What A Levels Do I Need to Be a Psychologist?

Mary Olinger

Written by: Mary Olinger

Reviewed by: Liam Taft


Last updated

Psychology is the study of human behaviour. The field of psychology continues to grow and has various applications across numerous fields. Psychologists can work independently if they like, or they can work within different institutions such as clinics, hospitals, prisons, schools, or shelters. 

To pursue a psychology degree, aspiring psychologists will need to choose a speciality. No matter where they end up working or what area they specialise in, it all begins with obtaining their degree. There are some required A Level subjects for admission to psychology programmes in the UK.

Essential A Levels for Psychologists

A Level Psychology

Anyone who is pursuing a career as a psychologist will need to start with A Level Psychology. This subject lays the foundation for understanding human behaviour, emotional responses, and cognitive processes. 

The student will cover essential topics like memory, mental health issues, social influence, and attachment. A Level psychology equips students with the knowledge needed to analyse and interpret psychological research and theories.

Some consider A Level Psychology to be one of the easier A level subjects. While some universities do not list it as a prerequisite, it offers a great preview of what will be covered at the university level. 

A Level Biology

Psychology students will need A Level Biology. The subject provides insights into the biological aspect of human behaviour and mental processes. It will cover topics like genetics, human physiology, and neurobiology, which help students understand the physical aspects of psychology. 

Psychology students will study foundational topics in the biological sciences, including biology, the nervous system, and biochemistry. Data analysis and laboratory experiences as part of the course prepare students for the use of scientific methods required for psychology research. Mastering these concepts is necessary for those who want to specialise in fields such as Clinical Psychology or Neuropsychology.

A Level Sociology

A Level Sociology complements Psychology as it examines the social contexts of human behaviours. Students will explore how cultural norms, societal structures, and group dynamics influence both individual and collective actions. Some key topics covered include social inequality, socialisation, crime and deviance, and family dynamics.

Students will develop the ability to analyse psychological issues by studying A Level Sociology. The course will also be instrumental in helping students develop or expand their critical thinking and research skills, which are needed for conducting psychological and sociological studies.

A Level Chemistry

Psychology students who are interested in the biochemical aspects of mental health and behaviour will need to take A Level Chemistry. The course will cover fundamental concepts like chemical bonding, organic chemistry, and atomic structure, which provide insights into chemical processes that can influence neurotransmission and brain function. 

Students will learn the basics of how chemicals play a role in mood regulation and drug interactions and how they influence mental disorders. Through hands-on laboratory work completed in A Level Chemistry, students will gain valuable experience in experimentation and data analysis.

Optional A Levels for Psychologists

A Level English

Taking an A Level English course helps enhance a student’s communication and critical analysis skills. The course will cover different literary texts, which helps students interpret and communicate complicated ideas which are often directly related to Sociological and Psychological concepts. Students will also be encouraged to foster technical writing skills, which are critical for developing research reports and papers. 

A Level Philosophy

Aspiring psychologists will be encouraged to develop critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills in A Level Philosophy courses. Students will cover major philosophical theories and concepts, which will lead students to consider deeper thought-provoking questions about the mind, morality, and free will. The study of philosophy helps students develop logical reasoning and construct valid arguments useful in both academic and clinical psychology settings.

A Level Maths

Psychology students who are interested in data analysis and research will find A Level Maths very useful. The course will cover important mathematic concepts such as probability and statistics, which are necessary skills when designing experiments as well as interpreting research findings. Students who study maths can enhance their problem-solving and quantitative skills. These are helpful when conducting studies and interpreting psychological measurements.

A Level Anthropology

Anthropology complements psychological studies and provides insights into cultural diversity and human behaviour. A Level Anthropology takes an in-depth look at the social, cultural, and biological aspects of humanity. Students examine how various societies function and how culture may influence individual and collective behaviours. 

Best A Level Combinations for Psychologists

The absolute first choice for aspiring psychologists is Psychology. It will lay the foundation needed for your entire career. Not only will it prove your interest in the field, but it will also boost your profile for the entry process. Ultimately, A Level Psychology can help make the pathway to university study much easier.

Secondly, you’ll want to include either Biology or Chemistry A Levels. These offer a different, useful aspect of human behaviour and are particularly useful to candidates pursuing Psychiatry or Neuropsychology. Thirdly, you’ll want to add Mathematics, Sociology, Philosophy, or English to your A Level studies. These courses provide useful knowledge that is helpful in your degree program as well as your professional career.

Requirements for Top UK Universities

University of Oxford A Level Requirements 

The University of Oxford offers two Psychology courses, including MSci Experimental Psychology (stand-alone Psychology) and BA or MSci in Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics. Students can choose two of the three subjects to study. Oxford recommends studying A-level Mathematics and Science. 

University College London (UCL) A Level Requirements

The University College London requires A*AA A-Level grades to study Psychology. Students will need to take at least one A-level subject in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, or Psychology. However, it is preferred that students take two and not just one course. 

University of Bath A Level Requirements 

Students who want to study Psychology at the University of Bath will need A*AA in three A-levels. One alternative is AAA. The University of Bath requires students to complete an A-Level in a numeracy subject and one in an essay-based subject.

How to Choose Your A Level Subject for Psychology

When comparing psychology subjects, here are a few factors to take into consideration.

Courses Available

Module choices can vary between schools and courses. Take time to look at the models being offered that interest you and that they fit into the career path you want to pursue. Also, consider which universities offer students the flexibility to pursue various specialities.

Course Accreditation

When comparing psychology courses, make sure they are accredited by the BPS (British Psychological Society). The courses should also provide you with Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership once you complete the course. This standing is important for students who want to pursue a career as a registered clinical psychologist.

Opportunities for Placement Year

Some psychology degree programs offer a professional placement year built into their program. This allows you to gain invaluable real-life experience in a clinical setting. This experience can be instrumental in helping increase the chance you’ll find work once you’ve graduated.

Alternative Pathways for Psychologists

If you are having trouble finding a psychology course that fits your career goals, don’t worry. There are some alternative pathways to consider.

Consider Applying for Joint Honours Courses

Pursuing Joint honours courses gives you the opportunity to study two subjects at the same time. If you want to go to a specific university but don’t get into their courses, see if you can apply for a joint honours course with psychology. This allows you to study the subject you prefer where you want to study it. BPS does accredit many joint honours courses, too.

Pursue Similar Subjects

You may find similar, related subjects interesting. For example, courses like youth studies, mental health, counselling, and psychotherapy cover different aspects of psychological theory and practice. Make sure to check if alternative courses are BPS accredited. Before you settle on a certain course, consider what you want to do after graduating.

Pursue a Psychology Foundation Degree

A foundation degree is not the same thing as a foundation year. An FdA or FdSc is a standalone qualification. It is basically the same as ⅔ of a bachelor's degree. The coursework tends to be more vocational in nature and takes a shorter time to complete. It’s also easier to get into a foundation degree since the minimum UCAS points are usually lower. Of course, you can complete the full degree later on if you’d like.

What Happens If I Don’t Choose These Subjects?

If you end up not choosing the recommended A Level subjects, it’s okay. Studying psychology can be demanding and time-consuming. If you find out it’s not what you thought, explore some of your other academic strengths. Finding something that you enjoy and that is easier for you will be just as rewarding.

Play to your own strengths when choosing A Level subjects. It’s so important to follow a career path that you can enjoy for a lifetime.

Take some time to think about the things you have a true passion for. If you don’t love psychology, don’t try to force yourself to complete the course, as you’re less likely to succeed. If you don’t enjoy the course, you will most likely not enjoy the career. Align your educational pursuits with your true passions. This will be far more motivating and will help ensure your academic success. 

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Our resources are written by experienced teachers and examiners. That means notes, questions by topic and worked solutions that show exactly what the examiners for each specific exam are looking for. 

As a result, you can walk into your exams confident and prepared. In fact, 91% of students who use Save My Exams report getting better grades.


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Mary Olinger

Author: Mary Olinger

Expertise: Content Writer

Mary Olinger is a former middle school Math, Science, and English teacher. She also worked with and developed after-school programs to assist at-risk students.

Liam Taft

Reviewer: Liam Taft

Expertise: Content Manager

Liam is a graduate of the University of Birmingham and has worked with many EdTech brands, including Twinkl, Natterhub, Learning Ladders, Twig and the Dukes Education Group. Their journalism has been published in The Guardian, BBC and HuffPost.

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