Sorting Algorithms (Edexcel International A Level Maths: Decision 1)

Revision Note






Introduction to Sorting Algorithms

  • Sorting algorithms arrange items into ascending or descending order
    • Items that are usually sorted include values, letters or words 
  • As a list of items becomes larger, it becomes increasingly difficult for a human to sort
    • A computer can be programmed with a sorting algorithm
      • This makes the process both accurate and efficient 
  • With sorting algorithms in particular, it is important to stay in 'robot mode'
    • Follow each step of the algorithm precisely, in order, exactly as a robot would
    • Do not be tempted to take shortcuts or miss parts of the algorithm out because the answer can be 'seen'

Bubble Sort

What is the bubble sort algorithm?

  • The bubble sort algorithm arranges items into either ascending or descending order
    • Items are usually values
      • They could also be letters or words or similar
      • For questions given in context, values will be measures such as weights, lengths, scores or times

How does the bubble sort algorithm work?

  • Bubble sort works by comparing pairs of items on the working list
    • Comparisons are made working from left to right
    • The first item is compared to the second, the second to the third, and so on
    • A swap occurs if a pair of items are not in order
      • A pair of equal items does not count as a swap

A diagram of the first pass for a bubble sort.

  • This comparison of pairs and swaps continues until the end of the working list is reached
    • This is called a pass
    • Several passes are usually required to order a list of items 
  • At the end of each pass, the item at the end of the working list is in the correct place
    • For ascending order, the highest value 'bubbles' to the end
  • Bubble sort, for n items, is complete when either
    • a pass involves no swaps, or
    • after the open parentheses n minus 1 close parentheses to the power of th pass
      • I.e.  when only one item would remain on the working list 

What is the working list?

  • The working list is the list of unordered items that a pass of the bubble sort algorithm will apply to
    • For the first pass every item on the list is in the working list
  • After the first pass, the final item is in the correct place
    • This item is removed from the working list
    • You may 'see' that other items are in the correct places
      • However, the algorithm ensures the highest (or smallest) item is at the end of the list
  • The working list is reduced by one after each pass
    • This keeps the bubble sort as efficient as possible by not requiring unnecessary comparisons
  • For a list of bold italic n items
    • The first pass will have n items on the working list
    • The second pass will have n minus 1 items on the working list
    • (If required) the open parentheses n minus 1 close parentheses to the power of th pass will have 2 items on the working list
  • The ordered items may be described as the sorted list
  • The image below shows a list at the end of the second pass of an ascending bubble sort
    • Two items are on the sorted list (12 and 15)
    • The 10 being in the correct position is irrelevant at this stage 
    • The third pass will confirm the position of the 10 and it will become part of the sorted list


How do I work out the (maximum) number of passes in the bubble sort algorithm?

  • For a list of n items
    • The maximum number of passes will be n minus 1
    • After the open parentheses n minus 1 close parentheses to the power of th pass, n minus 1 items will be in order
      • The last remaining item must be in order too 
    • It is hard to predict how many passes the bubble sort will need
      • It may be possible to tell how many more passes are required when only a few items are out of order
    • If the item at the end of the list should be at the start then it will take n minus 1 passes
      • This is because this item will only move one space closer to the start after each pass

How do I work out the (maximum) number of comparisons in the bubble sort algorithm?

  • For a list of n items
    • The number of comparisons at each pass will always be one less than the number of items on the working list
      • The first pass will have n items on the working list so there will be n minus 1 comparisons
      • The second pass will have n minus 2 comparisons
      • The k to the power of th pass will have n minus k comparisons
      • (If required) the open parentheses n minus 1 close parentheses to the power of th pass will have 1 comparison
    • The maximum number of comparisons for the entire bubble sort algorithm would be

open parentheses n minus 1 close parentheses plus open parentheses n minus 2 close parentheses plus open parentheses n minus 3 close parentheses plus... plus 3 plus 2 plus 1


sum from r equals 1 to n minus 1 of r equals 1 half n open parentheses n minus 1 close parentheses

    • Understanding the logic for the number of comparisons is easier than trying to remember a formula

How do I work out the (maximum) number of swaps in the bubble sort algorithm?

  • For a list of n items
    • The maximum number of swaps in a pass would be the same as the number of comparisons for that pass
      • I.e. if every comparison results in a swap being made
      • This would occur if the first item on the working list is the largest (or smallest for descending)
    • With a small working list it is possible to 'see' or count the number of swaps required for a pass
      • For a longer list, keep a tally of swaps as you perform a pass 
    • The maximum number of swaps for the entire algorithm would be needed if a list started in reverse order

Exam Tip

  • Make it clear when you have completed the bubble sort algorithm
    • State how you know it is complete
    • E.g.  "There were no swaps in the fifth pass so the algorithm is complete and the list is in order"
  • After completing your solution, check again if the list should be in ascending or descending order
    • If you've got it the wrong way round, there's no need to redo the question but
      • Make it clear that after the algorithm is completed, you are reversing the list
      • Make sure your final answer is in the order required by the question 

Worked example

The times, to the nearest second, taken by 7 participants to answer a general knowledge question are 5,  7,  4,  9,  3,  5,  6.
The times are to be sorted into ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm.

Write down


the maximum number of passes the algorithm will require,


the number of comparisons required for the third pass,

the number of swaps there will be in the first pass.


The maximum number of passes is n minus 1

table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row n equals 7 row cell 7 minus 1 end cell equals 6 end table

The maximum number of passes will be 6


The k to the power of th italic space pass will have n minus k comparisons

7 minus 3 equals 4

The number of comparisons required in the third pass will be 4

Carefully do this by inspection (or you can carry out the first pass to be sure but that takes time)
The first swap will be the 7 and 4

The 9, being the highest value on the list, will then swap with each of the values that follow it (3 values)

The number of swaps in the first pass is 4


After the second pass of the bubble sort algorithm, the times are in the order  4,  5,  3,  5,  6,  7,  9.

Perform the third pass of the bubble sort algorithm and state the number of swaps made.

As this is the third pass, the last two items on the list, 7 and 9, will already be in the correct place
The working list (that we apply a pass of the bubble sort algorithm to) will be 4,  5,  3,  5,  6

4 5 3 5 6 7 9   4 < 5, no swap
4 5 3 5 6 7 9   5 > 3, swap
4 3 5 5 6 7 9   5 = 5, no swap
4 3 5 5 6 7 9   5 < 6, no swap
4 3 5 5 6 7 9   end of pass 3

Number of swaps: 1


Explain why two further passes of the bubble sort algorithm are required to ensure the list is in ascending order.

At this stage of the algorithm you should be able to deduce the answer by inspection of the current list
Using the answer to part (b), the current list is 4,  3,  5,  5,  6,  7,  9

The next pass will involve one swap - the 4 and the 3
The pass after that will involve no swaps and so the algorithm will be complete and the list will be in order
Thus, two further passes are required

It is important to state that the algorithm is complete and the reason why

Quick Sort

What is the quick sort algorithm?

  • The quick sort algorithm arranges items into either ascending or descending order
    • Items are usually values
      • They could be letters or words or similar
      • For questions given in context values will be measures such as weights, lengths, scores or times

How does the quick sort algorithm work?

  • Each pass of the quick sort algorithm works by splitting a sub-list of the items into two halves around a pivot
    • One half will be the sub-list of values that are less than the pivot
      • For ascending order this sub-list would come before the pivot
    • The other half will be the sub-list of values that are greater than the pivot
      • For ascending order this sub-list would come after the pivot
    • Values that are equal to the pivot can be listed in either half
      • But for consistency always list items equal to the pivot in the half greater than the pivot
    • On both sides of the pivot, values should be listed in the order they appear in the original list
  • The algorithm is complete when every item on the (original) list has been designated as a pivot

Which item is the pivot in the quick sort algorithm?

  • The pivot is the middle value in a sub-list of the items, without reordering
    • For a list containing n items, the pivot will be the fraction numerator n plus 1 over denominator 2 end fractionth item
      • For consistency round up if necessary
  • In the first pass, there will be one pivot
    • This is the middle item in the whole list
  • In the second pass, there could be two (new) pivots
    • One pivot in the lower sub-list and one in the upper sub-list
    • The number of pivots could double at each pass
      • But this will not always be the case
      • If a pivot is the lowest or greatest item on a sub-list
        • then after reordering there will only be a new sub-list on one side of the pivot

How do I apply the quick sort algorithm?

  • The following list of steps describes the quick sort algorithm for arranging a list of items into ascending order
    • Arranging into descending order would be the same
      • However, the 'ordering' in Step 2 would be reversed
  • STEP 1
    Find and highlight the pivot (middle value) for each sub-list of items

    For the first pass only, the sub-list will be the same as the entire list of items 

  • STEP 2
    List items lower than the pivot, in the order they appear, before the pivot
    Then write the pivot as the next number on the list

    List items greater than or equal to the pivot, in the order they appear, after the pivot

  • STEP 3
    Repeat steps 1 and 2 until every item on the original list has been designated a pivot
    The original (full) list of items will now be in ascending order

Exam Tip

  • Make it clear which items you have chosen as pivots at each pass of the quick sort algorithm
    • Use different styles to highlight the pivots such as
      • underlining values using solid, dotted, wavy, double lines etc.
      • drawing different shaped boxes (e.g. rectangle, circle, star) around values
    • Do not use different colours on the exam paper as they may not show up  on the examiner's scanned copy

Worked example

The following values are to be sorted into descending order using the quick sort algorithm.

5,  3,  7,  2,  4,  5,  9,  6

Clearly showing your choice of pivots at each pass, perform the quick sort algorithm to sort the list into descending order.

  • STEP 1
    This is the first pass so the entire list will be the sub-list

    There are 8 values so the pivot will be the fraction numerator 8 plus 1 over denominator 2 end fraction equals 4.5 rounded up to the 5th value on the list
    Pass 1 (pivot 4)

5 3 7 2 circle enclose 4 5 9 6

  • STEP 2
    As descending order is required, list items greater than the pivot (4) before it; items lower than the pivot after it
    Keep the numbers in the order they are already in
5 7 5 9 6 circle enclose 4 3 2

  • STEP 3
    There are now two sub-lists 5,  7,  5,  9,  6 and 3,  2
    Repeat steps 1 and 2 on these sub-lists
    Pass 2 (pivots 5 and 2)
5 7 box enclose 5 9 6 circle enclose 4 3 box enclose 2

The (repeated) 5 will go into the 'greater than or equal to' sub-list (before the pivot 5 as descending)
There will be no new sub-lists at the next pass after the pivot 5 or pivot 2 as they are the lowest values in their current sub-lists

5 7 9 6 box enclose 5 circle enclose 4 3 box enclose 2

Continuing repeating steps 1 and 2 on each new sub-list until every item has been designated a pivot
Pass 3 (pivots 9 and 3)

5 7 bottom enclose 9 6 box enclose 5 circle enclose 4 bottom enclose 3 box enclose 2

bottom enclose 9 5 7 6 box enclose 5 circle enclose 4 bottom enclose 3 box enclose 2

Pass 4 (pivot 7)

bottom enclose 9 5 rounded box enclose 7 6 box enclose 5 circle enclose 4 bottom enclose 3 box enclose 2

bottom enclose 9 rounded box enclose 7 5 6 box enclose 5 circle enclose 4 bottom enclose 3 box enclose 2

Pass 5 (pivot 6)

bottom enclose 9 rounded box enclose 7 5 open double vertical bar 6 close double vertical bar box enclose 5 circle enclose 4 bottom enclose 3 box enclose 2

bottom enclose 9 rounded box enclose 7 open double vertical bar 6 close double vertical bar 5 box enclose 5 circle enclose 4 bottom enclose 3 box enclose 2

Pass 6 (pivot 5)

bottom enclose 9 rounded box enclose 7 open double vertical bar 6 close double vertical bar open square brackets 5 close square brackets box enclose 5 circle enclose 4 bottom enclose 3 box enclose 2

Every value has now been designated as a pivot so the algorithm is complete and the list is in descending order

9,  7,  6,  5,  5,  4,  3,  2

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Author: Paul

Paul has taught mathematics for 20 years and has been an examiner for Edexcel for over a decade. GCSE, A level, pure, mechanics, statistics, discrete – if it’s in a Maths exam, Paul will know about it. Paul is a passionate fan of clear and colourful notes with fascinating diagrams – one of the many reasons he is excited to be a member of the SME team.