- A disease is an illness or disorder of the body or mind that leads to poor health
- Each disease is associated with a set of signs and symptoms
- Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens and are transmissible, meaning that they can be spread between individuals within a population
- Pathogens may include certain species of bacteria, some fungi and all viruses
- Note that not all viruses are pathogenic to humans!
- Pathogens may include certain species of bacteria, some fungi and all viruses
- An example of a pathogen is the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis which causes the disease tuberculosis, also known as TB
Transmission of TB
- When infected people with the active form of TB cough or sneeze, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria enter the air in tiny droplets of liquid released from the lungs
- TB is transmitted when uninfected people inhale these droplets
- TB spreads more quickly among people living in overcrowded conditions
- Once inside the lungs, TB bacteria are engulfed by phagocytes
- The bacteria may be able to survive and reproduce while inside phagocytes
- Individuals with a healthy immune system will not develop TB at this stage
- This is known as the primary infection
- Over time the infected phagocytes will become encased in structures called tubercles in the lungs where the bacteria will remain dormant
- It is possible for the bacteria to become activated and overpower the immune system at a later stage, such as during an HIV infection when the immune system is compromised; the person will then develop TB
- This is known as the active phase of TB
- The length of time between infection and developing the disease can vary from a few weeks to a few years
- The first symptoms of TB will include developing a fever, fatigue, coughing and lung inflammation
- If left untreated the bacteria will cause extensive damage to the lungs which can result in death due to respiratory failure
- TB may also spread to other parts of the body where it can lead to organ failure if not treated promptly