Images (CIE IGCSE Physics: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award))

Revision Note

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Ann H


Ann H



Characteristics of images

  • An image can be described using the following characteristics which compare it to the object:
    • Enlarged/same size/diminished
    • Upright/inverted
  • An image viewed through a magnifying glass is:
    • Enlarged, bigger than the object
    • Upright, has the same orientation as the object

An image viewed through a magnifying glass


An image viewed through a magnifying glass is enlarged and upright compared to the object

  • An image viewed through an eye, a camera, or a glasses lens is:
    • Diminished, smaller than the object
    • Inverted, upside down compared to the object

An image viewed by the eye


An image viewed by the eye is diminished and inverted compared to the object

Converging lens - real image

Constructing converging ray diagrams

  • The three main rules for constructing ray diagrams are as follows:

1. Rays passing through the principal axis will pass through the optical centre of the lens undeviated




2. Rays that are parallel to the principal axis will be refracted and pass through the focal point f




3. Rays passing through the focal point f will emerge parallel to the principal axis



Drawing converging ray diagrams of real images

  • For an object placed at a distance greater than 2 focal lengths...

A converging lens ray diagram for an object placed further than 2f


  • The image that forms will have the following properties:
The image forms... between f and 2f
The nature of the image is... real
The orientation of the image is... inverted
The size of the image is... diminished



  • For an object placed at a distance equal to 2 focal lengths...

A converging lens ray diagram for an object placed at 2f


  • The image that forms will have the following properties:
The image forms... at 2f
The nature of the image is... real
The orientation of the image is... inverted
The size of the image is... the same



  • For an object placed at a distance between 1 and 2 focal lengths

A converging lens ray diagram for an object placed between f and 2f


  • The image that forms will have the following properties:
The image forms... beyond 2f
The nature of the image is... real
The orientation of the image is... inverted
The size of the image is... magnified

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Worked example

Draw a ray diagram to show how a converging lens can be used to form a diminished image of a real object.

Label the object, image and principal foci of the lens on your diagram.



Step 1: Start by drawing and labelling a principal axis and the lens as a line or a very thin ellipse


Step 2: Mark and label the focal points on each side of the lens


Step 3: Draw and label the object at a distance greater than the focal length on the left side of the lens


  • Tip: For a diminished image the object should be placed a distance of at least 2F away from the lens

Step 4: Draw a ray through the optical centre of the lens 


Step 5: Draw a second ray from the object to the lens which is parallel to the principal axis


Step 6: Draw the continuation of the ray passing through the focal point on the right side of the lens


Step 7: Draw and label the image at the point where the rays meet


Step 8: Check your final image and make sure everything is included to gain the marks


  • For a three-mark question, examiners will be looking for:
    • One ray drawn through the optical centre of the lens
    • A second ray drawn which produces a diminished (smaller) image (which must pass through a labelled focal point)
    • Both the object and the image must be drawn and labelled correctly

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Ann H

Author: Ann H

Ann obtained her Maths and Physics degree from the University of Bath before completing her PGCE in Science and Maths teaching. She spent ten years teaching Maths and Physics to wonderful students from all around the world whilst living in China, Ethiopia and Nepal. Now based in beautiful Devon she is thrilled to be creating awesome Physics resources to make Physics more accessible and understandable for all students no matter their schooling or background.