What A Levels Do I Need to Be a Forensic Scientist?

Mary Olinger

Written by: Mary Olinger

Reviewed by: Liam Taft


Last updated

The career path to becoming a forensic scientist can be exciting and can lead to a rewarding career. The field offers many opportunities for engagement and advancement. Forensic science bridges science and law and largely involves collecting, preserving, and analysing evidence. 

There are many sub-disciplines available to explore, such as forensic chemistry, biochemistry, DNA profiling, DNA analysis, bloodstain pattern or body fluid analysis, or other specialisms that work with other experts to piece evidence together about events. 

Forensic scientists don’t always work at the crime scene collecting evidence. You may choose to work in the laboratory setting, performing chemical, microscopic, or biological analysis on evidence that was taken from a crime scene. The daily duties of a forensic scientist will depend on the area of work you select. You can be sure that no two days will be the same.

In this article, you’ll find the essential A Levels to choose to become a forensic scientist, as well as optional A Levels to consider. 

Essential A Levels for Forensic Science

A Level Chemistry

Most universities will require students to complete A Level Chemistry as part of obtaining a degree in forensic science. Chemistry provides a strong foundation for further learning in this science-heavy career path. A forensic scientist will work with and analyse biochemicals, body fluids, and other substances gathered at crime scenes. 

In chemistry, students will learn about organic and inorganic substances, thermodynamics, and other essential topics. They’ll learn how substances and biochemicals change in response to their environment. These pieces become the building blocks needed for a successful academic career in forensic science.

A Level Biology

Studying A Level Biology lays a crucial foundation for a career in forensic science. Many specialisms rely heavily on biological analysis, which is a key part of many forensic investigations. 

Students will need a strong grasp of biological principles. Forensic scientists analyse biological evidence from bio-substances like hair, saliva, blood, and bodily fluids. These in-depth analyses require a good grasp of genetics and molecular biology, both of which fall under the umbrella of general biology.

A Level Psychology

Not all forensic scientist career courses require A Level Psychology, but it is a requirement for some of them. It’s especially important if your goal is to be a forensic psychologist. Even if the university doesn’t require it for your specific degree, it is highly recommended. Psychology is directly related to the psychological aspects of crime and criminal behaviour. 

A Level Physics

Not all universities will require A Level Physics, but it is generally considered beneficial for those pursuing a career in forensic science. Physics is applicable in many aspects of analysing evidence, including ballistics, crime scene reconstruction, and analysing trace physical evidence. 

Optional A Levels for Forensic Scientists

A Level Maths

Obtaining a full A Level Maths may not be required by universities offering forensic science, but it provides a strong foundation in key concepts. To succeed in a forensic science program, students need to have some basic mathematical skills. Being able to apply algebra, geometry, and statistical concepts is critical.  Forensic scientists use maths to analyse evidence such as blood splatter patterns, toxicology reports, DNA samples, and bullet trajectories.

A Level Computer Science

Taking an A Level computer Science course isn’t necessarily a requirement for entry into a forensic science program. However, having a good understanding of computer basics and digital forensics is important.

Best A Level Combinations for Forensic Scientists

For an aspiring forensic scientist, the best A Level combinations include Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. These subjects will provide the student with a strong foundation in the scientific principles needed for forensic analysis. Chemistry is generally considered to be the most critical since it is involved in analysing substances commonly found at crime scenes. Choosing other A Level courses will depend on your specific interests and the area of forensic science you will focus on.

Biology, Chemistry, and Maths is the most common A Level combination for students. Check your preferred university for any requirements they may have. Most will require biology and chemistry for entry into a forensic science program. Depending on your goals, you may want to combine those two with physics, mathematics, or psychology.

Requirements for Top UK Universities

University of Kent A Level Requirements 

To study forensic science at the University of Kent, students need 104 to 120 UCAS points. They will also need a BBB in three A Level subjects. They must take either Chemistry or Biology at a B.

Northumbria University, Newcastle A Level Requirements

To pursue a degree in Forensic Science at Northumbria University, Newcastle, students require about 112 UCAS points. This will include a combination of A Levels with at least a grade B in Chemistry and Biology or another applied science.

Robert Gordon University (RGU) A Level Requirements 

Students who want to study Forensic Science at RGU will need to have a grade of BBC in A Level classes. They must obtain at least a B in Chemistry. If English and Maths are not taken at A Level, then the university will require them at GCSE with a 4/C or above.

University of Strathclyde A Level Requirements

To pursue Forensic Science at the University of Strathclyde, the A Level requirement is ABB. An A Level chemistry is mandatory. The combination can then include Biology, Physics, or Maths.

How to Choose Your A Level Subject for Forensic Science

Consider Your Interests

If you already have a specific area of forensic science in mind, such as DNA analysis or toxicology, choose A Levels that align with your chosen focus and interest. Forensic science is a science and maths-focused career course. You should be comfortable studying the sciences.

University Requirements

Take some time to look at your top university choices and what they require to enter their forensic science programs. Your A Level subjects should meet the requirements of the universities you’d like to attend. Make sure your choices meet or exceed the university requirements for the field. Other A Level courses should complement or strengthen your core A Level subjects.

Future Career Goals

Forensic Science is a broad field with many possible career choices, from data analysis to crime scene investigation and from pathology to laboratory work. Your A Level choices should strengthen the foundational skills needed for your future work and prepare you for success.

Alternative Pathways for Forensic Scientists

Degree Apprenticeship

An apprenticeship is a way to obtain your forensic science degree and earn at the same time. A degree apprenticeship allows you to work while you are completing your coursework. It may take a little longer to complete the degree program if you choose an apprenticeship. However, you’ll also be gaining valuable work-related experience.

Direct Application

For those who already have scientific qualifications and laboratory experience, a direct application may be a valid choice. This means you can apply directly to a forensic science laboratory or a service provider for work. If you have a degree in a related science, such as chemistry or biology, this may be a workable option. However, a forensic science degree is usually preferred depending on the role and the employer.

What Happens If I Don’t Choose These Subjects?

Studying forensic science is academically demanding. If you decide not to take the recommended A Level subjects, it is okay. Studying to become a forensic scientist can be time-consuming and difficult. If it turns out that it’s not what you expected, explore your other academic strengths. There are plenty of related fields that are less demanding and may be more fitting for your personal strengths.

Finding something that you enjoy will be more rewarding than working toward something you don’t really enjoy. When choosing A Level subjects, play to your own strengths. You want to pursue a career path that is something you’ll enjoy doing for your entire life. 

Think about the things you are passionate about. If you do not love science or forensics, don’t force yourself to do the coursework. If you don’t love it, classes will be much harder for you, and you are less likely to succeed. It’s smarter to align your studies with your passions and preferences. When you pursue areas you are passionate about, you will be more motivated, which helps ensure your academic success and fulfilment.

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All of our resources are written by teachers and examiners. That means notes, questions by topic and worked solutions that show exactly what the examiners for each specific exam are looking for. 

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Mary Olinger

Author: Mary Olinger

Expertise: Content Writer

Mary Olinger is a former middle school Math, Science, and English teacher. She also worked with and developed after-school programs to assist at-risk students.

Liam Taft

Reviewer: Liam Taft

Expertise: Content Manager

Liam is a graduate of the University of Birmingham and has worked with many EdTech brands, including Twinkl, Natterhub, Learning Ladders, Twig and the Dukes Education Group. Their journalism has been published in The Guardian, BBC and HuffPost.

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