What is Core Maths?: Everything You Need to Know

Level 3 Core Maths is an increasingly popular course for students aged 16-19. This article explains all you need to know about the different qualifications, and will help inform your decision about whether studying Level 3 Core Maths would be right for you.

Jamie Wood

Written by: Jamie Wood


Last updated

What is Level 3 Core Maths?

Level 3 Core Maths is a qualification studied after GCSE, usually alongside A level subjects. Whilst it is not an A level or AS level, it is at the same level (level 3), and receives the same number of UCAS points as an AS level.

Core Maths is aimed at students who have achieved at least a grade 4 in GCSE Maths and wish to continue studying mathematics, but do not wish to study A level Maths. (GOV.UK

In my experience, the students who benefit most from Level 3 Core Maths are those who enjoyed GCSE Maths and achieved at least a grade 5, but do not need to pursue A level Maths for the pathway they have in mind after studying A-levels. 

The content of Core Maths focuses on applied problem-solving skills related to real world contexts. This includes data and statistics, finance, probability, and mathematical modelling. When I taught this course, I found that these topics often engaged students more than many of the topics covered at GCSE level, due to their more obvious real world applications. 

Most schools and colleges deliver Core Maths over one year, which often means it can be taken in either Year 12 or Year 13, but you should check this for any providers you are considering.

What are the advantages of studying Level 3 Core Maths?

The content supports your studies in other subjects

Many of the topics within Core Maths, especially statistics, help to support and reinforce the maths content in other subjects. From speaking to teachers of other subjects, Biology, Psychology, Geography, Business and Economics are the subjects where students have benefited most from studying Core Maths alongside their other A level subjects.

The topics are useful in your later life and career

The content of Level 3 Core Maths has more obvious and direct links to real life applications than other maths courses. I have found when teaching the course that the financial topics really engage students. This includes learning about mortgages and loans, and measuring inflation. Data analysis, estimation, and mathematical modelling are also topics which are applied widely and used in every industry.

Continue developing your maths skills, without being a full A level

Many of the students I have spoken to who study Core Maths really appreciate that they are able to continue studying maths, without needing to study A level Maths which would have to take the place of one of their other subject choices. 

Supports and broadens your university or higher apprenticeship application

Level 3 Core Maths can set you apart from other candidates when applying for degrees, higher apprenticeships or similar. Core Maths shows that you have skills beyond those taught in your three or four A level subjects, including data and critical analysis, which are important in all modern industries. 

What Level 3 Core Maths courses are there?

There are several different courses available from three different exam boards for Level 3 Core Maths, and which one you will study is decided by your provider (school or college). Make sure you know exactly which course it is you are studying for as early as possible. 

AQA Level 3 Mathematical Studies

The AQA course contains compulsory content which covers data analysis, estimation, personal finance and critical analysis. In addition to this there are three optional modules, where students must take one. The first option covers statistics, regression and probability. The second option covers critical path analysis, probability, and risk analysis. Whilst the third option covers graphical techniques including rates of change and exponential functions. 

There are two papers, one for the compulsory content and one for the optional module, which are both 1.5 hours in duration with a calculator allowed in both. Preliminary material is also used in both examinations. (AQA)

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Mathematics in Context

All content for the Pearson Edexcel Core Maths course is compulsory. It covers applications of statistics, including correlation, and standard deviation. As well as probability, linear programming, sequences and modelling growth.

There are two exams, which both allow a calculator and are both 1 hour and 40 minutes long. The first paper assesses comprehension of the content and is worth 40%, whilst the second paper is worth 60% and assesses application of the content. (Pearson)

OCR Level 3 Core Maths A (MEI) and OCR Level 3 Core Maths B (MEI)

There are two courses provided by OCR for Level 3 Core Maths; A and B. Both A and B have two papers, each lasting 2 hours, with a calculator allowed in both. 

For both courses the first paper is titled Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning, which assesses topics including estimation, dimensional analysis, normal distribution, finance, gradients of curves, and probability.

For specification A, the second paper is titled Statistical Problem-Solving and covers topics including hypothesis testing, sampling, standard deviation, chi squared tests, and bivariate data.

For specification B, the second paper is titled Critical Maths and covers topics including fermi estimation, statistical experiments, conditional probability, and critical reasoning with mathematics. (OCR)

Frequently asked questions

What is Core Maths equivalent to?

It is equivalent in terms of UCAS points to an AS level (half an A level). Core Maths is a Level 3 qualification, which is the same as AS and A-levels. GCSEs are a Level 2 qualification. 

How many UCAS points is Core Maths worth?

Level 3 Core Maths is worth the same number of points as an AS level. (UCAS)

Core Maths Grade

UCAS Points











What is the difference between Core Maths and AS Maths?

The content of Core Maths is far more applied, including finance, data analysis, probability, and mathematical modelling. AS Maths (and A level Maths) does include these topics but in a more traditional and theoretical manner, alongside other topics including calculus, algebra and trigonometry.

Is Core Maths harder than A-Level Maths?

Core Maths is not any more difficult than A level maths, in terms of difficulty it is closer to AS level Maths, which it is equivalent to in terms of UCAS points. The topics covered are very different to AS and A level maths, and so the difficulty will depend on the individual’s aptitude and interest in these.

Do universities like Core Maths?

Yes! When applying for a course which is not directly maths-based, Core Maths can give you an advantage over other candidates and universities will sometimes make a reduced contextual offer including your Core Maths grade. (University of Bath)

Save My Exams Level 3 Core Maths Resources

For AQA Level 3 Mathematical studies, we have Revision Notes and Past papers for the core content, as well as each of the three optional modules. Our revision notes break down exactly what you need to know for the exam into a concise format, including worked examples, all written by our in-house team of experts.

We also have past papers available for all other Level 3 Core Maths courses.

Explore our level 3 Core Maths resources


GOV.UK - Core maths qualifications

AQA - Level 3 Mathematical Studies

Pearson - Mathematics in Context

OCR - Core Maths

UCAS - Calculate your UCAS Tariff points

University of Bath - Alternative offers for undergraduate applicants

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Jamie Wood

Author: Jamie Wood

Expertise: Maths Content Creator

Jamie graduated in 2014 from the University of Bristol with a degree in Electronic and Communications Engineering. He has worked as a teacher for 8 years, in secondary schools and in further education; teaching GCSE and A Level. He is passionate about helping students fulfil their potential through easy-to-use resources and high-quality questions and solutions.

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