Alkalis & Bases (Oxford AQA IGCSE Combined Science Double Award)

Revision Note

Alkalis & Bases

  • On the pH scale, alkalis and bases are above pH 7

  • An alkali is a soluble (can dissolve in water) base

  • Many bases are insoluble in water but the ones that do dissolve in water are called alkalis

  • They thus form an alkaline solution

Examples of Alkalis and Bases



sodium hydroxide

copper oxide


zinc hydroxide

Exam Tip

All alkalis are bases, but not all bases are alkalis!

Neutralisation Reactions

  • Acids react with bases to form salts in a neutralisation reaction

  • When an acid reacts with a base, a neutralisation reaction occurs

    • These reactions are exothermic

  • Examples of alkalis are soluble metal hydroxides such as NaOH and Ca(OH)2

  • In all acid-base neutralisation reactions, salt and water are produced:

acid + base ⟶ salt + water

  • Where the base can be a hydroxide or a metal oxide

acid + hydroxide ⟶ salt + water

acid + metal oxide ⟶ salt + water

  • If the base is a metal carbonate, carbon dioxide is also produced:

acid + carbonate ⟶ salt + water + carbon dioxide

Exam Tip

For a neutralisation reaction to occur, water must be formed. Therefore the reaction between an acid and a metal is not a neutralisation reaction.

If an acid-base reaction effervesces / fizzes, then the base must be a metal carbonate which produces carbon dioxide gas.


  • A solution of calcium hydroxide which is sparingly soluble in water known as limewater

Formation of limewater

Limewater is calcium hydroxide solution
  • Carbon dioxide is bubbled through the solution of limewater to form calcium carbonate

  • The solution turns milky or cloudy as a suspension (precipitate in solution) of calcium carbonate is formed

calcium hydroxide + carbon dioxide → calcium carbonate + water

Ca(OH)2 (aq) + CO2 (g) → CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)

Bubbling carbon dioxide through limewater

Bubbling carbon dioxide through limewater
When carbon dioxide is bubbled through limewater, calcium carbonate and water are formed

Ammonium Salts

  • Ammonia gas, NH3, is an alkali so is soluble in water

  • It will react with acids to form an ammonium salt

    • For example, it will react with hydrogen chloride gas to form fine white solid particles of ammonium chloride

NH3 (g) + HCl (g) ⟶ NH4Cl (s)

  • The ammonium ion has the formula NH4+ and will form salts with negatively charged ions (anions)

A diagram to show the structure of an ammonium ion
The ammonium ion has the formula NH4+
  • All ammonium salts are soluble in water

  • Ammonium salts and nitrates are commonly used as fertilisers

  • Common fertiliser compounds include:

    • Ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3

    • Ammonium phosphate, (NH4)3PO4

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Philippa Platt

Author: Philippa Platt

Philippa has worked as a GCSE and A level chemistry teacher and tutor for over thirteen years. She studied chemistry and sport science at Loughborough University graduating in 2007 having also completed her PGCE in science. Throughout her time as a teacher she was incharge of a boarding house for five years and coached many teams in a variety of sports. When not producing resources with the chemistry team, Philippa enjoys being active outside with her young family and is a very keen gardener