Our Experts Tackle The Hardest Exam Questions So You Don't Have To

Lucy Kirkham

Written by: Lucy Kirkham


Last updated

42% of students say that they don't believe their parents could take their school exams and pass, with 3 in 10 saying they had little faith in their parents' academic ability, and 3 in 10 also stating that their parents don't usually know the answer when they ask them for help with a question.

Before you get offended, there may actually be some validity to this. In our recent study, we provided a GCSE Maths question to parents for them to tackle, and a huge 92% of parents stated that they didn't know the answer, with only 8% even attempting an answer. 

Therefore, (for those that need it) our expert content creators have researched the hardest A Level and GCSE exam questions from a range of subjects and exam boards, so that the next time your teen asks you for help, we can save your rep (and also your kid's exams). We’ve got you both covered.

Maths GCSE - Algebra


Lucy Kirkham (Head of STEM) said: “Seeing questions with loads of Algebra can be scary but breaking them down into smaller chunks will help you work through them more easily. Our maths experts at Save My Exams create colour-coded model answers which break down each question into easier steps to carefully guide users to the correct answer.

“This question gives you the answer you’re working towards, which can sometimes be off-putting as you wonder ‘How am I ever going to get there?’. Don’t let it worry you, just try to start with the first step and you’ll surprise yourself with how far you can get!  Even if you don’t get all the way through, marks are awarded for different stages of your working so you can always try to pick up some marks and use our model answers to see how you’d pick up the rest.”


Biology GCSE - Cell Division 

Biology - Hard exam question


Chemistry A Level - Equilibria (Kc)


Physics A Level - Magnetic Fields 



Maths A Level - Pulleys (Mechanics)


Maths GCSE - Circle Theorems


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Lucy Kirkham

Author: Lucy Kirkham

Expertise: Head of STEM

Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels.Working as a Head of Department and then Director of Maths, Lucy has advised schools and academy trusts in both Scotland and the East Midlands, where her role was to support and coach teachers to improve Maths teaching for all.

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