Understanding A Level grades is crucial, as they determine university admissions and future career paths. However, they can be confusing. What counts as a pass? Are grades only determined by exams? And why do A Level grades look so different to GCSE grades?
In my ten years as a teacher and careers advisor, I have helped thousands of students make sense of the A Level grading system. Understanding how A Levels are graded — and what to do with those grades — can genuinely give you the edge in getting the place at your ideal university, or landing the job of your dreams. So read on as I explain the A Level grading system, what each grade means, how results are calculated, and what happens if you need to appeal or resit an exam.
How does the A Level grading system work?
A Levels (Advanced Level qualifications) follow a letter grading system. The highest grade is an A*, and the lowest passing grade is an E. Unlike GCSEs, where grades 9-1 are used, A Levels grade students from A*–E. Before 2019, students were graded from grade A (the highest) to Grade E (the lowest passing mark). However, from 2019 onwards a new grade — the A* — was included to reward “outstanding performance”.
How are A Level grades worked out?
A Level grades are based on the total number of marks a student achieves in their exams and coursework (if applicable). However, there isn’t a fixed score for each grade — grade boundaries change every year.
After all students have taken their exams, exam boards (like AQA, Edexcel, and OCR) review the overall performance. If an exam was particularly difficult, the boundary for an A or B might be lowered to ensure fairness. Likewise, if most students performed very well, the boundary for top grades might be raised.
For each subject, examiners decide what raw marks (the number of marks you actually scored) translate into final A Level grades (A*, A, B, etc.). These boundaries are published on results day so students can see how their marks compare.
All of this means that there is no typical example of A*, or C, grade work at A Level in a particular subject; it will change year on year. This system ensures that grades reflect not just individual performance but also how the whole year group performed in a fair and balanced way. Part of that is to ensure fairness when it comes to applying to university.
A Level grades and UCAS points
For students applying to UK universities, A Level grades are converted into UCAS Tariff points. For each grade, the tariff points are as follows:
A Level grade | UCAS points |
A* | 56 |
A | 48 |
B | 40 |
C | 32 |
D | 24 |
E | 16 |
U | 0 |
Some universities require specific grades for particular courses, but some use these points to determine eligibility for courses. For example, a university might set a minimum entry requirement of 120 UCAS Tariff points for a particular course. This could be made up of three B grades, but equally could be achieved with A Level grades of ABC.
What is a pass at A Level?
A pass at A Level is considered to be any grade from A* to E. If a student receives a U (ungraded), they have not met the minimum requirements to pass.
Many universities and employers require at least a C or above for certain subjects, particularly in competitive fields. However, achieving a D or E still means a student has passed the course.
It’s always worth giving your all to each of your A Level courses, even if you are finding it tricky; I always said to students that every UCAS Tariff point counts. I have had many students who struggled with a particular course, but ending up with a Grade D, or even a Grade E, made the difference between them achieving a place at university or not going at all.
How are A Level grades calculated?
A Level grades are determined by a combination of different assessments:
Final exams: Most A Level courses are assessed using only written exams taken at the end of Year 13.
Coursework (if applicable): Some subjects, like English, History, and Art, include coursework that counts towards the final grade.
Practicals (for science subjects): Science A Levels (e.g., Biology, Chemistry, Physics) include practical assessments. However, sometimes these do not affect the main grade (in these cases they are graded separately as Pass/Fail).
Weighting of assessments
Most A Levels are assessed through exams alone, but in subjects with coursework the weighting varies. For example:
Subject | Exam Weighting | Coursework/Practical Weighting |
AQA Mathematics | 100% exams | 0% coursework |
AQA English Literature | 80% exams | 20% coursework |
Practicals work a bit differently. In AQA A Level Chemistry, for example, the practical doesn’t contribute to the final A Level grade, but is graded separately through what’s called the Practical Endorsement. There are only two grades: pass or fail. Even though this component doesn’t affect your A Level grade, some universities may include passing these components as part of entry requirements to some of their courses.
Additionally, at least 15% of the total A Level grade for AQA Chemistry is allocated to assessing practical knowledge and understanding. This is assessed in exam questions in the exam papers. It is therefore extremely important to take practicals seriously, because completing them — and knowing the skills involved — could be the difference between getting on to your top uni course or not.
How are A Level grade boundaries decided?
Grade boundaries are determined by exam boards (such as AQA, Edexcel, and OCR) after exams have been marked. The boundaries can change slightly each year depending on:
Overall student performance: If exams are harder than expected, grade boundaries may be lowered.
Statistical analysis: Exam boards compare results from previous years to ensure fairness.
Exam difficulty: If a particular paper is found to be more difficult than usual, adjustments may be made to ensure students are not unfairly penalised.
Grade boundaries are released after results day, so students can see how many marks were needed for each grade. I would always advise speaking to your teacher or the careers staff at your school if you want to know more.
How to interpret your A Level results
In my experience, A Level Results Day can be an emotional whirlwind. My advice to students was always to be as prepared as you can be for all possible scenarios because acting quickly on the day can really make a difference. Before Results Day, make sure you have written down, or saved in your phone:
The phone numbers of the admissions offices for all of your UCAS choices (not just your firm and insurance unis)
The phone numbers for any other universities you may also be interested in
The course codes for all your UCAS choices, as well as for any other reserve courses that you like the look of
Once you receive your results, you may need to take further action depending on your grades:
Met your predicted grades? – Congratulations! You can proceed with your university or career plans.
Missed your university offer? – You may still be accepted (give them a ring to check), or you can enter clearing to find alternative courses.
Considering a resit? – If you’re unhappy with your grade, you can retake exams the following year.
Appealing a grade? – If you believe your grade is incorrect, you can request a review or appeal through your school or college.
Understanding A Level grades helps you make informed decisions about your next steps, whether that means progressing to university, seeking employment, or improving your results through resits. Ultimately, the more you know, the better position you’ll be in to determine your own future.
Improve your grades with Save My Exams
To get the best A Level grades possible use Save My Exams’ fantastic bank of resources, from revision notes, practice exam questions, past papers and even expert guides on A Level coursework assignments:
Explore Our A Level Revision Resources
Information on the introduction of A* at A Level
How OCR calculates individual A Level grades
JCQ A Level grade descriptors guide
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