A sound wave travels through air. The diagram represents the displacement of air particles along the wave at an instant in time.

There is a compression at position V.
At which position is there also a compression?
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Transverse & Longitudinal Waves
A sound wave travels through air. The diagram represents the displacement of air particles along the wave at an instant in time.
There is a compression at position V.
At which position is there also a compression?
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A wave has amplitude A, period T, and wavelength λ.
Which of the following can be used to calculate the speed of the wave?
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Which of the following statements is correct for minimum displacement of the particles in a longitudinal wave?
Minimum displacement occurs at compressions only.
Minimum displacement occurs at rarefactions only.
Minimum displacement occurs at compressions and rarefactions.
Minimum displacement occurs at neither compressions nor rarefactions.
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