Background Radiation (Edexcel International A Level Physics) : Revision Note
Background Radiation
Radiation is a natural phenomenon, with radioactive elements having always existed on Earth and in outer space
However, human activity has added to the amount of radiation that humans are exposed to in various ways
Background radiation is defined as:
Low levels of radiation from environmental sources, which are always present around us
Radiation is measured in counts per second in a unit called Becquerel (Bq)
Different amounts of radiation are present in different places around the world, including in the UK.

There are two types of background radiation:
Natural sources
Man-made sources

Background radiation is the radiation that is present all around the environment. Radon gas is given off from some types of rock
Every second of the day there is some radiation emanating from natural sources such as:
Cosmic rays from space
Natural Sources
Radon gas from rocks and soil
Heavy radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, occur naturally in rocks in the ground
Uranium decays into radon gas, which is an alpha emitter
This is particularly dangerous if inhaled into the lungs in large quantities
Cosmic rays from space
The sun emits an enormous number of protons every second
Some of these enter the Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds
When they collide with molecules in the air, this leads to the production of gamma radiation
Other sources of cosmic rays are supernovae and other high energy cosmic events
Carbon-14 in biological material
All organic matter contains a tiny amount of carbon-14
Living plants and animals constantly replace the supply of carbon in their systems hence the amount of carbon-14 in the system stays almost constant
Radioactive material in food and drink
Naturally occurring radioactive elements can get into food and water since they are in contact with rocks and soil containing these elements
Some foods contain higher amounts such as potassium-40 in bananas
However, the amount of radioactive material is minuscule and is not a cause for concern
Man-Made Sources
Medical sources
In medicine, radiation is commonly used in X-rays, CT scans, radioactive tracers, and radiation therapy
Nuclear waste
While nuclear waste itself does not contribute much to background radiation, it can be dangerous for the people handling it
Nuclear fallout from nuclear weapons
Fallout is the residue radioactive material that is thrown into the air after a nuclear explosion, such as the bomb that exploded at Hiroshima
While the amount of fallout in the environment is presently very low, it increases significantly in areas where nuclear weapons are tested
Nuclear accidents
Accidents such as that in Chernobyl contributed a large dose of radiation into the environment
While these accidents are now extremely rare, they can be catastrophic
Corrected Count Rate
Background radiation must be accounted for when taking readings in a laboratory
This can be done by taking readings with no radioactive source present and then subtracting this from readings with the source present
This is known as the corrected count rate
Detecting Radiation
When alpha or beta radiation pass close to an atom, they can deliver enough energy to remove electrons, ionising the atom
Radiation detectors work by detecting the presence of either these ions, or the chemical changes that they produce
Examples of radiation detectors include:
Photographic film (often used in badges)
Geiger-Muller (GM) tubes
Ionisation chambers
Scintillation counters
Spark counters

A Geiger-Muller tube (or Geiger counter) is a common type of radiation detector
Worked Example
A student is using a Geiger-counter to measure the counts per minute at different distances from a source of radiation. Their results and a graph of the results are shown here.

Determine the background radiation count.
Step 1: Determine the point at which the source radiation stops being detected
The background radiation is the amount of radiation received all the time
When the source and detector are far enough apart, the radiation is absorbed by the air before reaching the Geiger-counter
Results after 1 metre should not change
Therefore, the amount after 1 metre is only due to background radiation
Step 2: State the background radiation count
The background radiation count is 15 counts per minute
Examiner Tips and Tricks
Exam questions may expect you to remember about the existence of background radiation without mentioning it. Look out for count rates that do not drop to zero, or half-life graphs with a line that tends towards a value higher than zero.
When memorising lists of the causes of background radiation, make sure to choose at least one natural and one man-made cause as these are thought of quite separately.
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