Bin Packing Algorithms (Edexcel International A Level Maths): Revision Note

Naomi C


Naomi C

Last updated

Introduction to Bin Packing Algorithms

  • Bin packing algorithms organise objects into as few containers as possible

  • The containers are called bins

    • In problems all bins will be of equal size

      • Size may refer to length, width, capacity (volume), weight, etc.

  • 'Packing' is a loose term that could mean 'separating', 'cutting' or similar

  • Examples of bin packing problems include:

    • Loading pallets (objects) of varying weights into lorries (bins) without exceeding their weight capacity

      • The aim is to minimise the number of lorries required

    • Cutting short strips of cable (objects) from large reels of cable (bins)

      • The aim is to minimise wastage at the end of a reel

  • There are three bin packing algorithms covered

    • The first-fit bin packing algorithm

    • The first-fit decreasing bin packing algorithm

    • The full-bin packing algorithm

    • All are heuristic algorithms - they will provide a (good) solution

      • but not necessarily an optimal solution

      • and not necessarily the only (good) solution

First-Fit Bin Packing Algorithm

What is the first-fit bin packing algorithm?

  • The first-fit bin packing algorithm packs objects into bins in the order in which they are presented

    • E.g.  Scattered boxes are organised in the order they are encountered

    • They are not organised beforehand

  • The algorithm finds the number of bins required to pack all the objects

    • Ideally this would be the minimum number of bins required

    • However, the algorithm will not necessarily provide the optimal solution

  • An advantage of using the first-fit bin packing algorithm is speed

    • The objects do not have to be sorted (into size or any other criteria) first

    • In many cases, the solution obtained, will be sufficient for business or practical purposes

      • I.e.  speed (efficiency) is more important than optimisation

How do I apply the first-fit bin packing algorithm?

  • Each object, in turn, is placed in the first available bin that has enough capacity (room) for it

    • Object 1 (the first on the list) will be placed into bin 1

      • If bin 1 then has enough spare capacity, object 2 (the second on the list) will also go into bin 1

      • If not, object 2 will need a new bin, bin 2

      • Object 3 would be considered for bin 1 first, then bin 2, and failing both, it would require a new bin, bin 3

  • For each object, if an existing bin does not have enough capacity remaining, a new bin will be used

    • For example,

      • If a bin has capacity 10 and the first two objects are of capacity 6 and 3, the 6 will go into bin 1, then the 3 will go into bin 1 too
        (6 + 3 = 9 ≤ 10)

      • If the first two objects are of capacity 5 and 9, the 5 would go in bin 1, then the 9 would go into bin 2
        (5 + 9 = 14 > 10)

  • The algorithm is complete when all objects have been placed in a bin

How do I find the lower bound for the number of bins?

  • The lower bound (LB) for the number of bins required in the first-fit bin packing problem is the smallest integer that satisfies

 LB greater or equal than fraction numerator Total space capacity space of space all space objects over denominator Size space of space each space bin end fraction

  • As it is a number of bins, the lower bound will be an integer

    • The calculation should always be rounded up to the nearest integer

    • E.g. For a value of 3.01, more than 3 bins would be required and so the lower bound will be 4

  • Note that this is exactly the same lower bound as for the first-fit decreasing and the full-bin packing algorithms

Examiner Tips and Tricks

  • As you place values into bins, you may find it helpful to jot down next to each bin

    • either the total capacity used in the bin

    • or the remaining capacity in the bin

  • However, do not include these as part of your final answer

Worked Example

A gym worker is tidying up by stacking weights on shelves.  The weights, given in kilograms, are stated below.

12,  16,  18,  8,  16,  12,  10,  4,  6,  10,  12, 16,  20,  10,  24  

Each shelf has a load capacity of 40 kg.

a) Find a lower bound for the number of shelves needed so all the weights can be stacked on the shelves.

The lower bound will be (greater than or equal to) the total of the weights divided by the capacity (load) of one shelf

table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row LB greater or equal than cell fraction numerator 12 plus 16 plus 18 plus 8 plus 16 plus 12 plus 10 plus 4 plus 6 plus 10 plus 12 plus 16 plus 20 plus 10 plus 24 over denominator 40 end fraction end cell row LB greater or equal than cell 194 over 40 end cell row LB greater or equal than cell 4.85 end cell end table

The number of shelves (bins) will need to be an integer (hence the inequality)
More than four shelves are needed so round up to five 

Lower bound for the number of shelves is 5

b) Use the first-fit bin packing algorithm to find the number of shelves needed to stack all of the weights.

In this case, a 'shelf' will be a 'bin'

In the first-fit bin packing algorithm, we deal with each weight in turn as they are listed

(The remaining capacity, written in brackets next to each shelf in the working area, is optional)

The first weight, 12 kg, will go on the first shelf

Shelf 1:







The second weight, 16 kg will also fit on the first shelf

Shelf 1:







Next, the 18 kg will need to go on to a new shelf (shelf 2)

Shelf 1:







Shelf 2:







The 8 kg weight will go on the first shelf

Shelf 1:







Shelf 2:







Continuing in this manner, the 16 kg weight can go on shelf 2
The second 12 kg weight will need a third shelf

Shelf 1:







Shelf 2:







Shelf 3:







A fourth shelf is needed for the third 12 kg weight

The 20 kg and 24 kg weights require a shelf of their own

When finished, double check each shelf does not exceed 40 kg in total

Do not include the spare capacities with the final answer

Shelf 1:





Shelf 2:





Shelf 3:





Shelf 4:





Shelf 5:





Shelf 6:





Notice that, whilst the lower bound was 5 shelves, the algorithm used 6 shelves

First-Fit Decreasing Bin Packing Algorithm

What is the first-fit decreasing bin packing algorithm?

  • The first-fit decreasing bin packing algorithm packs objects into bins once they have been arranged into decreasing (descending) order

    • E.g. Scattered boxes are arranged in descending order of size/weight, starting with the biggest/heaviest

  • The algorithm finds the number of bins required to pack all the objects

    • Ideally this would be the minimum number of bins required

    • However, the algorithm will not necessarily provide the optimal solution

  • An advantage of using the first-fit decreasing bin packing algorithm is that it usually gets close to the optimal solution

    • This is good for situations where minimising the number of bins is more desirable than speed

How do I apply the first-fit decreasing bin packing algorithm?

  • Each object, in turn, is placed in the first available bin that has enough capacity (room) for it

    • Object 1 (the biggest) will be placed into bin 1

      • If bin 1 then has enough spare capacity, object 2 (the second biggest) will also go into bin 1

      • If not, object 2 will need a new bin, bin 2

      • Object 3 would be considered for bin 1 first, then bin 2, and failing both, it would require a new bin, bin 3

    • For each object, if any existing bin does not have enough capacity remaining, a new bin will be required

    • For example,

      • If a bin has capacity 15 and the first two objects are of capacity 13 and 10, the 13 will go into bin 1, then the 10 will go into bin 2
        (as 13 + 10 = 23 > 15)

      • If the first two objects are of capacity 8 and 6, the 8 would go in bin 1, then the 6 would go into bin 1 too
        (as 8 + 6 = 14 ≤ 15)

  • The algorithm is complete when all objects have been placed in a bin

How do I find the lower bound for the number of bins?

  • The lower bound (LB) for the number of bins required in the first-fit decreasing bin packing problem is the smallest integer that satisfies

 LB greater or equal than fraction numerator Total space capacity space of space all space objects over denominator Size space of space each space bin end fraction

  • As it is a number of bins, the lower bound will be an integer

    • The calculation should always be rounded up to the nearest integer

    • E.g. For a value 3.01, more than 3 bins would be required and so the lower bound will be 4

  • Note that this is exactly the same lower bound as for the first-fit and full-bin packing algorithms

Examiner Tips and Tricks

  • A question may have a previous part that asks you to arrange values into descending order

    • You may be asked to name a suitable algorithm that would sort values in this way

      • Suitable algorithms for this would be 'bubble sort' or 'quick sort'

      • You may be asked to briefly explain these algorithms

Worked Example

A gym worker is tidying up by stacking weights on shelves.  A list of the weights at the gym, given in kilograms, in descending order is stated below.

24,  20,  18,  16,  16,  16,  12,  12,  12,  10,  10,  10,  8,  6,  4

Each shelf has a load capacity of 40 kg.  The lower bound for the number of shelves required to stack all of the weights is 5.

Use the first-fit decreasing bin packing algorithm to stack the weights onto as few shelves as possible, explaining how you know your answer is optimal.

A 'shelf' will be a 'bin'
For the first-fit decreasing bin packing algorithm, assign the weights starting with the heaviest, in descending order
The first weight, 24 kg, will go on the first shelf
(The remaining capacity, in brackets next to each shelf in the working area, is optional)

Shelf 1:







The second weight, 20 kg will not fit on the first shelf so a new shelf is needed

Shelf 1:







Shelf 2:







Shelf 2 has enough capacity to take the next, 18 kg weight

Shelf 1:







Shelf 2:







The first of the 16 kg weights can fill shelf 1

Shelf 1:







Shelf 2:







Thinking ahead we can now see that the lowest weight is 4 kg, but there is only 2 kg of spare capacity in the first two shelves
Therefore we know we can no longer use shelves 1 or 2
The other two 16 kg weights can both go on to shelf 3

Shelf 1:







Shelf 2:







Shelf 3:







A fourth shelf is needed for the three 12 kg weights (leaving 4 kg spare)
So a fifth shelf is needed for the three 10 kg weights (leaving 10 kg spare)
There is then spare capacity on shelves 3, 5 and 4 respectively for the 8 kg, 6 kg and 4 kg weights
Double check your final answer and do not include the spare capacities

Shelf 1:





Shelf 2:





Shelf 3:





Shelf 4:





Shelf 5:





This uses the same number of bins as the lower bound stated in the question

This solution is optimal as the number of bins required is the same as the lower bound given

Other arrangements on 5 shelves may be possible

Full-Bin Packing Algorithm

What is the full-bin packing algorithm?

  • The full-bin packing algorithm identifies combinations of objects that will fill a bin

    • Any objects that cannot be grouped to fill a bin will be packed using the first-fit bin packing algorithm

  • This algorithm finds the number of bins required to pack all the objects

    • Ideally this would be the minimum number of bins required

  • An advantage of the full-bin packing algorithm is that it generates a good solution

    • It will often produce the optimal solution

  • Full-bin combinations are identified by inspection

    • This can be time-consuming for a situation with many objects 

    • It is not suitable for situations where speed is important

How do I apply the full-bin packing algorithm?

  • The list of objects is inspected to identify combinations of objects that fill a bin

    • As many combinations of full-bins as possible from the original list should be identified and placed into bins

      • E.g. For the list of objects: 2, 6, 4, 9, 8, 8, 2, 5, 2 and a bin capacity of 10

      • A possible set of full-bin combinations is: 2 + 8, 6 + 4, 8 + 2

      • The remaining objects are 9, 5 and 2

    • Any remaining objects should be placed into bins using the first-fit bin packing algorithm

      • E.g. for the remaining objects above

      • 9 will be place in the next available bin

      • 5 and 2 will be placed in an additional bin 

  • The algorithm is complete when all objects have been placed in a bin

How do I find the lower bound for the number of bins?

  • The lower bound (LB) for the number of bins required in the full-bin packing problem is the smallest integer that satisfies

 LB greater or equal than fraction numerator Total space capacity space of space all space objects over denominator Size space of space each space bin end fraction

  • As it is a number of bins, the lower bound will be an integer

    • The calculation should always be rounded up to the nearest integer

    • E.g. For a value 3.01, more than 3 bins would be required and so the lower bound will be 4

  • Note that this is exactly the same lower bound as for the first-fit and the first-fit decreasing bin packing algorithms

Examiner Tips and Tricks

  • As this algorithm is mostly done by inspection, be very careful as you find the full-bin combinations

    • Check off each item as it is included in a bin

    • Check that you have the same number of objects in your bins as there are in the original list


Worked Example

A gym worker is tidying up by stacking weights on shelves.  The weights, given in kilograms, are stated below.

12,  16,  18,  8,  16,  12,  10,  4,  6,  10,  12, 16,  20,  10,  24  

Each shelf has a load capacity of 40 kg.

Use the full-bin packing algorithm to find the number of shelves needed to stack all of the weights.

In this case, a 'shelf' will be a 'bin'

In the full-bin packing algorithm, we inspect the original list for combinations equal to the capacity of each bin

Find combinations of weights that add to 40 and place on shelves

Shelf 1:






Shelf 2:






Shelf 3:






Shelf 4:






Sort the remaining objects in the order they appear using the first-fit algorithm

The remaining objects, in order, are 18, 6 and 10

These will all fit in a single bin

Shelf 1:






Shelf 2:






Shelf 3:






Shelf 4:






Shelf 5:






The lower bound is 5 shelves so the solution is optimal
There are other possible 5-shelf solutions using the full-bin algorithm

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Naomi C

Author: Naomi C

Expertise: Maths

Naomi graduated from Durham University in 2007 with a Masters degree in Civil Engineering. She has taught Mathematics in the UK, Malaysia and Switzerland covering GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level and IB. She particularly enjoys applying Mathematics to real life and endeavours to bring creativity to the content she creates.