What A Levels Do I Need to Be a Pharmacist?

Mary Olinger

Written by: Mary Olinger

Reviewed by: Liam Taft


Last updated

Pharmacists are an integral part of the healthcare system. Those who choose a career in pharmacology have plenty of opportunities, ranging from hospitals to community pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies to research labs. 

There are many areas to focus on based on your interest. Whatever your focus from direct patient care to developing new drugs, or if you choose to ensure pharmaceuticals are safe and effective by working in regulatory affairs, you’ll need A Levels to be a pharmacist.

In this article, you’ll find information on what A Levels you need to be a pharmacist. You’ll also find the entry requirements of top UK universities, as well as other qualifications like the BTEC and International Baccalaureate.

Essential A Levels for Pharmacy


Prospective pharmacists will need A Level Chemistry. This course provides a strong foundation for understanding biochemical mechanisms of drug interactions and actions in the human body. 

A chemistry course will introduce you to organic, physical, and inorganic chemistry. Each of these is needed to understand various aspects of pharmacy.


The study of biology provides a deep dive into the biological sciences as they relate to human health. For those desiring to enter the pharmacy field, A Level biology is pivotal. 

Biology explores cell biology, physiology, genetics, and pathology, which are all essential for understanding how medicines interact with the body.


A Level Maths is not always among university requirements for studying pharmacy, but it is highly valuable. Maths underpins many aspects of pharmaceutical science like calculating dosages or analysing statistical reliability in clinical trials. 

Pharmacists need a strong grasp of mathematics so they can accurately prepare and dispense medications, prioritising patient care and safety. 

Optional A Levels for Pharmacists


Physics is not typically mandated by UK universities, but A Level physics is still helpful for pharmacy students. There are some topics that directly apply to the design and operation of a drug deliver system, such as fluid dynamics, properties of materials, and thermodynamics. 

Physics also helps strengthen problem-solving skills as well as contributing to a well-rounded scientific-based education, which supports a comprehensive approach to the practice of pharmacy.


English is not usually required, but it is strongly recommended. As a pharmacist, you’ll need to have strong communication skills. In fact, you’ll need to be able to demonstrate that you have a strong command for both written and spoken English for the entire process from the selection to degree completion.

Best A Level Combinations for Pharmacists

What are the best A Level combinations for pharmacy students? Chemistry, Biology, and Maths is the cornerstone of pharmacy education. Chemistry and Biology combine to provide a comprehensive understanding of human biology and drug mechanisms, which is a critical component for pharmacists. 

By adding maths to the combination, students are equipped with the analytical skills they need to calculate dosages and understand pharmacokinetic. Together, these three provide an indispensable set of A Levels that pharmacists will need to succeed in their academic and pharmaceutical careers.

Chemistry, Biology, and Physics is an excellent A Level combination. Of course, Biology and Chemistry lay the foundation for understanding drugs and how they impact the body. Physics introduces other critical concepts like material properties and fluid dynamics. These are necessary for formulating drugs and deliver systems. This A Level combination gives the pharmaceutical student a well-rounded science-focused education which helps prepare them for both practical and technical pharmaceutical challenges in their careers.

Requirements for Top UK Universities

University of Manchester A Level Requirements 

A Level requirement for the University of Manchester include Chemistry, Maths, Biology and one other rigorous subject. The grade requirements are AAB. Other requisites include passing at least one practical element in a science, 5 GCSEs with a 6/B in Maths plus a B/5 in English.

University of Nottingham A Level Requirements

Candidates for a pharmacy program at the University of Nottingham must achieve an IB score of 34. Their A Levels must include chemistry and one more science A Level from maths, biology, or physics. AAB grades are required on A Levels.

University of Birmingham A Level Requirements

Candidates must have a grade of AAB in chemistry and at least one more A Level that includes Biology, Maths, or Physics.

University of South Wales A Level Requirements

Candidates for a pharmaceutical program at the University of South Wales must have 128 UCAS points from A levels at ABB or above. They must also achieve a minimum grade B in Maths and English (GCSE).

Queens University A Level Requirements

The A Level requirements for candidates include AAB with an A in chemistry. They must also have an IB score of at least 34.

How to Choose Your A Level Subject for Pharmacy

It’s important to choose the right A Level subjects if you choose to pursue a Pharmacy degree at a UK university. Pharmacy is science-heavy focusing on chemistry, biology, and medical knowledge. Choosing the right combination of subjects helps make sure you meet university entry requirements and prepares you for a challenging degree program. When choosing your A Level subjects, consider these factors.

Meeting University Entry Requirements

Keep in mind that Chemistry is a mandatory subject for nearly every Pharmacy degree program in the UK. It lays the foundational knowledge you’ll need to make a great pharmacist. 

Biology is sometimes a requirement, or at least highly recommended, since it gives students a good understanding of human physiology, microbiology, and cell biology. All of these are important since you’ll be studying how medications affect the human body. 

Usually, Physics or Mathematics are recommended as a third subject since both help develop analytical skills necessary for understanding drug formulations, dosages, and pharmacokinetics.

Getting Prepared for University-Level Course Work

Once you get to university-level studies, you want to make sure you are prepared for the rigorous demands. Chemistry, Biology, and maths are all helpful when preparing for higher level educational courses. 

Chemistry helps you prepare for biochemistry and provides foundational knowledge for the chemical processes you’ll encounter. 

Biology provides a foundation for understanding the human body and how various drugs can impact it. 

Maths help you develop problem-solving, analytical, and calculation skills you’ll need for working with drug formulation. 

Focus on Building Skills for a Pharmaceutical Career

You will want to choose subjects that help you develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. These are all essential for pharmacists. A pharmaceutical professional will need to assess drug interactions, provide accurate prescriptions, and advise patients.

Alternative Pathways for Pharmacy

Pharmacy Foundation Year

More UK universities are offering a pharmacy foundation year. It is designed to equip students with the knowledge they need to successfully complete degree-level studies. The entry requirements are lower, but it will add more time and costs to your degree program.

If you want to study subjects related to pharmacy but haven’t decided for sure if you want to work as a pharmacist, you may opt to study pharmacology or pharmaceutical science. These courses usually have lower requirements to enter and take about three years to finish. 

After your first year, you may choose to transfer to a pharmacy degree. This is, of course, subject to an interview and your academic performance.

Take a Gap Year

You can choose to sit out a year and resit your exams later. This delays applying for pharmacy courses for one year. During the gap year, you can volunteer so you can get some related work experience. This can greatly improve your application.

What Happens If I Don’t Choose These A Level Subjects?

It’s not the end of the world if you do not choose these recommended A Levels. You may find that you have different academic strengths. 

If you find that biology or chemistry are too difficult, choose different A Level subjects that are more aligned with your strengths. 

Pharmacy is a demanding degree that will require deep understanding of these sciences. If you struggle with them on A Level, it can make obtaining your degree more challenging.

Where is your passion? If you find that your passion is outside the sciences, don’t try to force yourself into a curriculum that is science heavy. Make your choices to align with your passions. Maybe you would prefer working in social sciences, humanities, or the arts. 

If you are not fully committed and interested in pursuing subjects like physics and chemistry, you may lack the motivation needed to succeed. It’s better to be happy with a career you can enjoy than to force yourself to pursue something you don’t enjoy.  

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All of our resources are written by teachers and examiners. That means each resource is going to demonstrate what examiners for specific exams are looking for, no matter what the topic.

The final result is that you can walk into your exams prepared and confident.  In fact, 91% of students who use Save My Exams report getting better grades.

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Mary Olinger

Author: Mary Olinger

Expertise: Content Writer

Mary Olinger is a former middle school Math, Science, and English teacher. She also worked with and developed after-school programs to assist at-risk students.

Liam Taft

Reviewer: Liam Taft

Expertise: Content Manager

Liam is a graduate of the University of Birmingham and has worked with many EdTech brands, including Twinkl, Natterhub, Learning Ladders, Twig and the Dukes Education Group. Their journalism has been published in The Guardian, BBC and HuffPost.

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