ2020160------
History Adv Opt GK2020160------
History Adv Opt GL2020160------
History Adv Opt GN20201601068568513519
History Adv Opt GO2020160------
History Adv Opt GP2020160------
History Adv Opt GQ20201601139273553719
History Adv Opt GR20201601088770533619
History Adv Opt GT2020160------
History Adv Opt HA20201601108971533518
History Adv Opt HB20201601129174574023
History Adv Opt HD20201601139273543618
History Adv Opt HE20201601169575563718
History Adv Opt HM20201601149374553618
History Adv Opt HS20201601118971533518
History Adv Opt JC2020160------
History Adv Opt JF20201601129173553720
History Adv Opt JG20201601139274563922
History Adv Opt JH20201601038266503418
History Adv Opt JJ2020160------
History Adv Opt JK2020160------
History Adv Opt JL20201601098871543720
History Adv Opt JN20201601088769523518
History Adv Opt JO20201601119072543618
History Adv Opt JP2020160------
History Adv Opt JQ2020160------
History Adv Opt JR20201601108971533518
History Adv Opt JT2020160------
History Adv Opt KA20201601129172543618
History Adv Opt KB2020160------
History Adv Opt KD20201601159475563718
History Adv Opt KE20201601189777573718
History Adv Opt KM20201601169575563718
History Adv Opt KS20201601119172543618
History Adv Opt LA2020160------
History Adv Opt LB20201601159476594225
History Adv Opt LD2020160------
History Adv Opt LE20201601199878583920
History Adv Opt LM20201601179677583920
History Adv Opt LS20201601139274563820
Law Adv Option A20203001991681381087849
Law Adv Option B20203001941641351077951
Mathematics Adv20203002181711401097847
Media Studies Adv202016813511693714927
Modern Hebrew Adv2020400------
Music Adv2020120796050403020
Panjabi Adv2020400327267234201168135
Philosophy Adv202020013711492704928
Physical Education Adv202021012010388735843
Physics Adv (Astrophysics)20202501881581291007244
Physics Adv (Electronics)20202501931621321027344
Physics Adv (Engineering)20202501881561281007244
Physics Adv (Medical)20202501871561281007244
Physics Adv (Turning Points)20202501881571281007244
Polish Adv2020400327267234201168135
Politics Adv2020231171145121977350
Psychology Adv20202881951671391118356
Religious Studies Adv Option A2020200166138109805224
Religious Studies Adv Option B2020200168140111825325
Religious Studies Adv Option C2020200------
Religious Studies Adv Option D2020200167139110815223
Religious Studies Adv Option E2020200------
Sociology Adv20202401741551321098663
Spanish Adv Teacher Cond Opt20202802121681351026936
Source: AQA

Examiner-written A Level revision resources that improve your grades 2x

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  • Aligned to exam specifications
  • Everything you need to know, and nothing you don’t

What is the best way to prepare for your A Level AQA exam?

The best way to prepare for your AQA A Level exam is to start your revision early. Begin with a list of topics for all your A Level courses and highlight the ones you are the most unsure about. Create a revision timetable with short periods of focus, giving the most time to these topics.

Ideally, you will want to revise all the topics for each subject, but often there just isn’t time. Prioritising topics will help you make the best use of the time you do have, and will give you the biggest increase in marks for your A Level exams.

Use revision notes to revise AQA A Level content. Flashcards are a great tool to practice recall, reinforce key concepts and boost memory retention. Then use exam questions to test your understanding and identify any areas that you are still unsure of.

It is also super helpful to use 2020 AQA A Level past exam papers to practice your exam technique. Set a timer for the amount of time allowed for your AQA A Level exam, and sit the paper under exam conditions. This will help you to manage your time more effectively. It will also help increase your exam stamina! It is difficult to concentrate and to write for extended periods, so you need to practice this before the big day.

How to interpret 2020 grade boundaries for AQA A Level exams

Grade boundaries are established by exam boards such as AQA to reflect student performance in any given year. It is important to understand that the A Level grade boundaries are set after the A Level exams have been marked.

A variety of methods are used to ensure the grade boundaries are set fairly. Statistical analysis and examiner judgement are used to ensure the grade boundaries are fair and consistent with previous years.

Each A Level exam paper is different, so the level of difficulty of the paper as a whole can fluctuate slightly from year to year. For example, if an entire cohort of students finds an exam paper particularly difficult, the grade boundary is lowered slightly so that students are not unfairly penalised.

Looking at the AQA A Level grade boundaries for previous years can help you get an idea of the marks you need in 2020 to achieve the grade you want. With this information and your AQA A Level past paper scores, you can get an idea of the grade you are currently working at. You will be able to see how many marks you would have needed to get the higher grade. Armed with this information and an effective revision process, you can successfully work to increase your grade.

A word of caution. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the AQA A Level grade boundaries were lowered to minimise the disadvantage faced by students who missed school due to lockdowns. Therefore, the grade boundaries for the AQA A Level years 2020 to 2022 will not be representative of other years.

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