Fission & Fusion (CIE IGCSE Physics: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award))

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Ann H


Ann H



Fission & fusion

Extended tier only

  • The processes of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are the splitting and joining of atoms

Nuclear fission

  • Nuclear fission is defined as:

The splitting of a large, unstable nucleus into two smaller nuclei

  • During fission:
    • A neutron collides with an unstable nucleus
      • The neutron and the nucleus are the reactants
    • The nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei (called daughter nuclei) and two or three neutrons
      • The daughter nuclei and the neutrons are the products of the reaction
    • Gamma rays are also emitted

Nuclear fission process

Nuclear fission, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

A neutron is fired into the target nucleus, causing it to split

Nuclear fission of uranium-235

nuclear-fission, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Large nuclei can decay by fission to produce smaller nuclei and neutrons with a lot of kinetic energy

Nuclear fusion

  • Nuclear fusion is defined as:

When two light nuclei join to form a heavier nucleus

  • Stars use nuclear fusion to produce energy
    • In most stars, hydrogen nuclei (light nuclei) are fused together to form a helium nucleus (heavier nucleus) and massive amounts of energy is produced

Nuclear fusion of hydrogen

nuclear fusion, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Two hydrogen nuclei fuse to form a helium nucleus

  • Nuclear fusion requires extremely high temperature and pressure 
    • So fusion is very hard to reproduce on Earth

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Ann H

Author: Ann H

Ann obtained her Maths and Physics degree from the University of Bath before completing her PGCE in Science and Maths teaching. She spent ten years teaching Maths and Physics to wonderful students from all around the world whilst living in China, Ethiopia and Nepal. Now based in beautiful Devon she is thrilled to be creating awesome Physics resources to make Physics more accessible and understandable for all students no matter their schooling or background.