Top 10 Hardest A Levels To Study In 2025

Holly Barrow

Written by: Holly Barrow

Reviewed by: Liam Taft


Last updated

If you’re choosing which A Levels to study, and you’re worried you may find certain subjects difficult, you’re not alone. 

Many students fear the ‘jump’ from GCSEs to A Levels, but this shouldn't discourage you from choosing more challenging subjects. 

How difficult you find a certain A Level is subjective and will be different for each student. With that being said, this guide explores some of the hardest A Levels you can study in 2025, and how Save My Exams can support you throughout. 

What Are The Hardest A Levels?

To determine some of the hardest A Levels to study in 2025, we analysed Ofqual’s 2024 A Level results data. This shows what subjects had the lowest pass rates last year – which is the percentage of students achieving a grade E or above.

Check out the table below for the results, which we’ve ranked in order of lowest to highest pass rate percentage:

A Level Subject

Pass Rate (grade E and above) in 2024 (%)



















Other Sciences


The Top 10 Hardest A Level Subjects 

1. Computing 

Pass rate: 95.1% 

A Level Computing had the lowest pass rate in 2024, so it may be considered one of the harder A Levels you can study in 2025.

To do well in A Level Computing, students must master advanced programming languages such as Python or JavaScript. You'll also need to understand abstract computing principles.

However, this is the perfect A Level if you hope to pursue a career in tech and want to delve into coding, cybersecurity, AI and more. You shouldn’t let the pass rate put you off if this is something you’re keen to explore. 

If you choose to study A Level Computer Science, Save My Exams offers a range of high quality A Level Computer Science revision resources that can help to support you throughout your studies. 

You may want to study Computing at A Level if:

  • You enjoy subjects that require both theory and practical skills

  • You have strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills 

  • You’re interested in a career in computing or tech, such as software engineering, data science or cybersecurity

2. Biology

Pass rate: 95.2% 

A Level Biology may have one of the lowest pass rates, but it’s also one of the most popular A Levels. It’s known for being quite content-heavy, requiring students to understand complex biological systems including cell biology, genetics, ecology and physiology. 

But this shouldn't deter you if it’s a subject you’re interested in. 

You may want to study Biology at A Level if: 

  • You’re interested in science and the natural world – you enjoy exploring topics like ecosystems, genetics and human biology

  • You have strong analytical skills and prefer written exams to practical assessments

  • You’re considering a career in medicine or sciences, such as healthcare, environmental science or research

Good to know: Many degrees in the likes of Biology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and more require an A Level in Biology, so bear this in mind. 

Start learning with our A Level Biology revision resources

3. Physics 

Pass rate: 95.3% 

To succeed in A Level Physics, you’ll need to have a strong understanding of abstract concepts including quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics. 

You may want to study Physics at A Level if: 

  • You have strong problem-solving skills 

  • You enjoy practical lab work and data analysis

  • You want to pursue a career in engineering, technology or scientific research

4. Chemistry

Pass rate: 95.4% 

If you choose A Level Chemistry, you can expect to study challenging concepts such as atomic structure, bonding, thermodynamics and reaction mechanisms. For this reason, it can often be considered one of the hardest A Levels. 

With A Level Chemistry covering a wide range of topics (no matter the exam board), you’ll need to understand many different theories. You’ll also need to have the ability to apply your knowledge of these theories to solve complex problems. 

You may want to study Chemistry at A Level if: 

  • You enjoy a mix of theory and practical work 

  • You have strong analytical skills and enjoy problem solving

  • You’re considering further study or a career in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and biomedical sciences

Good to know: Many degrees in the above fields require an A Level in Chemistry. 

5. Law

Pass rate: 95.7% 

Some students may find A Level Law challenging because it covers a lot of content and requires a strong grasp of complex legal principles. A good memory is essential, as you'll need to build well-structured arguments using the right legal terms and case studies.

You may want to study Law at A Level if:

  • You have great critical analysis skills 

  • You want to develop your understanding of the legal system and would like to pursue a legal career 

  • You have excellent essay-writing skills and the ability to produce a balanced argument 

It’s worth mentioning that you don’t necessarily have to study A Level Law to study it at degree level. Check out some of the best A Level subjects to choose for a career in law

Factors Influencing How ‘Hard’ An A Level Is

It’s impossible to categorise any A Level as either ‘easy’ or ‘hard’. How difficult you find a certain subject depends on your own individual strengths and weaknesses as a student. 

This guide simply highlights A Level subjects with the lowest pass rates, which might make them harder to pass. But what other factors can affect how easy or difficult you may find an A Level?

Personal Interests and Strengths

When it comes to choosing your A Level subjects, you should consider your personal interests and academic strengths first. It may be tempting to pick subjects your friends are taking or choose ‘easy’ A Levels to lighten your workload, but this isn’t the best approach.

Choosing subjects that you have a genuine interest in and feel you excel in is the best way to approach this decision. 

Ask yourself these questions to get an idea of your personal strengths and skills:

  • Which subjects do I enjoy studying, and which subjects am I the best at?

  • What type of assessments do I prefer? Am I better at written exams, practical exams or coursework?

  • Is this subject suited to my learning style?

Learning Style 

Your idea of a ‘hard’ A Level may be one that comes naturally to another student and vice versa. It’s all about understanding your own learning style, abilities and which subjects are suited to you. 

Your learning style and preferred method of assessment can impact how difficult you find a certain A Level. 

Which A Levels Are The Hardest For Visual Learners?

If you’re a visual learner who learns through diagrams, maps, charts and images, you probably don’t enjoy subjects that are heavily text-based. 

Generally speaking, the A Level subjects that visual learners may find the hardest include:

  • English Literature

  • English Language

  • History

  • Law

  • Philosophy

Top tip: If you’re struggling with an essay-based subject, try creating mind maps, timelines, story boards and infographics. These will help you to digest information. 

Which A Levels Are The Hardest For Kinaesthetic Learners?

If you’re a kinaesthetic learner, you learn best through hands-on activities. This might mean physical movement or taking part in practical work such as lab work. For this reason, you’re probably best at subjects that incorporate practical or physical work, such as PE, Dance, Physics and Chemistry.

The A Level subjects that kinaesthetic learners may find the hardest include: 

  • Maths

  • Economics

  • English Literature

  • History

  • Philosophy

  • Languages

Top tip: Try using physical objects where possible (such as shapes and counters for Maths). You might also benefit from interactive online resources such as flashcards. 

Which A Levels Are The Hardest For Reading/Writing Learners?

If you’re a reading/writing learner, you find it easiest to absorb information through note taking, writing essays and reading. 

The A Level subjects that reading/writing learners may find the hardest include: 

  • Maths

  • Physics

  • Computing

  • Chemistry

  • PE

Top tip: Try to focus on written elements where possible, and use written notes to break down complex concepts and theories. At Save My Exams, we provide concise and easy to digest revision notes written by experts – you’ll find these very useful when revising. 

Exam Format

The type of assessment used in an A Level subject can play a significant role in how manageable you find it.

If you perform well in fast-paced exams, you may find A Levels like Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Law and Psychology easier than those with a lot of coursework.

On the other hand, students who enjoy projects or coursework might find subjects such as English Literature, Art and Design, Media Studies and Film Studies more suited to their strengths.


It goes without saying that many of the A Levels considered the ‘hardest’ to study in 2025 have a high workload. Whether it’s essay-based subjects such as Law or theoretical subjects such as Physics, these A Levels cover a lot of content. 

But this shouldn’t put you off studying them. Instead, focus on the ways you can help to manage this workload. 

Making sure your revision is as effective as possible is one of the best ways to minimise the amount of time and effort spent revising. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Which A Level Subjects Had The Fewest Top Grades in 2024?

According to JQC, the A Level subjects with the fewest top grades in 2024 were: 

  1. Media/Film Studies

  2. Business Studies

  3. Sociology

  4. Psychology

  5. Computing

You might notice that only one of the ‘hardest’ A Levels features on this list - A Level Computing. This suggests that despite the A Levels we’ve highlighted having the lowest pass rates last year (i.e. students achieving a grade E or above), this doesn’t mean they had the fewest top grades.

A Level Physics, A Level Chemistry, A Level Biology and A Level Law all had more students achieving higher grades than the subjects listed above. 

Which A Level Exam Board Is The Hardest?

In the UK, the main exam boards for A Levels are AQA, OCR, Edexcel and WJEC. Each board creates its own syllabus, but they all follow the national standards established by Ofqual.

However, both teachers and students may have their own thoughts on which exam board is easier or harder for certain subjects. Our detailed grade boundaries resource can be useful in this case, as it provides the grade boundaries for each exam board, broken down by year.

Grade boundaries are determined each year by examiners who assess student performance and review marked papers from previous years to decide the minimum score needed for each grade.

If students nationwide struggle with a particular exam paper, the grade boundaries will be adjusted to be slightly lower. This means fewer marks are required to achieve a higher grade. By comparing grade boundaries between exam boards, you can get an idea of how challenging past exam papers have been for students with each board. However, this doesn’t automatically imply that one exam board is easier or harder than the others.

Will Choosing Harder A Levels Impact My University Application?

Choosing more challenging A Levels can have an impact on your university application, but it depends on the course and the university. Some universities may have a list of preferred A Level subjects for specific degrees. This is the case with degrees such as Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Engineering and Physics.

However, many Russell Group universities value a broad range of subjects, including those that may be viewed as less traditional.

The key is to select A Levels that align with the degree you're interested in and that provide you with a solid foundation for further study or a career.  

Improve Your Grades with Save My Exams

If you’re an A Level student looking for the best online revision resources to help you get the grades you want, Save My Exams has everything you need. 

With past papers, revision notes and exam-style questions tailored to each exam board, our A Level revision resources ensure you get the most out of your time. Written by teachers and examiners who are experts in their subjects, you'll only focus on exactly what you need to know for your specific course. Study smarter, not harder, with Save My Exams. 

Explore Our A Level Revision Resources


Ofqual A Level Outcomes in England

JCQ A Level Trends 2024

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Holly Barrow

Author: Holly Barrow

Expertise: Content Executive

Holly graduated from the University of Leeds with a BA in English Literature and has published articles with Attitude magazine, Tribune, Big Issue and Political Quarterly.

Liam Taft

Reviewer: Liam Taft

Expertise: Content Manager

Liam is a graduate of the University of Birmingham and has worked with many EdTech brands, including Twinkl, Natterhub, Learning Ladders, Twig and the Dukes Education Group. Their journalism has been published in The Guardian, BBC and HuffPost.

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