What A Levels Do I Need to Be a Nurse?

Mary Olinger

Written by: Mary Olinger

Reviewed by: Liam Taft


Last updated

Nursing provides a solid foundation for the healthcare industry. There are many career paths within the nursing sector, from general practice to specialised fields like psychiatric nursing, geriatrics, and paediatric nursing. The demand for skilled nurses is constantly increasing across the UK. It is a very stable profession and a rewarding career. 

It’s important for aspiring nurses to choose the right A Levels since they are foundational to the university studies they will encounter. Subjects like Psychology, Chemistry, and Biology meet entry requirements for most nursing programs in the UK, but they also equip nursing students with the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed.

Essential A Levels for Nursing

Most universities in the UK do not have specific A Level subject requirements for nursing students. However, it is beneficial to take science-based subjects. Here are the recommended A Level subjects.

A Level Biology

Nursing students need a strong foundation in human anatomy, genetics, and physiology. These are helpful to nurses who will be caring for patients with different medical needs. A Level Biology prepares nurses for further studies so they will be better equipped to deal with various medical conditions.

A Level Chemistry

Nurses need to have a good grasp of how the biochemical processes work. A Level Chemistry introduces them to pharmacology, which will be helpful as they prepare to manage medications.

 A Level Psychology

Nurses may need to have some understanding of mental health and behavioural issues. A Level Psychology readies them to care for patients by providing holistic nursing care.

A Level Sociology

There can be many societal factors that affect people’s health. Understanding these types of factors helps nurses be more effective in their roles in the community and public health settings. 

Optional A Levels for Nurses

A Level Mathematics

Mathematics is important for helping nurses develop their analytical skills, especially when dealing with drug calculations. A Level Mathematics prepares the nursing student for the data-rich culture in healthcare.

A Level English Literature/Language

Nurses need to be able to communicate effectively on many levels in the healthcare setting. They must be able to communicate with doctors and other professionals about patient care. Nurses also need to be able to communicate with patients concerning their care. A Level English and other essay subjects help nurses interact effectively with healthcare teams and patients.

Physical Education (PE)

Nurses need a good understanding of the body’s response to illnesses. They also need to understand physical health and fitness. A Level PE is exceptionally beneficial for nursing students who plan on going into rehabilitation nursing or sports medicine.

Best A Level Combinations for Nurses

The best A Level combination for nurses provides a strong foundation for nurses and helps them succeed in their nursing careers. Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology is the winning combination for nurses. These three subjects provide nursing students with a well-rounded academic base and help prepare them for the various challenges they may face in healthcare.

This A Level combination will not change for nurses who pursue specialised fields. Most UK universities don’t demand specific A Level courses, and entry requirements remain similar across all the university level programmes.

Requirements for Top UK Universities

University of Edinburgh A Level Requirements 

The University of Edinburgh, like other UK universities, don’t have specific A Level subject requirements for entry. However, they do prefer A Level Biology and A Level Chemistry for nursing students. The university also looks for AAB to ABB A Level grades. Additionally, nursing candidates should have a strong personal statement and references. It is also recommended that nurses have some relevant work experience.

King’s College London (KCL) A Level Requirements

KCL requires nursing candidates to complete at least one A Level science subject or Psychology with an AAB grade. King’s College London also recommends that nursing students present a strong personal statement that emphasizes their interest and commitment to nursing. The university also looks for candidates with nursing-related work experience.

University of Manchester A Level Requirements 

The University of Manchester prefers nursing candidates who obtain an ABB grade in A Level Biology, Chemistry, or Psychology. The school desires nursing students who have strong personal statements and references. They also cater to applicants who show evidence of understanding nursing concepts through work experience in the field.

University of Glasgow A Level Requirements

Nursing candidates at the University of Glasgow should have an AAB in A Level courses. The university desires candidates who demonstrate a strong science background in nursing and prefer students who have taken A Level Biology or Chemistry. Additionally, nursing students should have a well-written personal statement along with relevant work experience.

How to Choose Your A Level Subject for Nursing

Meeting University Recommendations

Most universities recommend subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology for candidates who enter their nursing programs. This is because they provide students with a deeper, applicable understanding of human biology, health, and behaviour. Find out the specific requirements or recommendations for the university you want to attend.

Develop Core Skills

A background in the sciences, like Biology and Chemistry, ensures that nursing students have the knowledge and understanding necessary for working in the medical field. Other A Level subjects like Psychology and Sociology help nursing students develop a good understanding of mental health, patient behaviour and social factors that can affect health. Having empathy and communication are crucial for providing patients with holistic care.

Flexibility in Career Choices

A Level subjects such as Psychology, Biology, and Chemistry are applicable across many nursing specialisations. These three are foundational for those who want to pursue a specialised field like mental health nursing, paediatric nursing, or adult nursing. These A Level topics prepare nursing students for further studies should they wish to pursue higher educational goals such as becoming a nurse researcher, nurse educator, or nurse practitioner.

Alternative Pathways for Nursing Students

Nursing Apprenticeship

Some people choose a nursing apprenticeship as an alternative to a traditional degree. An apprenticeship is employer-led. The employer works with the apprentice, who agrees to study at an approved institution. The candidate then works in a variety of practice settings to get a full range of skills and knowledge. An apprentice has to achieve the same high standards expected from students who take the traditional degree course.

Nursing Associates

A nursing associate works alongside professional nurses and qualified registered nurses. Nursing associates are not registered nurses, but they can gain valuable experience that can open up wider opportunities. Should the nursing associate decide to pursue further training, they can “top up” their training to become a registered nurse. 

Assistant Practitioner

The role of the assistant practitioner is becoming more popular in the healthcare setting. They bring specific skills and useful experience into the clinical practice. Even though they are not registered practitioners, they have a high level of skill due to their training and experience. They take on more responsibilities than a health care assistant and work under the supervision of registered nursing professionals. 

This valuable experience can gain APL (Accreditation for Prior Learning) and apply for a shorter undergraduate degree programme, including a nursing degree.

What Happens If I Don’t Choose These Subjects?

If you don’t choose the recommended A Level courses, you can still obtain your goal of becoming a nurse. You may find that you prefer to work in a related field but are not ready to complete the harder coursework required for obtaining a degree. 

There are many ways to obtain a nursing degree. However, alternative pathways may make it harder to meet entry criteria, or it may take you a bit longer to reach your goals.  

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Mary Olinger

Author: Mary Olinger

Expertise: Content Writer

Mary Olinger is a former middle school Math, Science, and English teacher. She also worked with and developed after-school programs to assist at-risk students.

Liam Taft

Reviewer: Liam Taft

Expertise: Content Manager

Liam is a graduate of the University of Birmingham and has worked with many EdTech brands, including Twinkl, Natterhub, Learning Ladders, Twig and the Dukes Education Group. Their journalism has been published in The Guardian, BBC and HuffPost.

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