i) B is a blue solution. When A is added to B, the mixture first turns green and then gradually turns yellow. Give the formula of the cation in B.
ii) When A is added to C, vigorous effervescence occurs and the gas produced turns limewater cloudy.
Identify, by name or formula, the gas produced.
iii) Suggest the identity, by name or formula, of the anion in C.
iv) Identify A by name or formula. Justify your answer.
v) When A is added to D no change is seen.
A small amount of this mixture is added to B and a white precipitate forms.
Suggest what can be deduced about solutions B and D.
Solution B
Solution D
vi) A concentrated solution of ammonia is added to B.
Initially a pale blue precipitate forms. When more ammonia is added, the precipitate dissolves forming a dark blue solution F.
Identify, by name or formula, the pale blue precipitate and the species responsible for the dark blue colour in F.
vii) A solution of the sodium salt of EDTA, Na4EDTA, is added to a sample of solution F. The solution turns pale blue.
Write an equation for the reaction. State symbols are not required.