What are the AQA A Level Grade Boundaries in 2018 and Why They Matter

Grade boundaries set by AQA are the minimum number of marks you need to score in your A Level exam to achieve a certain grade. The grade boundaries change for every exam series, so they will be different in 2018 than they were in previous years. Grade boundaries are set after your AQA A Level exams have been marked, so you won’t know the exact grade boundaries for the 2018 exams before you take them.

This article will provide you with the grade boundaries for AQA A Level 2018, help you interpret them, and provide tools to help you succeed in your exams.

SubjectYearMaximum MarkA*ABCDE
Art & Design Adv (3D Design)2018480391365315265215165
Art & Design Adv (Art Craft & Des)2018480391365315265215165
Art & Design Adv (Fine Art)2018480391365315265215165
Art & Design Adv (Graphic Comm)2018480391365315265215165
Art & Design Adv (Photography)2018480403385338292246200
Art & Design Adv (Textile Design)2018480391365315265215165
Biology Adv2018260166138116947250
Business Adv201830022119616613710879
Chemistry Adv20183002411981631289460
Computer Science Adv (C#)201837531426021517012580
Computer Science Adv (Java)201837531426021517012580
Computer Science Adv (Pascal/Delphi)201837531426021517012580
Computer Science Adv (Python)201837531426021517012580
Computer Science Adv (Vb.Net)201837531426021517012580
Dance Adv2018200139129112957862
Drama And Theatre Adv20182001641471261068666
Economics Adv20182401881631401179472
English Language Adv2018500433381328275222169
English Language And Literature Adv201825019617515012610278
English Literature A Adv Option A2018375314278237197157117
English Literature A Adv Option B2018375319282239196153111
English Literature B Adv Option AA2018375295259222185148111
English Literature B Adv Option AB2018375303265226187149111
English Literature B Adv Option BA2018375294259220181143105
English Literature B Adv Option BB2018375300265225185145105
French Adv Teacher Cond Option2018400354310269228187147
French Adv Visiting Exr Option2018400354310269228187147
Geography Adv201830022519316313410576
German Adv Teacher Cond Option2018400345281236191146101
German Adv Visiting Exr Option2018400345281236191146101
History Adv Opt AA2018200154130109886747
History Adv Opt AB2018200152128107876747
History Adv Opt AD2018200157133111906948
History Adv Opt AE2018200160136114927048
History Adv Opt AM2018200159135113916947
History Adv Opt AS2018200156132110896847
History Adv Opt BA2018200161137116967656
History Adv Opt BB2018200159135115957556
History Adv Opt BD2018200164140119987757
History Adv Opt BE2018200167143121997857
History Adv Opt BM2018200166142120987756
History Adv Opt BS2018200163139118977656
History Adv Opt CF2018200155131110896847
History Adv Opt CG2018200156132110896847
History Adv Opt CH2018200153129108876747
History Adv Opt CJ2018200156132110896847
History Adv Opt CK2018200148124104856647
History Adv Opt CL2018200152128108886848
History Adv Opt CN2018200153128107876747
History Adv Opt CO2018200156131110896847
History Adv Opt CP2018200156132111917151
History Adv Opt CQ2018200156135113916947
History Adv Opt CR2018200160135113916947
History Adv Opt CT2018200152128107876747
History Adv Opt DC2018200172148123987349
History Adv Opt DG2018200168144119957147
History Adv Opt DH2018200165141117937047
History Adv Opt DJ2018200168144119957147
History Adv Opt DK2018200160136113916947
History Adv Opt DL2018200164140117947148
History Adv Opt DN2018200164140116937047
History Adv Opt DO2018200167143119957147
History Adv Opt DP2018200168144120977451
History Adv Opt DQ2018200171147122977247
History Adv Opt DR2018200171147122977247
History Adv Opt DT2018200164140116937047
History Adv Opt EA2018200------
History Adv Opt EB2018200108129-876747
History Adv Opt ED2018200------
History Adv Opt EE2018200114137-927048
History Adv Opt EM2018200113136-916947
History Adv Opt ES2018200111133-896847
History Adv Opt FC2018200------
History Adv Opt FF2018200113136-916947
History Adv Opt FG2018200------
History Adv Opt FH2018200112134-906847
History Adv Opt FJ2018200114137-916947
History Adv Opt FK2018200------
History Adv Opt FL2018200111133-906948
History Adv Opt FN2018200111133-896847
History Adv Opt FO2018200113136-916947
History Adv Opt FP2018200115137-937251
History Adv Opt FQ2018200116140-937047
History Adv Opt FR2018200116140-937047
History Adv Opt FT2018200111133-896847
History Adv Opt GC2018200114136-927049
History Adv Opt GF2018200110131-896847
History Adv Opt GG2018200110132-896847
History Adv Opt GH2018200108129-876747
History Adv Opt GJ2018200------
History Adv Opt GK2018200------
History Adv Opt GL2018200108128-886848
History Adv Opt GN2018200107128-876747
History Adv Opt GO2018200110131-896847
History Adv Opt GP2018200------
History Adv Opt GQ2018200113135-916947
History Adv Opt GR2018200113135-916947
History Adv Opt GT2018200------
History Adv Opt HA2018200111133-896847
History Adv Opt HB2018200110131-896847
History Adv Opt HD2018200114136-927048
History Adv Opt HE2018200116139-937048
History Adv Opt HM2018200115138-926947
History Adv Opt HS2018200113135-916947
History Adv Opt JC2018200------
History Adv Opt JF2018200114136-927150
History Adv Opt JG2018200115137-937150
History Adv Opt JH2018200113134-927150
History Adv Opt JJ2018200------
History Adv Opt JK2018200------
History Adv Opt JL2018200112133-917151
History Adv Opt JN2018200112133-917050
History Adv Opt JO2018200114136-927150
History Adv Opt JP2018200116137-957454
History Adv Opt JQ2018200117140-947250
History Adv Opt JR2018200117140-947250
History Adv Opt JT2018200112133-917050
History Adv Opt KA2018200109130-886747
History Adv Opt KB2018200107128-876747
History Adv Opt KD2018200111133-906948
History Adv Opt KE2018200114136-927048
History Adv Opt KM2018200113135-916947
History Adv Opt KS2018200110132-896847
History Adv Opt LA2018200112134-906847
History Adv Opt LB2018200110132-896847
History Adv Opt LD2018200114137-927048
History Adv Opt LE2018200117140-947148
History Adv Opt LM2018200116139-937047
History Adv Opt LS2018200113136-916947
Mathematics Adv2018300158181-13511290
Music Adv2018300179209-14912091
Physical Education Adv2018300170194-14612299
Physics Adv (Astrophysics)2018250125150-1007551
Physics Adv (Electronics)2018250128153-1037853
Physics Adv (Engineering)2018250127152-1027752
Physics Adv (Medical)2018250122147-987450
Physics Adv (Turning Points)2018250124149-997450
Psychology Adv2018288161190-13210476
Religious Studies Adv Option A2018200114140-886236
Religious Studies Adv Option B2018200114140-886236
Religious Studies Adv Option C2018200114140-886236
Religious Studies Adv Option D2018200114140-886236
Religious Studies Adv Option E2018200114140-886236
Sociology Adv2018240142164-12110079
Spanish Adv Teacher Cond Opt2018400261307-215169123
Spanish Adv Visiting Exr Opt2018400261307-215169123
Source: AQA

Examiner-written A Level revision resources that improve your grades 2x

  • Written by expert teachers and examiners
  • Aligned to exam specifications
  • Everything you need to know, and nothing you don’t

What is the best way to prepare for your A Level AQA exam?

The best way to prepare for your AQA A Level exam is to start your revision early. Begin with a list of topics for all your A Level courses and highlight the ones you are the most unsure about. Create a revision timetable with short periods of focus, giving the most time to these topics.

Ideally, you will want to revise all the topics for each subject, but often there just isn’t time. Prioritising topics will help you make the best use of the time you do have, and will give you the biggest increase in marks for your A Level exams.

Use revision notes to revise AQA A Level content. Flashcards are a great tool to practice recall, reinforce key concepts and boost memory retention. Then use exam questions to test your understanding and identify any areas that you are still unsure of.

It is also super helpful to use 2018 AQA A Level past exam papers to practice your exam technique. Set a timer for the amount of time allowed for your AQA A Level exam, and sit the paper under exam conditions. This will help you to manage your time more effectively. It will also help increase your exam stamina! It is difficult to concentrate and to write for extended periods, so you need to practice this before the big day.

How to interpret 2018 grade boundaries for AQA A Level exams

Grade boundaries are established by exam boards such as AQA to reflect student performance in any given year. It is important to understand that the A Level grade boundaries are set after the A Level exams have been marked.

A variety of methods are used to ensure the grade boundaries are set fairly. Statistical analysis and examiner judgement are used to ensure the grade boundaries are fair and consistent with previous years.

Each A Level exam paper is different, so the level of difficulty of the paper as a whole can fluctuate slightly from year to year. For example, if an entire cohort of students finds an exam paper particularly difficult, the grade boundary is lowered slightly so that students are not unfairly penalised.

Looking at the AQA A Level grade boundaries for previous years can help you get an idea of the marks you need in 2018 to achieve the grade you want. With this information and your AQA A Level past paper scores, you can get an idea of the grade you are currently working at. You will be able to see how many marks you would have needed to get the higher grade. Armed with this information and an effective revision process, you can successfully work to increase your grade.

A word of caution. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the AQA A Level grade boundaries were lowered to minimise the disadvantage faced by students who missed school due to lockdowns. Therefore, the grade boundaries for the AQA A Level years 2020 to 2022 will not be representative of other years.

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