Manifest Destiny: GCSE History Definition

Zoe Wade

Written by: Zoe Wade

Reviewed by: Natasha Smith


Last updated

What was Manifest Destiny?

In GCSE History, Manifest Destiny is the idea that it was God's desire for white settlers to claim the whole of the USA and make it 'civilised.' This factor motivated the mass migration and settlement of the American West.

White settlers at the time were strongly religious, believing in Christianity. This conflicted with the beliefs of the Indigenous peoples, with some tribes believing in concepts such as the Wakan Tanka ('Great Spirit'). As such, many white settlers believed that it was their right to travel to the West, move Indigenous peoples off of the land and teach them Christian values.

The Impact of Manifest Destiny on the Plains

Manifest Destiny was hugely significant to the development of the American West. By the 1840s, thousands of white settlers had travelled and settled in the West. This idea contributed to a lack of respect or sympathy for the Indigenous people which influenced government policy towards Indigenous peoples.

Manifest Destiny Revision Resources to Ace Your Exams

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Zoe Wade

Author: Zoe Wade

Expertise: History

Zoe has worked in education for 10 years as a teaching assistant and a teacher. This has given her an in-depth perspective on how to support all learners to achieve to the best of their ability. She has been the Lead of Key Stage 4 History, showing her expertise in the Edexcel GCSE syllabus and how best to revise. Ever since she was a child, Zoe has been passionate about history. She believes now, more than ever, the study of history is vital to explaining the ever-changing world around us. Zoe’s focus is to create accessible content that breaks down key historical concepts and themes to achieve GCSE success.

Natasha Smith

Author: Natasha Smith

Expertise: History Content Creator

After graduating with a degree in history, Natasha gained her PGCE at Keele University. With more than 10 years of teaching experience, Natasha taught history at both GCSE and A Level. Natasha's specialism is modern world history. As an educator, Natasha channels this passion into her work, aiming to instil in students the same love for history that has fuelled her own curiosity.

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