A wire breaks when a tensile force T is applied. A second wire, made of the same material, has twice the diameter.
Which of the following is the force required to break the second wire?
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Stretching Materials
A wire breaks when a tensile force T is applied. A second wire, made of the same material, has twice the diameter.
Which of the following is the force required to break the second wire?
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Two different springs, and
, are suspended from a fixed support. Masses are attached to the bottom of
as shown.
The extension of is
, and the extension of
. The elastic strain energy in spring
Which of the following is the elastic strain energy in spring ?
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A compressive force F is applied to an object made of a material with Young modulus E. The original length of the object in the direction of the force is x, and its cross‐sectional area is A.
Which expression gives the length of the object after the force is applied?
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A copper rod was placed under tensile stress and the tensile strain in the rod was measured.
The graph shows how the tensile stress required to cause a tensile strain in the rod depends upon the tensile strain.
What does point X represent?
the fracture point of the rod
the limit of proportionality for copper
the maximum tensile stress in the rod
the yield point of copper
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